I would have to catagorise him as a sort of Super-Detective, the key distinction is the definition of "hero". In my opinion one of that charactor's greatest strengths is his versitility. His "super-power" aside from a super bank account, would be his will,determination & adaptability.
While among the J.L.A. of course he's a hero, by association, the JLA regularly commits heroic acts & his participation is thus heroic. His motivations(and methods) however are not quite as heroic. Classicly a hero could be seen as one who commits to a self-less act at personal risk (in that context one could call into question SUPERMAN's heroism simply based on the level of risk an invulnerable being would be taking) on BATMAN's part, the question could be; how much of his actions could be considered selfless?
It's commonly accepted that BATMAN's Detective skills are without equal, surpassing even his JLA collegue The Martian Manhunter who is a superpowered shapeshifting telepath. Speaking of Jonn Jonnz, he's arguably a greater hero than even Superman simply based on the number of times that charactor has been subjected to risk & personal injury. Still the comparison can certainly support a theory of BATMAN being more of a Super-Detective than a Super-Hero.
Now as a job or skill, Detectives are either self-employed/Freelance or ranked among a system as in Police Detective. Again here's where BATMAN's personal motivation pull him out of either catagory & into one of his own. Obviously he is not an offically deputised agent of the City,State or county (except in the 60's TV show), he is his own boss, as well as the "boss" of others. Yet BATMAN holds a work ethic that places his activities much closer to that of a relegion/spiritual calling or a psychosis/obsession. Thus it's also arguable that the term Super-Detective is only applicable in so much as to distinguish him from a Super-Hero.
So Then comes the question of his Motivation. Yes it could be said that BATMAN is a sort of Super-vigilantie operating outside of the "law" to enact his own brand of Justice. Perhaps also the term Super-Crusader may be suitable. Let's see . . .
vig·i·lan·te: n.
One who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one's own hands.
cru·sade: n.
1.often Crusade Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.
2.A holy war undertaken with papal sanction.
3.A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.
It would seem that definition 3 of crusade is of particular interest. (difinitions aquired fromdictionary.com)
So, does BATMAN take action based on:
1) a belief that Law enforcement in Gothom city is inadequate?
Or does he...
2) believe his mission to be a devine calling?
or perhaps...
3) the only means of "honoring" the loss of his parents?
If his motivation is #1, then he is a Super-Vigilante/Detective... this of course would call into question why participate in the JLA? To gain credability? as a preventative measure to continue his campaign?
If his motivation is #2 or #3 then he's a Crusading Super-Detective, or a Super-Detective Crusader, or a Super-Crusader Detective. In this case his membership in the JLA could be seen as a logicial expansion of his personal crusade onto the Global (and beyond) scale.
Jeeeze . . .
next essay...
Who's Kungfu is better, BATMAN or BRUCE LEE's???