i hope i can get some serious answers on this board.
i am from germany and 19 years old an i am going to study philosophy at the university of vienna starting in the summer semester 2013.
however, for many weeks now i have the wish to make my full undergraduate degree in cape town, south africa.
i won't furthermore talk about the details of the motivation behind this idea, but just say, that i want to get more far away and experience something.
the criteria for choosing my university (city) are on the one hand a good education, because i study philosophy because i am interested in it, for me it is not about the career opportunities and on the other hand the whole environment, culturally, socially and visually, because like i said i want to experience something.
why cape town ?
- landscape
- very internationally
- got university
- english speaking
- fees are ok
i am not just talking about this plan, i have already let my certificates get translated and made my toefl with more points than i needed for uct, so i would be ready to apply there next year.
the issue is:
vienna might be an amazing city and is ranked as one of the best if not the best city for quality of life several times in europe or the world. also the university is ranked well for humanities.
however it can not really be described as a place "far away" from germany. furthermore, you often here that people from vienna are very "special" and that some of them may not like german students to come there, which i can understand, because there are really many germans going to vienna i think.
i dont know, if i will like vienna, not only for the people but for everything.
if i wont like living in vienna, i think i will apply to uct next year without a doubt. application process starts april/may each year and studying starts january/february each year, so i would be 20 when starting the undergraduate there.
the issue is that i dont know what i will do when i am going to like the education and living in vienna. because i would also want to go to cape town. thats the difficult decision i am thinking about.
of course, making a semester abroad in cape town would be an option, but i think it is still something different to make a semester abroad there and to live there for some years.
so, what do you think about this topic ? what would you maybe do ? please dont make any suggestions of other universities or so and please dont try do distract me from this idea 
thanks |