I, too, was late to the game. IIRC, I managed to slip in right before the board closed to new members and during the tail-end of The Fetch's total meltdown. Good times! I was warhol superstar for a while before settling in under my current handle.
I don't think I was quite prepared for the intellectual rigor of the board at first, and spent a lot of time lurking so as to acclimate myself. This was the first message board I joined. Seriously. First ever. And I'm so glad for that. This place and it's members set my expectations of what online communication should be: insanely clever, honest (sometimes brutally so), unafraid to challenge and to be challenged, and helpful. It's that last bit that really characterizes what this place meant for me back in the day. As a young man just beginning his explorations into magic, this place and it's members helped me take steps toward a positive, effective practice. And it wasn't just about the magic. I can recall a time or two when I came to the board feeling broken and messed up and you people, most of whom I only knew by screen names, helped me pick up the pieces and continue on. In those times, I know that I didn't feel worthy of the help or the compassion. But I was given both in great quantities, without hesitation, by people who did think me worthy. I can never thank you folks enough for that.
I'll leave it to others to decide whether I gave as good as I got, but I can say with confidence that I do take a certain amount of pride in some of what I was able to share here. I hope my contributions overall were a dash of spice in your life. I hope the help I was able to give made a difference. I hope I made you laugh at least once, on purpose.
I have a Twitter account, but I don't really do anything with it. I mostly post on Google+ these days, and occasionally throw something up on FB. I'll do the big reveal on FB in the TINB thread so y'all can friend me if you want. I noticed a couple names in that thread that I've got to friend, for sure. Message me if you want to find me on G+ or trade email addys or whatever. |