As discussed in the "mix ideas" thread, I'll put together a mix for anyone who'd like to get involved, all you've got to do is think of a song you've got or can get that goes with the theme, this one being:
which is broad, of course. Or is it wide? Anyway, if you can think of a good song along the lines of oceans, seas, boats, mizzen poop swabbing, waves, fish, coral, harpoons, supertankers, seals, skrælings on sealskin boats, vent tubes, tsunamis, whatever— let me know of your interest in thread (but don't say your choices in thread). I'll tell you how to send them to me, and when enough people are involved and have turned in their songs, I'll put them in order and burn discs for everyone, get everyone's mailing address and send out copies. Simple, and free.
From the other thread, I believe that we have, so far:
Neon Snake
clever sobriquet
There's room for more, of course, so anyone interested, feel free to join in. I'm not setting a deadline or date yet, but as soon as I get all the songs, it won't be too long until I send them out. I've still got to think of what song I want to put on it.
I'll bump this on Monday, when more people are about, goofing off at work. |