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Anchor's Aweigh! A New Mix!


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23:05 / 22.08.08
As discussed in the "mix ideas" thread, I'll put together a mix for anyone who'd like to get involved, all you've got to do is think of a song you've got or can get that goes with the theme, this one being:


which is broad, of course. Or is it wide? Anyway, if you can think of a good song along the lines of oceans, seas, boats, mizzen poop swabbing, waves, fish, coral, harpoons, supertankers, seals, skrælings on sealskin boats, vent tubes, tsunamis, whatever— let me know of your interest in thread (but don't say your choices in thread). I'll tell you how to send them to me, and when enough people are involved and have turned in their songs, I'll put them in order and burn discs for everyone, get everyone's mailing address and send out copies. Simple, and free.
From the other thread, I believe that we have, so far:
Neon Snake
clever sobriquet

There's room for more, of course, so anyone interested, feel free to join in. I'm not setting a deadline or date yet, but as soon as I get all the songs, it won't be too long until I send them out. I've still got to think of what song I want to put on it.
I'll bump this on Monday, when more people are about, goofing off at work.
07:40 / 23.08.08
As usual, I'm in if there's room, but will defer to newcomers if necesarry.
17:45 / 23.08.08
23:16 / 24.08.08
Yeah, I'm in if there's room.
museum in time, tiger in space
07:58 / 25.08.08
I'd love to get in on this if there's room, although of course I'll defer to people with a few more posts under their belts.
Neon Snake
08:53 / 25.08.08
Just confirming my general in-ness.
Eek! A Freek!
11:13 / 25.08.08
I'm in...
13:29 / 25.08.08
palace, iamus, and museum, welcome aboard! Or, since that kind of joke will get stale fast, "you're in." We now have:

Neon Snake
clever sobriquet
palace politics

and there's still room, so I'll go to the pager.
14:31 / 25.08.08
I´d like to charter this mix too, please.
Jack Fear
16:51 / 25.08.08
Sure, why not?
Essential Dazzler
17:59 / 25.08.08
I'll have a go if there's room.
20:39 / 25.08.08
Blue Eyes Not Innocent
22:10 / 25.08.08
If there's room, I'd be down for this.
22:31 / 25.08.08
Done, done, done, grant I can't see your picture, and done.
22:48 / 25.08.08
To recapitulate:
Neon Snake
clever sobriquet
palace politics
Jack Fear
Essential Dazzler
and ol'
Blue Eyes

That makes 14, which gives everyone over 5 1/2 minutes each for a song, and I'm sure there's going to be more 3 1/2 minute songs than 7 minute ones.
So, the usual drill: when you all have your choices, let me know in a PM, and I'll tell you how to get them to me. If anyone else would still like to be involved, after I get the songs of those already in and find out that we still have room, I'll definitely let you know.
That said, no one worry about song lengths, choose the song that you want and let me worry about the rest.
17:17 / 26.08.08
I'm in! I just discovered the most killer pirate band a couple of weeks ago, can't wait to share.
01:21 / 27.08.08
Will this work?

01:36 / 27.08.08
That will work if you want to tie down a sail. It is not a song, however.


is it?
12:47 / 27.08.08
You mean you haven't heard The Buntline Hitch's killer debut album Shanties for the Drowning?

Man, you're missing out.
20:37 / 27.08.08

is it?

No, it's knot.
00:04 / 28.08.08
That's horrible. It reminds me of the old joke, a piece of string hops into a bar, gets up on a stool and says to the bartender, "Barkeep, get me a beer"
Bartender says, "sorry, we don't serve string in here."
So the string hops back outside into an alley by the bar, rolls around on the ground, tangling and scuffing itself up, then rolls back in to the bar and back up on the stool.
"Get me a beer"
The bartender looks, and says, "Aren't you that string that came in here a few minutes ago?"
"No, I'm a frayed knot."

Terrible, terrible. But, one of the few "walks into a bar" jokes that you can tell a kid, though they may wonder why anyone wouldn't serve someone.

How is this thread degenerating into puns and jokes? I'm rotting my own thread.

Father Mirror, it's most likely that there will be plenty of room for you and maybe more. I will let you know as I do.
12:16 / 30.08.08
(I didn't just rot the thread with that last joke, I killed it.)
So, I've received six songs so far; I'm still not setting any kind of strict deadline yet, but maybe everyone could try to get their songs to me sometime in the next week or so, and you could all have a disc sometime within three weeks.
09:19 / 05.09.08
I've received ten songs so far, so just a few more to go. I'll start nudging soon to get it done. Also, if anyone else has a song they'd like to put on, there's still some room— just let me know.
18:49 / 05.09.08
ah, why not...I'm in if there's space.
00:11 / 10.09.08
Okay, I'm waiting on two stragglers at this point. Hopefully I can get them in the next couple of days and mix and burn this weekend.

12:44 / 10.09.08

22:04 / 15.09.08
Well, one person never responded to me, so I guess they're out. Everyone else, PM me an address at your leisure. I'm going to start mixing as I've got time, but I can't this weekend because I've got to go visit my brother-in-law before he ships out again to someplace he can't say, either Iraq or Afghanistan, doubtless, and with his job nowhere safe. But within two weeks, they'll be ready to go.
11:47 / 16.09.08
If he is literally shipping on a ship, then he should definitely get a CD.
00:03 / 17.09.08
Yeah, no. They're going to stick him on a huge cargo plane and fly him right to the theater. That sounds nicer, doesn't it? They're taking him to the theater! Fucks sake, it sucks. He got injured last time, I hope he doesn't get killed this time. He does some fucked-up shit.
On a lighter note, when this is done, I'll post a link to yousendit or something with the whole shebang, and I've got so many other tracks I'm going to post a bonus album. If anyone else want to throw a couple more on the fire, send them on!
Thanks everyone for participating, I hope you like it.
09:43 / 26.09.08
A reminder that I still need addresses for some of you, I'm burning this weekend and will be ready to mail them soon after.
17:56 / 12.10.08
I've not flaked out, last weekend I burned all of the discs and made the covers and had them all ready to go out on Monday. I stuck one into my car stereo to check it, and found that it had burn defects on one song. I put another in, and it had them on another song. A few others had no problems at all. I was out of town most of the week so I've not been able to deal with it until this weekend.
Some of them sound bad in the car, some don't. When I try them on the computer, they all work fine. I've read that there are sometimes problems with media/burner compatibility, but I've used these together before with no problem. It could be the speed I burned them at? I'm not sure what to do, because they may well work fine for any of you on your players or computers, but I can't be sure. I hate the idea of burning them all over again and it being the same. Unless any of you have any advice or opinions, I'll try them out on another player and see what happens, if they seem okay I'll mail them on.
Eek! A Freek!
11:28 / 15.10.08
Hey Tsuga,

Sux if there's problems, but maybe it's just the CD player in your car (Especially if the problem seems intermittent). If they are completely pooched, I say just post a link like you did the last time, and maybe you can just email the artwork.

I really admire and appreciate all your effort in doing all of this, but like you said, if all the burns are messed up, it would be a waste to burn again and have the same thing happen because a file is corrupt.

Blue Eyes Not Innocent
23:34 / 20.10.08
Pretty much just "what freektemple said". If they're messed up, it would suck to burn a second set just to have them turn out the same way, so maybe an upload with the artwork and liner notes being emailed might be a good alternative?
00:18 / 21.10.08
whoops, missed this. They're re-burned, packaged, and being sent out as soon as I have time to hit the PO.
23:59 / 26.10.08
mix has reached the west coast of the us! totally excited! thanks!

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