I admit ignorance in UK political affairs, but I need to ask: Is democracy in general real or illusion?
In the US you seem to have only the choice between X & Y, which, if you believe the official party lines are polar opposites. You either vote for an entire set of principals or you vote for another. Usually one party is checked by another and things proceed as though there was a plan set in place from the start. (This is an outsider's view looking in: Please call me on my BS)
Here in Canada, we have more choice on paper, but are still basically a two party system. A bit more social-liberal than the US, but not by much and less and less each day. Canadian pride of "not being American" is crumbling fast.
The thing is, in either country, whoever gets in power seems to be so indebeted to others: Lobbyists, Corporate interests, Church and/or Parents groups, etc... that their prime mandate is merely upholding the status quo.
We have also seen the west screeming for "Democracy" across the board, but when countries democratically elect someone like Hugo Chavez, or a party like Hammas, countries from the west become upset and say "No! No! No! You have to vote for the other guys!". In the past the US would have claimed that Chavez or Hammas had fixed their elections, but have kept their mouths shut the past eight years out of fear of having the microscope turned on them. (Again an outsider's view...)
There are rumours amongst the conspiracy crowd of King-Makers: Names like Bilderberg* and New World Order and International Banking. (Everyone knows that a lot of conspiracy talk, especially the "Int. Bankers", are euphemisms for A Jewish Plot: These theories are born of fear, ignorance and racism and polute genuine "conspiracy" concerns. In the early 1900's the Russian Aristocracy flooded the conspiracy theorists (Well, everyone...) with copies of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to keep people too occupied to pay any attention to them, and this bullshit propaganda has been embraced as canon for many.)
The thing is, that despite the distractions and disinformation, groups like the Bilderbergs* do exist and seem to have a big role in western politics. It has been doccumented that Thatcher, Reagan, Bush (Sr. & Jr.)and Harper (To name a few over time) have all had meetings with the Bilderbergs* a year or two before becoming elected (Correct me if I'm wrong and in the meantime I'll try dig up the articles and books I've gotten this from.) Apparently both Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama met with them this past June.
So if there is barely any discernable difference in the political parties, and the leaders appear to be pre-selected (At worst) or taught to toe a given line (At best, it seems) then does democracy truly even exist? Or is it true that "Empire never Ends" and that we are heading towards living again in a feudal society with new words replacing "Serfs" and "Lords", and we're under the illusion that we even have the freedom to choose?
(I apologise for taking the reactionary-paranoid high-road, but I am using this extreme example to illustrate my central question concerning democracy as a responce to Buk's question. While my post illustrates some of my fears, I do believe that we are lucky to have the freedom to ask such questions and debate such issues.)
*For those who don't know, the Bilderbergs are a group of various Royalty, Corporate, Banking, and Media leaders who get together once a year to discuss world economy matters. They take their name from Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands, the site of their first meeting in the 50's. The name sounds vaguely Jewish and has helped feed the ignorance and fears of the anti-Jewish/International Banker-obsessed subset of the conspiracy crowd who cite the name as "Proof" that Jews are trying to take over the world. |