Both your reading comprehension skills and your knowledge of American foreign policy in the 1990s are woefully lacking.
No, they're not. Firstly, you've taken one comment out of the Carlin interview completely out of context and attacked it out of proportion to the comment made, so it's your reading comprehensions skills that are embarrassing you. Carlin explains in the interview that he fundamentally disagrees with the idea that we can fix the issues in Western society ("if you believe there's a solution, you're part of the problem"), and basically that he's "contemptuous of" society:-
"Well, they say, "If you scratch a cynic, underneath you'll find a disappointed idealist." So I would imagine there's some little flame, however weak, that still burns, but I know time is against my seeing that. I think this world would need a long time, maybe a thousand years, to evolve to what may be a golden age, and in the meantime, there are all these very small, parochial struggles between peoples of different language and color and arbitrary political and national boundaries. And my understanding of it is that there is no hope, because I think we're locked in by commerce. The whole idea of the pursuit of goods and possessions has completely corrupted the human experience, along with religion, which I think limits the intellect. So with those two things in place as firmly as they are, I don't see any hope for getting around them short of some sort of interesting cataclysm. So I root for a cataclysm, for its own sake, just as entertainment. I don't even care if it has a good result. We're circling the drain, and I just like seeing the circles get faster and shorter all the time."
There's a whole host of things you can attack in that, but I wouldn't consider it a valuable use of your time. It's probable he's not being entirely serious, or is being interviewed in character, much like a WWE wrestler would have been a few years ago.
Secondly, My Mom Thinks I'm Cool was speculating on what Carlin might have meant by his remarks, and doing a better job with it than you, given that ze appears to have read the entire interview and not skimmed to the bit that mentioned Bush and voting. Ze used words like "might" and "seemed like". Speculative words. So taking hir to task over hir knowledge of American foreign policy in the '90s when ze didn't even provide a perspective on that is trollish.
Thirdly, you really are a rude little dick sometimes, aren't you? |