I can top that one: Girl with valleygirl accent "Hi." (Love that, just Hi. Just... Hi.) I look at her and am about to ask how I may help when she interupts my intake of breath and says "I'm looking for a book." Okaaay. My response "That's good then, you're in the right place." Blank look. I try again, "What book were you looking for?" Realization dawns, "Oh! It's like this book that my friend was reading, it's pink with this picture of a guy and girl on the front Ok?" You know where this is going right? "Do you know what it's called?" "No, but it's about this girl and guy who fall in love and then something happens and they can't, like, be together, but then it works out ok and they're together again." I'm thinking if you know how it ends... Regardless I brighten and say "Oh yes, that book, it's on the wall over there." Point to the entire Romance section. She toddles off and then, get this, comes back 5 minutes later. "Got it! Thanks, this is so amazing! I love this book!" Big high squeak on ah-MAZ-ing! and love.
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