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Mysterious Transfer Student
23:56 / 13.12.08
[+] [-] When you see it...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
03:43 / 15.12.08
That's nice, dear. I hate to moralf. on your parade but do you think we could maybe do the meme thing without the casual racism thing? And if your point was "haha u reproduced a meme from an environment where casual racism is very common," you could've done so without actually, y'know, perpetuating same.

inb4 one quarter random minority, majoring in humanities, own a Bob Marley CD etc.
Mysterious Transfer Student
05:31 / 15.12.08
I apologise if I've offended anyone with this - the surprise element of the face trumped the racial aspect in my addled mind. I'll disable the link.
Liger Null
12:59 / 18.12.08
Ooooh. That's that haunted one!

The same.

Supposedly the original artist was very surprised that the picture had gained such an unsavory reputation. I've seen some of his more recent work and it's pretty good.

That one's still creepy as hell though.

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