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Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:43 / 01.05.08
Out there, in those poorly-lit and ill-favoured parts of the internet where good 'Lithers fear to tread, there is a substance known as copypasta. This inedible substance usually takes the form of short yet desperately repulsive anecdotes, cut and pasted from one location to the next, to create a strong emotional response. Usually this response is one of anger or disgust. Fuck knows why they bother when we've got the Daily Mail.

However, there exists a variant known as creepypasta, consisting of eerie little yarns meant to create unease in the reader. This category is further subdivided into genres such as the Holders series and SCP (special containment procedures).

Here are some examples (found on the net, not written by me, blah blah disclaimercakes):

--General creepypasta--

"Daddy, I had a bad dream."
You blink your eyes and pull up on your elbows. Your clock glows red in the darkness—it's 3:23.
"Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?"
"No, Daddy."
The oddness of the situation wakes you up more fully. You can barely make out your daughter's pale form in the darkness of your room. "Why not, sweetie?"
"Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy's skin sat up."
For a moment, you feel paralyzed; you can't take your eyes off of your daughter. Then the covers behind you begin to shift…

--Holders series (WARNING: this is reputed to have become irredeemably fail. Approach with caution.)--

Holder of Absolution

Any time after midnight, visit any abandoned Church in any country. Do not try this is in a Church occupied by a servant of God. Once there, kneel at the altar and repeat these words: "Show me the Holder of Absolution."

The tabernacle will flare a bright-red, but do not look at it. Instead keep your head bowed and stay on your knees. After a short while, a great booming voice will reverberate through the building as it calls out your each and every sin, trespass, misdeed, crime and transgression. For some, this may take a while. Once voice is done, it will say "Stand, but know that the way of the liar is blind." At this point you must pick up the chalice on the altar and walk to the fountain. As you walk be careful NOT to open your eyes. If you do, you will be forever unable to distinguish fact from fiction. Darkness you will perceive as light, day as night. You will become mad from trying and, convinced your life is a lie, you will end it yourself, alone and afraid.

Dip the chalice into the waters of the font and drink from it, making sure you finish the water. You will feel refreshed and free of guilt.

Eyes still tightly shut, take the chalice and walk slowly toward the door and leave. Upon returning to your life you will find your altercations forgiven, your enemies befriended and your sins forgotten. You will also find that any persons wishing to incriminate you find it exceedingly difficult to do so.

If you lose the chalice you will be unable to resist confessing your every mistake and error.

The Chalice is Object 332 of 538. If they come together, you will be held responsible.

--SCP (Special Containment Procedures)--

Taken from elsewhere on the web, here are some rules for SCP creation.

SCP creepypasta is created in three steps:

1. Find creepy picture

2. Imagine what horrible things it could do to the world

3. Outline procedure to keep it contained.

Here is an example:

Item #: SCP-116

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-116 is kept in a 16 by 16 meter cell, constructed of Kevlar, with 1 meter porous rubber padding on all surfaces. No personnel are to enter cell without proper briefing and threat-reduction measures (see Appendix III). Cell is to be monitored at all times by 6 agents, 4 stationed at corner points of cell and 2 stationed with SCP-116. No pointed objects, or intrusive testing equipment of any kind are to be placed in the possession of the agents within the cell. Outside monitoring is achieved using VBS05 class concealed button cameras stationed at high corners in the cell. Outside monitoring is to be carried out by a further 2 agents. If suspicious activity begins, initialize Achilles procedure ∆. All monitoring agents, internal or external, are to undergo bi-monthly IQ tests as well as standard weekly psychiatric analysis. Significant drops in the IQ of agents (≥ 5 pts.) is to be regarded as prolonged exposure and to be treated as outlined in standard Quarantine instructions.

Subject Description: SCP-116 has the outward appearance of a Caucasian male of around 9 years of age. Skin is cauterized and scarred over 98% of body, limbs and head. 116’s bone structure is drastically different from standard Homo Sapien bone layout, and all bones are dangerously brittle. The most distinguishing difference between the human body and that of SCP-116 is the non-existence of joints in the latter. 116 is entirely capable of independent movement, but to do so would cause multiple shattering breaks to all bones affected by said movement. To combat this, 116 shows remarkable self healing, and over a period of minutes can completely regenerate its rigid bone placement. 116 has shown some language skill since acquisition, however the only language it speaks is a disrupted and broken version of English in which every word has been replaced with an almost entirely unconnected one. Prolonged attempts to make sense of 116’s speech have resulted in some long term mental degradation in researchers. There seems to be no pattern to the word replacement, and attempts continue to translate it. Research suggests that 116 may be capable of low level telepathy, which deteriorates the victim’s brain functions over a long period of time.

MASSIVE POWER ISSUES: We got some rules around here.

Rule 1: Do not mention the name of the internet hellhole(s) from whence creepypasta came. They... don't like to be watched. Everything you read came from elsewhere.

Rule 1b: Posting stuff and saying "I found this on [place covered by Rule 1]" is trolling.

Rule 2: All Creepypasta is the work of Anonymous. Therefore everything you post here was found on the net, and will be lost again. It is not yours. Sign it with "--Anon" and better yet, tell us where you read it. Be specific, be engaging, be win. And be observant of rule 1b.
Blue Eyes Not Innocent
11:45 / 02.05.08
No Mordant, YOU are the demons.

Sorry, just couldn't resist. And now to avoid the threadrot, I'll actually post one that I like.

A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed. The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red.

At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, "Did you look through the keyhole?" The man told her that he had and she said, "Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red."
13:21 / 03.05.08
I love the Holders ones. They remind me of Thomas Ligotti for some reason.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
06:58 / 04.05.08
'The Holder of the End

In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house that you can get yourself into. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself "The Holder of the End". Should a look of child-like fear come over the person's face, you will then be taken to a cell. It will be in a deep, hidden section of the building.As you walk, all you will hear is the sound of someone talking to themselves echoing through the halls. It is in a language that you will not understand, but your very soul will feel unspeakable fear.

Should the talking stop at any time, STOP and QUICKLY say aloud "I'm just passing through; I wish to talk." If you still hear silence, flee. Leave, do not stop for anything, do not go home, don't stay at an inn, just keep moving, sleep where your body drops. You will know in the morning if you've escaped.

If the voice in the hall comes back after you utter those words, continue on. Upon reaching the cell, all you will see is a windowless room with a person in the corner, speaking an unknown language, and cradling something. The person will only respond to one question. "What happens when they all come together?"

The person will then stare into your eyes and answer your question in horrifying detail. Many go mad in that very cell, some disappear soon after the meeting, a few end their lives. But most do the worst thing, and look upon the object in the person's hands. You will want to as well. Be warned that if you do, your death will be one of cruelty and unrelenting horror.

Your death will be in that room, by that person's hands.

That object is 1 of 2538. They must never come together. Never.'
All Acting Regiment
15:19 / 04.05.08
I got sent this one once:

'You may have heard that there can be found dozens of old millitary bunkers in the English countryside, underground telephone exchanges, bombs shelters and so on.

Well, there is one such installation called The Lofting Tower (sp). It is off one of the coasts, it rises up about six storeys above sea level and is accesible only at the lowest tide and not easily even then.

A friend was walking along the coast and happened to look out at the tower; thinking it was abandoned he was surprised to see two figures moving about on the highest level. He strained his eyes to look but could not see them.

The next day he appeared at the same time with a pair of binoculars, and waited for them to re-appear, but they didn't. He ate his sandwhiches and was about to go home but he took one last look at the tower. He tracked along the top (concrete, moss, rust) and then looked in through a bare window.

Sees: a blue woman and a red man ripping apart and crying.'
22:50 / 04.05.08
Lama glama
14:07 / 05.05.08
Here's a sort of eerie, sort of funny one that I found.

I am a zombie, and it's not so bad. I'm learning to live with it. I'm sorry I can't properly introduce myself, but I don't have a name anymore. Hardly any of us do. We forget them, like anniversaries and PIN numbers. I think mine might have started with a "T", but I'm not sure. It's funny, because back when I was alive, I was always forgetting other people's names. I am finding that irony abounds in the zombie life, an ever-present punch line. But it's hard to smile when your lips have rotted off.

Before I became a zombie, I think I was a businessman or young professional of some kind. I think I worked in one of those stifling office jobs in a highrise somewhere. The clothes clinging to the remains of my body are high-quality business-casual. Fine gabardine slacks, silvery silk shirt, red Armani power tie. I would probably look pretty sharp if my intestines weren't dragging at my feet. Ha.

We like to joke and speculate about our remaining outfits, since these final fashion choices are usually the only indication of who we were before we became no-one. Some people's are less obvious than mine. Jeans and a white t-shirt. Skirt and a tank-top. So we make random guesses.

You were a plumber. You were a barista. Ring any bells?

It usually doesn't.
No one I know has any specific memories. We recognize some things — buildings, cars, Armani ties — but context eludes us. We are here, we do what we do. We lack excellent diction, but we can communicate. We grunt and groan, we make hand gestures, and sometimes a few words slip out. It's not that different from before.
Lama glama
14:09 / 05.05.08
And a brief one:

After positioning the camera to include both her and her kitchen stove in the image, the tape then showed her turning on the oven, opening the door, crawling inside, and then closing the door behind her. Eight minutes into the video, the oven could be seen shaking violently, after which point thick black smoke could be seen emanating from it...the woman on the tape did not in any way resemble the body of the woman found in the oven.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:22 / 05.05.08

There are a few hundred of us living in a wide plain of dust outside some large city. We don't need shelter or warmth, obviously. We stand around in the dust, and time passes. I think we've been here for a long time. Despite my dragging entrails, I am in decay's early stages, but there are a few elderly ones here who are little more than skeletons with clinging bits of muscle. Somehow, it still extends and contracts, and they keep moving. I have never seen any of us "die" of old age. Maybe we live forever, I don't know. I don't think much about the future anymore. That's something that's very different from before. When I was alive, the future was all I thought about. Obsessed about. Death has relaxed me.

But it makes me sad that we've forgotten our names. Out of everything, this seems to me the most tragic. I don't miss my own, but I mourn for everyone else's, because I want to love them, but I don't know who they are.

Today a group of us are going into town to find some food. How this expedition begins is one of us gets hungry and starts shuffling toward town, and a few others follow him. Focused thought is a rare occurrence with us, and we follow it when we see it. Otherwise we would just be standing around groaning. We do a lot of standing around groaning, and it's frustrating sometimes. Years pass this way. The flesh withers on our bones, and we stand around, waiting for it. I am curious how old I might be.

The city where the people live is not that far. We arrive around noon and start looking for living flesh. The new kind of hunger is a strange feeling. You don't feel it in your stomach - of course not, since some of us don't even have stomachs. You feel it just...everywhere. You start to feel "more dead". I've watched some of my friends go back to being full-dead, when food is scarce. They just slow down, and stop, and become corpses again. I don't really understand it.

I guess the world has mostly ended, because the cities we wander through are decaying as fast as we are. Buildings are collapsed. Dead, rusted cars fill the streets. All glass everywhere is shattered. I don't know if there was a war, or a plague, or if it was just us. Maybe it was all three. I don't know. I don't think about things like that anymore.

In a cluster of broken down apartment buildings we find some people, and we eat them. Some of them have weapons, and as usual we lose some of our number, but we don't care. Why would we care? What's death, now?

Eating is not a pleasant business. I chew off a man's arm, and I hate this, it's disgusting. I hate his screams, because I don't like pain, I don't like to hurt things, but this is the world now, this is what we do. Of course, if I don't eat all of him, if I leave enough, he'll rise up and follow me back to our dusty field outside the city, and that might make me feel better. I'll introduce him to everyone, and maybe we'll stand around and groan for a while. It's hard to say what "friends" are anymore, but maybe that's close. If I don't eat all of him, if I leave enough...

But of course I don't leave enough. I eat his brain, because that's the good part. That's the part that, when I swallow it, makes my head light up with feelings. Clear memories. For about three to ten seconds, depending on the person, I get to feel alive. I get traces of delicious meals, beautiful music, perfume, orgasms, sunsets, life. Then it fades, and I get up and stumble out of the city, still dead, but feeling a little less so. Feeling ok.

I don't know why we have to eat people. I don't understand what chewing off a man's neck accomplishes. We certainly don't digest the meat and absorb the nutrients. My stomach is a rotted bag of dried bile, useless. We don't digest, we just eat until the weight forces it out our ass holes, and then we eat more. It feels so useless, and yet it keeps us walking. I don't know why. None of us really understand why we are the way we are. We don't know if we're the result of some strange global infection, or some ancient curse, or something even more senseless. We don't talk about it much. Existential debate is not a major part of zombie life. We are here, and we do things. We are simple. It's nice sometimes.

Outside the city again, back with the others in the dust field, I start walking in a circle for no reason. I plant one foot in the dirt and pivot on it, around and around, kicking up clouds of dust. Before, when I was alive, I could never have done this. I remember stress. I remember bills and deadlines, Asset Retention Reports. I remember being so occupied, so always everywhere all the time occupied. Now I'm just standing in a wide-open field of dust, walking in a circle. The world has been distilled. Being dead is easy.

After a few days of this, I stop walking, and I stand still, swaying back and forth and groaning a little. I don't know why I groan. I'm not in pain, and I'm not sad. I think it's just air being squeezed in and out of my lungs. When my lungs decompose, it will probably stop. And now, while swaying and groaning, I notice a dead woman standing a few feet away from me, facing the distant mountains. She doesn't sway or groan, her head just lolls from side to side. I like that about her, that she doesn't sway or groan. I walk over and stand beside her. I wheeze some kind of greeting, and she responds with a lurch of her shoulder.

I like her. I reach out and touch her hair. She has not been dead very long. Her skin is grey and her eyes slightly sunken, but she has no exposed bones or organs. Her death outfit is a black skirt and a snug white button-up. I suspect she used to be a waitress.

Pinned to her chest is a silver nametag.

I can read her name. She has a name.

Her name is Emily.

I point to her chest. Slowly, with great effort, I say, "Em..ily." The word rolls off what's left of my tongue like honey. What a good name. I feel warm saying it.

Emily's cloudy eyes widen at the sound, and she smiles. I also smile, and then maybe I'm a little nervous, because my tibia snaps, and I fall backwards into the dust. Emily just laughs, and it's a choked, raw, lovely sound. She reaches down and helps me to my feet.

Emily and I have fallen in love.

I'm not sure how this happens. I remember what love was like before, and this is different. This is simpler. Before, there were complex emotional and biological factors at work. We had long checklists and elaborate tests to be passed. We looked at hairstyles and careers and breast sizes. And sex was there, in everything, confusing everyone, like hunger. It created longing, it created ambition, competition, it drove people to leave their houses and invent automobiles, space craft, and atom bombs when they could instead just sit on the couch until they died. Animal cravings. Subconscious urges. Sex made the world go ‘round.

This is all gone now. Sex, once a force as universal as gravity, is now irrelevant. Ambition and longing have left the equation. My penis fell off two weeks ago.

So the equation is deleted, the blackboard erased, and things are different now. Our actions have no ulterior motives. We shuffle around in the dust and occasionally have lumbering, grunted exchanges with our peers. No one argues. There are no fights, ever.

And Emily is not a complicated process. I just see her, and walk over to her, and for no reason, really, I decide I want to be with her for a long time. So now we shuffle around in the dust together instead of alone. For whatever reason, we enjoy each other's company. When we have to go into town to eat people, we do it at separate times, because it's unpleasant, and we don't want to share that. But we share everything else, and it's nice.

We decide to walk to the mountains. It takes us three days, but now we are standing on a cliff looking up at a fat white moon. At our backs, the night sky is red from distant cities burning, but we don't care about that. I clumsily grab Emily's hand, and we stare at the moon.

There's no real reason for any of this, but like I said, the world has been distilled. Love has been distilled. Everything is easy now. Yesterday my leg broke off, and I don't even mind.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:04 / 05.05.08
Ooh, just found a good one:

I just got done playing one of the most HORRIFIC video games ever.

You aren't given any sort of back story to this game at all. As soon as you press play it throws you right into the game. However, I was able to piece together what the story basically is through finally beating this little brick shitter. Apparently you're a mad man, We're never given the name but you can guess at what is if you pay attention to the title screen. For some reason you escaped from what ever mental hospital room you were hiding in. Now, the very horrid state of your mind has transformed the halls of the hospital into nothing but a pitch black maze with the only light being the walls, which glow a deathly blue.

You're character is apparently some type of mad cannibal that you can barely control. You can force him to turn corners in the creepy hallway but not much else can be done. Your character seems to grab anything and try to eat it, whatever is in front of him he throws it into his mouth and munches it down.

While playing the game you're being chased by four hideous phantoms. You cannot hurt them at all, and to come even close to one is an instant death in which the ghost latches onto you and rips you inside out, all while you hear the horrible deathening noise of your body being torn.

You can however, eat these odd objects hidden in the maze. After which your character goes into an even more unstable state. You can literally eat the ghosts. Your character runs right up to them and devours them, only leaving their eyes.

There aren't many word words to describe how horrific and terrifying this game is, and I don't want to spoil the surprises for you.
Lama glama
14:06 / 06.05.08
00:21 / 07.05.08

Keep 'em coming! I promise I'll add some, but so far I'm loving reading them... the fun is in not knowing them already!
01:53 / 07.05.08

[this was actually the image the inspired me to start a /b/ folder on my desktop]
15:21 / 07.05.08
And how could I forget....

15:48 / 07.05.08
electric monk
18:14 / 11.05.08
This thread explains so much! I found the following written on fading notebook paper in my attic about two years ago. I've always wondered what it was...

The Holders of Agonizing Instruction

In a certain city in a certain part of the world, there is to be found an abandoned church. You will know it when you see it. Go into the church and find The Crying Room. This is the room where parents once took their fussy babies and misbehaving children so they wouldn't disturb the other parishioners. When you find it, go thru the door, walk straight to one of the couches and sit down. Look neither left nor right, only straight ahead. Take a deep breath and look at the carpeting. It will be a dark blue of the textured plush variety with muted green and brown deckling. It will also be stained by vomitus and spilt milk, but try not to pay attention to the stains. Focus your attention on the random detailing and wait. Remain silent. After twenty minutes, faces will begin to coalesce from the random details of the carpet. These are the Holders of Agonizing Instruction.

Take another deep breath when you notice the transformation, and continue breathing in a slow and easy fashion. When another twenty minutes have passed, you will see the mouths of the faces begin to move, and the expressions on the faces will change. Some will look at you. Do not lose your attentive focus when this happens. Tell yourself that this is due to the phenomena known as matrixing. It will be a lie, but it will help you ride out what is to come. When your breathing is reliably calm and even, you will begin to hear the voices of the Holders. At first, it will be a cacophany. Try your best to pick out one voice in the din and listen closely to it. It will be striking a bargain with you, and there is no way for you to refuse to accept it's terms. All that is left for you is an understanding of what you have already gotten yourself in to.

If you have been found worthy, the task set before you will strain at the edges of possibility. You will have been given the task of, and instruction in, retrieval of all Objects known to exist as well as methods for dispatching the current owners of the Objects. Should you fail to retrieve any object and bring it at once to The Crying Room, your death will come swiftly. Remember, you have made a pact with the Holders of Agonizing Instruction and they will not be thwarted. They hold not only the knowledge necessary to possess all Objects in existence, but also the room where all the Objects will be gathered to begin That Which Has Been Foretold.

Do not falter in your task. And do not think, once bound by oath to your task, that there is any way to escape your newfound destiny. To refuse the terms of the Holders of Agonizing Information is to drawn Death to one's self. Cross them and they will send forth the Tigers of Regret, who manifest themselves in any tiling that happens to be in the vicinity of their target. Once you notice their distinctive shape in a 3x3 grid of any sort, it is already too late.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
14:36 / 17.05.08
I'd had the old watch for a while now, but it was only recently that it'd been starting to bug me. It was mechanical, no battery, but no windup either - somehow the motion of your arm when you walked around was supposed to keep the internal springs wound. Very clever what they can build, these days. You keep seeing new things all over the place.

During the day, I wore it like you wear a watch. At night I kept it on the table next to my bed. Without it I was worthless - I'd never be on time to anything. I'd gone for at least a year without letting it get out of arm's reach. The idea of forgetting it somewhere was pretty scary.

But lately...lately it seemed to be getting louder. Sometimes it even seemed to be getting slower, didn't it? The ticks sounded farther apart. But it kept perfect time, I never had to adjust it. I kept checking it, shaking it, trying to figure out what had changed. I brought it to a clockwork repair shop, but the guys couldn't find anything wrong with it. They said it didn't sound all that loud.

It's loud, though. Sometimes I'll be doing something, in a meeting at work, writing something, reading a book, and I'll realize I've been sitting there for like five minutes - well, who knows how long, really? - listening to it. Tick. Tick. Tick. It's embarrassing. I'm always looking around, apologizing to everyone else for how loud it is. They always say it's nothing, they can't hear it, but I'm afraid they're just being polite. Last week I realized my girlfriend was waiting for me to answer some question - I had no idea what she'd been talking about. All I could hear was Tick, Tick, Tick.

The last two nights, it woke me up out of a sound sleep. I tried moving it farther away from the bed but somehow it still seemed too loud. You know how that happens, you get up and fix something that's noisy, a leaky faucet or whatever, and just when you think you're going to fall asleep, you hear it again? Your ears keep adjusting. I put it in the other room and closed the door but then just tossed and turned, terrified that I wouldn't wake up on time, and finally went and got it again. It seemed like I could still hear it anyway, almost like an echo - like I've been listening to it for so long, my mind kept making the noise.

Today I went to the store to get a new watch. Something quiet and digital. Obvious answer, right? People kept asking me if I was okay. I guess it's clear I haven't been sleeping well - I'm pretty pale and sweaty, bloodshot eyes. I sat in front of the display case for a long time - I don't know how long. I just couldn't make up my mind. Every time I tried to figure out what features I want or how much money I wanted to spend, I'd realize I'd just been sitting there, staring at nothing, listening to the watch. I swear I can hear it bouncing around inside my head. The clerk was trying to ask me something but I just couldn't concentrate - I could barely hear what he was saying. The watch was so damned loud...I'm sure he was asking me what's wrong with it. God, if only I could sleep right...somehow I found myself back home without a new watch.

I kind of broke down, then, a little. All I'd had to do was buy a new one, but now I was stuck with this fucking watch for another night! Damn it, how'd I screw that up? Sure, I'm tired as hell, but all I had to do was buy a damn watch. This whole pain in the ass would have been over with.

Okay, it doesn't seem like this is a big deal. It shouldn't be, right? It's just a noisy watch. But for some reason I was totally freaked out. Something about the way it kept getting louder, the way it was slowing down. It was definitely slowing down. Like the ticks were getting heavier, like it was pushing a pendulum through syrup or rust. It made me feel sick. No, hell, I was terrified. It must have been the lack of sleep, right? When you're running on the edge of exhaustion, you get scared and jumpy. I can't explain it. I felt like something terrible was about to happen, like someone I knew was going to die, but if I tried to think who, I couldn't remember. There was no reason. It was just a watch. But it was hard to think. I kept losing time, waking up out of that empty trance, hearing Tick Tick Tick.

Just now it happened again. It's fucking dark outside. This wasn't five minutes, more like five hours I just lost. I just come to myself and I'm sitting on my bed, watch in my hands, staring at it. It was like 3 PM when I sat down. There's a bowl of soup I was about to eat, cold and thick now, on the little table over there. I just lost my whole evening listening to Tick, ...Tick...

I freak out, now. Totally lose it. I almost throw up. Somehow the missing time is the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. This fucking thing has to go. It'll be worth missing work tomorrow, if I do. I've got to sleep. I've got to get some peace from this Tick, Tick.

I turn the watch upside down in my hand, cool smooth metal in my palm, and smash the glass against the bedside table, I beat it down again and again until the thing is dead, the arms are bent, the soft metal's fucked, the brass gears and springs and bits of glass are all over the place like parade confetti.

I close my eyes. I hear nothing. I take a breath. Silence, total silence. I'm at peace.

Then I feel it, terrible pressure inside my chest, like a heart attack might feel. Heavy, slow. Like a gear grinding, like a heavy weight falling. More like a clunk than a tick.

I tear open my shirt to uncover my heart, trying to press my hands against my skin. Am I that stressed out, I'm having a heart attack? I'm not old enough. My chest feels wrong.

When I look down, I see something pushing my skin out, like a rib, like something that shouldn't be there, like when my stupid cousin ended up with a B-B stuck under the skin on his forehead, only bigger. It hurts terribly, like something's broken. My arms weigh a million pounds, sweat's stinging my eyes, I feel freezing cold. I can't feel my fingers, they're clumsy and numb. For some reason I decide that I have to push this thing back into place, like setting a broken bone. I fumble around for a while, my skin is slick with sweat, my hands are useless. Finally I get enough purchase, I suck wind into aching pinched lungs, I push with all my feeble power. Chonk!

The pain is horrible, worse than anything. The world is red. Then the world is black. I can't feel or see anything. I seem to keep thinking I'm cold, though. I drift for a while, occasionally thinking I'm cold, not really understanding what that means or caring.

After a while...who knows how long? I hear crazy whispers in my ears. There's a little whirring sound, like a motor pulling an elevator far away, like a wheel spinning.

Things happen out of sequence. Or I remember them wrong. I'm sitting up. I can see my room again, but there's no color at all. I'm blind, but I can feel again - my chest, mostly. I feel something sliding around under my skin, someone pushing something into me. I try to scream but I can't make a sound. There're mechanical noises again, clicks, winding noises. I feel a strange pressure building between my ears.

There are two men in the room with me. They're doctors. Somehow I know this. Maybe it's because they're wearing white coats? I feel like I knew before I thought about it.

There's another big click, and more things sliding around inside my head. The world has color again. I still can't move. There's more winding noises.

"Very clever what they can build these days," says a doctor man. He reaches behind my head and I feel something long sliding out of my brain. Very, very long. I should be dead. I try to imagine how far into my head it was, and I gag, only I don't because I can't move. It keeps sliding out. I can't feel where it was inside, only where it moves through the skull.

Finally he pulls his hand back. There's a big brass key in his fingers, covered in blood and a little hair.

"I hear they've got new ones that keep themselves wound up somehow, just by walking around."

"Man, I'd like to see that."

"Okay, hit the reset and let's get out of here."


Today I got a watch in the mail from a relative, one of the old kind that has moving parts but no battery. You have to keep winding it up though. I like it. It makes a nice, quiet ticking noise, very quick and regular. For some reason, the sound is really soothing, like everything's right in the world.
15:54 / 24.05.08
palace politics... you don't have the Mastodon MSPaint Relationship one do you? "WHEN YOU SEE THE WHITE WHALE!!!"
16:22 / 24.05.08
here you go...

17:16 / 24.05.08
That's fucking brilliant!
18:36 / 24.05.08
Fuckin' saved!

You, sir, /r/ock.

I could only find a ytmnd of it which moved too fast to actually work properly.

palace politics fucking DELIVERS!!!
05:08 / 25.05.08

This is now an MS Paint Relationship thread.
13:46 / 25.05.08
A couple with children were trying out a new babysitter. About an hour after they left for a night on the town, they realized they had forgotten to give her their cell phone number, so one of them called her.

After she wrote down the number, the babysitter asked if she could watch satellite TV in their bedroom. She had just put the children to bed and wanted to watch a particular show. (The parents didn't want their children watching too much garbage, so the living room TV did not have satellite channels.)

Well of course she could watch TV in their room, they replied. The babysitter had one other request: could she put a sheet or blanket over the clown statue that was in the bedroom? It kind of made her nervous. Take the children and go to the neighbors, said whichever parent was talking to her. We'll call the police. We don't have a clown statue.
Liger Null
01:34 / 12.06.08
There was a better version of this story elsewhere, but that site no longer exists...This is the only other version I was able to find:

Winters are long and cold in the Midwest. The sun goes down early; and, there is not much to do, especially in a small town like Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. In the winter of 1990 three college students from a state university found themselves working there.

Elliott was interested in the paranormal and had just received a Ouija Board, that the previous owners believed was cursed. His friends James and Jennifer were intrigued by its history and agreed to join in trying to make the board talk.

If you are going to try to contact the spirits, you might as well create the proper atmosphere. That night the three of them turned off the lights, lit candles; and, put Mozart's Requiem on the stereo. Nothing happened until they were ready to quit. Jennifer and James got it to move while Elliot copied the results into a notebook.

Over the next few weeks they received many communications from what claimed to be a variety of spirits.

James and Jennifer swore they weren't in control of the Ouija Board, so Elliott blindfolded them and turned the Ouija Board several times but the messages kept coming. Whole notebooks were soon filled with seance-type communications.

Eventually, they noticed a pattern in what the spirits were saying. They often referred to someone they wouldn't name; and, when asked for details seemed to get frightened. When pressed for answers the planchette stopped moving.

Jennifer felt if something was TOO scary for ghosts, she didn't need to know about it! James' curiosity had been piqued and he wanted to continue while Elliott was the tiebreaker. Elliott was more interested than scared. After talking it over for awhile they resolved to try and learn what the board was so reluctant to discuss.

They told the spirits they would cease communications if the information about the unnamed presence was NOT produced. As soon as they announced this the planchette went dead. The only voice left was the one the one that called itself The Spirit of the Board.

It did not want to cooperate. It would only give up bits and pieces of information at a time and frequently begged them to stop. In the end, it told them more than they wanted to know about the Bye-Bye Man.

He was born in Louisiana sometime in the 1930s. He was blind since birth; and, was also an albino with abnormally pale skin and pink eyes. Unable to care for the baby, his parents put him in an orphanage in Algiers (a town south of New Orleans). He grew up in the institution but frequently ran away. With his unusual appearance he was quickly found and returned. When he reached adolescence, a nurse tried to stop him from escaping - her body was discovered ripped open by a pair of scissors. Despite an all-out manhunt, he vanished and nothing more was heard of him.

Eventually rumors began circulating about a blind albino seem riding freights through the South, a figure whose appearance usually coincided with the discovery of a mutilated corpse by the side of the tracks. Time passed and a legend sprang up among people who lived and worked along railways. Late at night, over cups of coffee, they would tell about the ghastly white figure glimpsed outside the light of hobo campfires or spotted through a haze of smoke in a switching yard. In his pale bony hand he carries an overstuffed duffel bag crammed with pieces cut from his victim's bodies.

No one KNOWS how he got this name; but, once they hear it most people can't get it out of their minds because he doesn't kill at random. Victims call to him.

He is drawn to anyone who thinks about him. Thoughts of him act like a psychic beacon that he uses to home in on his victims.

"Where is The Bye-Bye Man now?" asked Elliott.

The planchette spelled out C-H-I-C-A-G-O and added that The Bye-Bye Man was aware of them and moving closer.

That did it for Jennifer. She refused to continue and since they only got results when she took part in the experiment, it was over. The Ouija Board was put away for good and they tried to forget about him.

Time passed and no one was sleeping well. Bad dreams woke them at 3 a.m. (a time associated with death and the paranormal phenomena), but school and daily routines had their effect and the experience began to fade from memory. Elliott and Jennifer were visiting Wassau and James was living in Madison the night they called.

When James asked if Jenn and Elliott had tried visiting him the other night, it turned out they hadn't.

The night before, James was asleep in his apartment when a loud knock got him up. Groggy, James shuffled to the door and was about to open when his eyes feel on the clock. It was 3 a.m.

He stood silently, listening by the door when Jennifer's voice spoke to him from the hall to open the door so they could go out to breakfast. He backed away and lay on the floor. In the crack of light under the door he could see the shadow of feet. As he lay on the floor, the shadow eventually moved away.

"If this is a dream," he told himself, "I'll wake up in bed. If this is really happening, I will wake up on the floor."

Four hours later he woke up feeling very stiff after a night on the cold, hard floor.
02:05 / 12.06.08
You were out of town for the weekend. When you came back to your apartment, your mailbox was stuffed full. At least 30 letters. Letters with no return address, several of them felt soggy and heavy, as though they were recently wet, or perhaps contained a liquid. All of the letters have your name and address written on them, and many of them had your name scratched all over them in red in. They don't smell nice, they smell like rotting meat and old garbage and you're reluctant to take them back to your room, but curiosity gets the better of you.

So you manage to cart them all back to your room, you dump them in your kitchenette sink because you don't want them smelling up the rest of the apartment. You grab one that doesn't seem damp and isn't covered with writing, and open it up. There are pictures inside. Pictures of people you don't know, with their eyes torn out, teeth missing, unhinged jaws hanging open, throats ripped out. You're horrified and yet you can't help but wonder what's in the rest of the letters. You open more, and more to discover increasingly gruesome photos of dead people. Piles of bodies with limps missing, splayed open corpses on operating tables with their vital organs removed, hanged bodies that have been gutted and bled dry. Some of the soggy letters had blood and other fluids in them. The more letters you open, the more you notice that not all of the people are strangers. Some of them were people you see at work, others people you went to high school with. By the time you get to the last few letters, the pictures are of the mutilated bodies of your close friends and family members.

Eventually you reach the last letter. You don't want to know what's in it, but it's not like you have a choice now. You peel the letter open, and it's a picture of yourself. Not dead, eyes intact, no limbs missing. It's a picture of you entering your apartment building earlier that day, shortly before you collected your disgusting letters. As you hear a door elsewhere in your apartment open, you black out.
09:24 / 12.06.08
03:16 / 14.06.08
In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed.

She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale.

And what was in the envelope? "This is the last one I am sending you today."
Liger Null
00:51 / 22.09.08
The Change

Somewhere in West Philadelphia , you will find an old basketball court with a single ball lying in the middle. Pick it up and start shooting hoops. After a while, a small group of hooligans will approach you and challenge you to a fight, which you must accept.

After the fight, you must go home and relay the events to your mother. She will then inform you that you have an aunt and uncle living in one of the districts of Los Angeles, and out of fear, she will send you to live there for an indefinite period of time.

With your bags packed, go to the street corner, and whistle for a cab. The cab that will pull up will bear the word FRESH on the license plate, and upon closer inspection, novelty fuzzy dice will hang in the mirror. Although you will suddenly realize that cabs like these are extremely hard to find, do not bear any thought to it. At this point you MUST point out in front of the car and say 'Yo homes to Bel Air'. You will stop in front of a mansion, and it will be sometime between 7 and 8 o'clock, even though it will feel like you've been traveling mere seconds. Get your luggage out and say 'Yo homes, smell ya later!', but do NOT turn back to face the cabby. Walk up to the door, look over your shoulder once, and then knock on the door three times.

If you follow these instructions, your life will get flip-turned upside-down.
18:12 / 24.09.08
>9000 internets to Liger Null. Well played. Well fucking played. Pasta or not, that's fucking win.
21:04 / 24.09.08
Agreed and a half.
Liger Null
01:05 / 19.11.08
06:23 / 19.11.08
Thanks! reminds me of that creepypasta that went by the same name:

It's 3AM on Hallowe'en night and you and your friends been up all night on a horror binge. You've watched your favorite scary movies, read your favorite scary stories, and even attempted the old "Bloody Mary" trick in your mirror. After your friends leave, you stretch and yawn, deciding now is about the time to hit the hay, so you move into your bedroom and lay down to sleep.

After awhile, however, you realize that you can’t get the images of some of the fictional creatures you saw on your television out of your head. "Meh...I’m going to hate myself for this tomorrow," you say aloud as you flick on your bedroom lamp, knowing that having a nightlight used to help get rid of your nightmares as a little kid. Within minutes you're close to sleep, snuggled up comfortably under the blankets with your eyes closed and more pleasant thoughts on your mind...

...that is, until you detect something moving in front of the light, casting a shadow over you. You blink, beginning to turn towards the lamp before a rotting hand grabs hold of your shoulder. "Thanks for turning on the light, I was having trouble finding you in the dark."
Liger Null
22:17 / 13.12.08
22:20 / 13.12.08
Ooooh. That's that haunted one!

"The hands resist her" or something.
22:25 / 13.12.08
Hands Resist Him

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