Here's an interview!
4. What three rules would make up your manifesto?
Rule 1: Rage Rage against the dying of the light (whenever possible).
Rule 2: Don't just be yourself be something entirely different.
Rule 3: Kill freedom, the rule of freedom will make boring dick heads of us all.
5. If you were the dictator of a modern industrial country, what would
you abolish? What laws would you implement?
Oh I'd probably resign, or maybe I'd change my job title to "Dicktator",
that would be so fucking funny wouldn't it?, I say funny shit like that all the time hahahahahaha, that's fooking hilarious.
I wouldn't want to rock the boat, i'd just leave change to the ravages of time, I'd wear aviator shades, drive a black Mercedes, build a big bath and
fill it with page three stunnas and some water.
No, I'd probably abolish idleness, shit food, the very notion of nationhood,
fame, misery, Saturday night, US hegemony, unfunny jokes (except those that are unfunny in a funny way). I'd bring London down a peg or two and probably
get my mum a nice house. I'd make myself editor of The Sun, build lots of monorails and re-orientate the global economy so it makes people happy,
ambitious and well fed [...] |