Brilliant! Looks like 9 of the 14 I've posted out have been confirmed as recieved, which isn't bad assuming not everyone can be bothered to check in (I haven't told uncle retrospective I have his February CD yet.)
Glad to here everyone's enjoying what they've heard, I was quite pleased with it, Haloquin managed to supply the only track I don't actually like, but I live with her and was fairly certain that'd be the case.
Apologies if anybody was weirded out by whatever I'd scrawled on their Signal CDs, the burning itself lasted 6 hours, and came at the end of a week of sleepless nights of coursework, I was increasingly delirious and can only remember what got written on about three of them. The envelope didn't lie, I have no idea who received which one.
Also I'll apologise to the techy people about the quality, I lack the skillz to do anything other than burn everything I receive in whatever order I like, no cross-fadiness for me!
I'll make sure the files are up for download by the end of the week.
If anyone feels like it, PM your favourite and second favourite for each CD, and I'll see what happens w/r/t prizes. |