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Barbelith November 2007 Mix - Signal & Noise


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03:28 / 12.11.07
I think you mean final five.

05:28 / 12.11.07
i just want to chime to say that i've almost sent my entries, and they'll be there soon. in my defense, i live in a time zone where the deadline is still about 22 hours away. for reals...
madfigs #32, now with wasabi
05:55 / 12.11.07
For those of us paranoid contributors who worry that their submissions didn't get transmitted, could you let us know who you're still waiting on? Or if you don't want to use the guilt method, you could post which ones you have received! Or if you want to be detail-oriented, you could post both lists. Just to give some options there.
Essential Dazzler
09:44 / 12.11.07

Still waiting on:
Final Nolte
Junior anti- league
rizla mission
and Stoatie
Closed for Business Time
09:51 / 12.11.07
You'll have my tracks within midnight GMT. Promise.
10:53 / 12.11.07
I'll send in two tracks a.s.a.p if you're still open
Essential Dazzler
11:28 / 12.11.07


You'll be the last though.
13:52 / 12.11.07
Ooh! I'm so excited
a) not to be one of THE LAST SIX/FIVE/NAMED...
b) to hear the final set.. it'll be intriguing!

14:40 / 12.11.07
Sorry - have to record off vinyl. Perhaps tonight.
16:47 / 12.11.07
Tomorrow you should have mine.

Or maybe Wednesday.

But yes, very soon. I'm arguing with myself as to the final two.
Essential Dazzler
00:47 / 14.11.07
Only waiting for Stoatie, Rizla and Juniour now.

They have all been sent increasingly desperate PMs

Also, have had slight issues with two of the tracks. I am going to contact the involved parties in the next half hour, if your reading this any later than that, just send me your address and await some CDs.
01:09 / 14.11.07
they is sent.
Essential Dazzler
19:53 / 14.11.07
Excellent news!

Everything's been sorted, I'm only waiting for rizla's tracks now, and ze's promised them by Friday.

If I can get addresses from you guys:
Final Nolte
Feveréd Feud: Pistols at Dawn
junior anti- league
rizla mission
Lagrange's Nightmare
madfigs, loveable tsundere

Then all that's left is for me to mix, burn, package and post.
Essential Dazzler
15:30 / 28.11.07
Just thought I'd give you all a quick status update.

The dream of getting this out in November has crumbled. My Flash Animation module has turned me into a stressy ball of fail, but the deadline is on Friday, and it's the last one of term so I should hopefully have a completely free plate after this weekend.
Essential Dazzler
15:31 / 05.12.07
The CD will be in the post on Monday, come rain/shine/hell/highwater/etc.
Closed for Business Time
18:44 / 05.12.07
You're tha man, State!
Essential Dazzler
18:57 / 05.12.07

Bonus news: Half an hour ago I received confirmation that the mix is shipping with the full complement of 16 tracks on each disc. AT LEAST. It'll be 17 if there's room for two tracks of my own choosing.
Essential Dazzler
14:09 / 06.12.07

They'll be in the post tomorrow, lo-fi stylee. Artwork jpegs to follow next week when I hear most of you have received yours and I put the digital package up.

Sound good?
17:19 / 06.12.07
22:01 / 06.12.07
Whatever works. Thanks.
12:10 / 08.12.07

Two tracks in and IT'S GOOD!
16:11 / 08.12.07

I am saving it for a treat after actually getting some essay work done, so I can have a proper listen and keep focus on essaying... which I am about to start, honest.

What I've heard so far I enjoy muchly!
01:30 / 13.12.07
MINE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GONNA GO LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Closed for Business Time
09:23 / 13.12.07
I's gots'em!

No listen yet, have had no time. Track-listing looking good!
15:55 / 13.12.07
Got mine, but no chance to listen yet. Should be fun, though!
21:22 / 13.12.07
I am now listening to it. Thank you.
13:20 / 16.12.07
I love the labeling for the "noise" one.

The songs are all great, too - thus far, I've listened to the Signal one and got happy over "Understanding Marx" and the angry angry Shellac song.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
16:55 / 17.12.07
I got it! It makes me SOOOO happy that Understanding Marx is on here. I also love the confusing track listing for noise.
19:09 / 17.12.07
Mine has arrived, but I won't get to it for a little while yet, making the anticipation all the more sweet.
Essential Dazzler
21:13 / 17.12.07
Brilliant! Looks like 9 of the 14 I've posted out have been confirmed as recieved, which isn't bad assuming not everyone can be bothered to check in (I haven't told uncle retrospective I have his February CD yet.)

Glad to here everyone's enjoying what they've heard, I was quite pleased with it, Haloquin managed to supply the only track I don't actually like, but I live with her and was fairly certain that'd be the case.

Apologies if anybody was weirded out by whatever I'd scrawled on their Signal CDs, the burning itself lasted 6 hours, and came at the end of a week of sleepless nights of coursework, I was increasingly delirious and can only remember what got written on about three of them. The envelope didn't lie, I have no idea who received which one.

Also I'll apologise to the techy people about the quality, I lack the skillz to do anything other than burn everything I receive in whatever order I like, no cross-fadiness for me!

I'll make sure the files are up for download by the end of the week.

If anyone feels like it, PM your favourite and second favourite for each CD, and I'll see what happens w/r/t prizes.
20:02 / 18.12.07
Mine's finally arrived and I look forward to giving it a listen!
Mike Modular
20:18 / 18.12.07
Oh, yes, sorry, I've had it for a few days now... Really like what I've heard so far (Just been a bit lost in a world of Xmas tunes lately...)
madfigs #32, now with wasabi
23:09 / 18.12.07
I got mine today, but I believe they had to travel the furthest to get here so it makes sense. I need to think about the top tracks, there are some good ones on here!

Looks like my CDs were from the end of the production run... Signal is labeled "I WROTE LOTS TODAY" which made me smile.
Essential Dazzler
23:10 / 18.12.07
That's the one I accidentally stuck in the wallet too early and it smudged it all up. I remember that one. It was true.
Essential Dazzler
23:43 / 18.12.07
Only 2 more to check in.

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