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Barbelith November 2007 Mix - Signal & Noise


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Essential Dazzler
00:03 / 28.10.07
So, here we go, I've been having second thoughts about the potential of this mix since May, but a long silence has forced me out.

CD 1 - Signal.

For this I'd be after any single track that makes a point. A song that wastes no time in expressing it's point, no phrase wasted, no note out of place.

A political statement, a confession, a camp-fire story, a musical version of a complex mathmatical truth. You don't have to agree with it, and ultimately, it'd be nice if not everyone who heard the CD did, it just has to mean something, and not in an abstract way.

A song that no-one can listen to and not learn something from.


CD 2 - Noise.

If you fed this song into a computer, it'd spit vitamin C tablets and die. What's it about? KNOW-ONE KNOWS!

The track's a metaphor for world hunger? None of that please!

Essential Dazzler
00:07 / 28.10.07
Obviously, this has the potential to cause huge debate, as I'd find it incredibly difficult to argue that any track could be totally with or without meaning.

That's what I love about it, I find that looking for a song that I see as having on one viable meaning, is far harder than finding a song that can't be interpreted coherently by someone else.

Have fun.
Essential Dazzler
00:14 / 28.10.07
Oh, and the basics, reply here to get a space. I would love at least 12 participants, but can without reserve accept more than that.

All you need to do is reply here to be on the list, and then send me your choice for each CD. There are very few file types I can't fudge my way around, although it would be awesome if everyone could stick to common ones if possible. I have a hefty email account so size shouldn't matter.
00:38 / 28.10.07
Though i feel guilty about the non-appearance of my due mix (i swear, ONE DAY, it will be brought about!)...

I want in.

Closed for Business Time
01:11 / 28.10.07
Yes. Thanks.
19:48 / 28.10.07
I'd like to be in, but with the usual caveat that I will abdicate if someone who hasn't done one of these would like the space.
21:07 / 28.10.07
I'd be delighted to contribute.
Essential Dazzler
22:27 / 28.10.07
All are welcome. Even you, lazy old Petunia. And Feverfew, if there isn't room you can be a download only bonus track. Although, I more and more crazily enamoured with the prospect of this becoming a 10 disc box set. So room there probably shall be.
04:38 / 29.10.07
i'd love in. i'll have my picks ready in 48 hours or so...
rizla mission
08:26 / 29.10.07
I'm in!
Mike Modular
10:51 / 29.10.07
Moi aussi, s'il vous plait!
15:17 / 29.10.07
Yes, please.
17:15 / 29.10.07
I'd like to tentatively put my name forward for this... *racks brain for noise songs*
17:48 / 29.10.07
See, now, I have a noise song. I just don't have a signal song (yet).
The Ghost of Tom Winter
01:34 / 30.10.07
Mind if I hop in on this? I really like the premise.
Essential Dazzler
11:10 / 30.10.07
This is a list:
Final Nolte
Night Blooming Feverfew
junior anti- league
rizla mission
Mike Modular
The Ghost of Tom Winter


10 was my minimum, so I don't think I'm being too hasty in declaring this endevour a MIGHTY VICTORY, or if you will, a COLOSSAL SUCCESS.

Still room for plenty more, don't hold back! Clench those teeth and have another look at that media player library.
Lagrange's Nightmare
11:58 / 30.10.07
Oh, I've definitely got songs I can contribute. As long as I'm not cutting out any of the more active barbeloids from participating.
Essential Dazzler
16:48 / 31.10.07
You're in.

Already received a pair of mp3s from one speedy individual.
madfigs #32, now with wasabi
04:45 / 01.11.07
I feel vaguely guilty about doing mixes where someone has to spring for international shipping, but Pacific State seems so enthusiastic about this one! I've got a couple good songs in mind.
Essential Dazzler
09:35 / 01.11.07
Who the hell do you think I am?

I will pierce the heavens and send this mix to the moon!

(You're in)
Essential Dazzler
09:51 / 01.11.07
Still room for more!
23:10 / 01.11.07
Yeah, I'm game!
Essential Dazzler
23:32 / 01.11.07


00:02 / 02.11.07
Well, if you can give me a week or so to come up with something... you think there's room? And time?
Essential Dazzler
10:32 / 02.11.07
I am dead set on getting this mix into your clean well manicured hands (although those nails look a little raggedy, have you considered vitamin suplements?) before December hits, and was going to set a TYRANNICAL DEADLINE of Sunday the 11th of November to get all the mp3's onto my Computer.

If you think you can make that, you're in, by golly by jove.
16:19 / 02.11.07
I'd like in too!

This is my first 'lith post in over a year, and i never made much of a noise back then anyway... but this'll make an excellent addition to my drive to "produce" more music rather than "consume", and forces me to raid both my own memory and my hard drive for some choice bytes and rhymes...
Essential Dazzler
01:26 / 07.11.07
You. Are. In.
16:12 / 10.11.07
Deadline tomorrow...

I am the slow... It will be done though!

*still racking brains*
Essential Dazzler
20:52 / 10.11.07
Wel, that deadline is looking increasingly tenuous. As of right now I have received mp3s from 5 people.

I'm not angry, I'm just dissapointed

I'm not surprised. I wish I was

/end fatherly tone
Mike Modular
13:34 / 11.11.07
You should have mine now, too...
14:53 / 11.11.07
IT IS SENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14:55 / 11.11.07
ITS IS SENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DEADLINE MET!!!!!!!!!!!

I LIVE STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Essential Dazzler
14:55 / 11.11.07

You have spirit. I like you.
16:37 / 11.11.07
Essential Dazzler
23:32 / 11.11.07
Well, that actually went better than I predicted, I'm sat here with 9 tracks for each CD, one and a half hours into the UK's Monday.

Whenever you are ready, FINAL SIX.

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