With the Jena 6 trial all over American media, these days, I have come to reflecting about race and equality these days. Although I have been thinking about race a lot recently, which you can view my thoughts on that subject here, but I have also been thinking about equality as well.
I think it is very fair to say that we are very far from acheiving equality between the different minority groups in the United States. There is still a lot of segregation, discrimination and racism that takes place. And the United States is not the only country that is guilty in this category, other Western countries also have discrimination against certain minority groups.
Is it possible to have equality among all peoples, no matter their race, sexual orientation, ethnic background or handicap? I think that as much as we wish this to happen, I do not think it is realistic. I think that some countries, such as the United States, have a long way to go in order to make the different groups more equal, I think that true equality will never exist
What I mean by true equality I am not exactly sure. I believe that true equality would be when there is no racism, sexism, discrimination or segregation among different groups of people. I think that not everyone may agree with this assessment, I would like to hear what other people think about the subject |