so...huge cyclone in burma, bbc says maybe 32,000 dead or missing, maybe worse. burma's government isn't doing much to help aid get into the country.
today in my english class the reaction to this news was not quite what I expected. at first many people were condemning burma's lack of response, saying the government was "crazy". but later I started hearing a lot of anti-US sentiment rising up.
several of my students (almost all native Chinese) claimed that
1) only the US was being denied access to Burma - other places, especially China, were being allowed in to bring aid.
2) the US was being denied access because they brought warships into Burmese waters, which looked like an attempt to invade.
3) "everyone" knows that the US would love to invade Burma because it's close to China, which we would also like to invade. so, clearly, our attempt to bring aid to Burma was a poorly-disguised invasion force so we could take over.
...this doesn't match up with anything I'm seeing on the BBC website, and quite frankly the third point sounds pretty ridiculous to me, not that I trust our government not to invade other countries. has anyone else got anything about this? is this just a bit of Chinese bias mixed with America's well-deserved bad reputation overseas?
the conversation quickly degenerated into similar statements about how America is trying to invade Tibet and that's why we, and no one else, support the Dalai Lama...which I also believe is maybe not quite accurate...
perhaps more important than any of this...do people have suggestions for effective ways to help Burma (or for that matter Sichuan or Oklahoma)? |