Ahh the Boosh!
Aunt B / Roy - It would be nice to see this thread be directed towards a solid summation of Thoth related thought.
Was there not some kind of Barb magick site? Sorce Forge? Why not distill all the info from a full thread into a profile of sorts for different gods? I am doing this anyway so if this be deemed a productive idea then I'd be stoked to be involved. Other than that please feel free to reword the title of the thread as you see fit.
Anyway, I didn't like the opening post because it comes over a little as fishing for other people's weird experiences, and I feel the net renders such experiences pretty kind of ... empty.
Roy - Sure it may seem like fishing for weird experiences but the intention is only to get some idea of the territory I am entering but you raise a valid point worth stating: It should be a given that no one need post any information they are not comfortable with revealing for whatever reason.
Slythey tove - thanks for your personal experience. There is certainly room for the magical connections as well as the purely academic. Your experience with the Ibis - where was this?!?
Life critic - Hmmm why shouldn't I invoke Thoth? Good question. I've had experience with only one previous God (Tyche) and I think I wasn't getting something right by the end of that and so I've devoured a great deal of the Temple threads about deity work. Aunt B's writings on Loki love gave plenty of reasons to be at least a little careful and respectful as well as being highly useful guides to the correct behaviour and attitudes. Roy's link to the Phil Hine article was useful in this regard also.
Haus - This info on pronunciation is fantastic. I've seen a little on pronunciation but the explanation made me scratch my head saying "whu?" - yours didn't. Do you have a particular source that you use and if so where should I look?
Okay Thoth and that...
More often depicted with the scribes writing instruments or the phoenix wand and ankh here is a great image of Thoth weilding two Uraei:

The two Uriae 'wands' (resonant somewhat later with the Hermes syncretism) appear to be representations of royalty and divinity and, according to Geraldine Pinch in her book Magic in Ancient Egypt, representative of the goddess Weret Hekau.
If I'm not mistaken Thoth is feeding an Ankh (immortality?) to the deceased. I'm beavering through the Book of the Dead in hope of getting some sure knowledge of what I'm looking at.
I have been looking at Egyptian methods of magick,
Largely from the Pinch book, as being suggestive of possible parts of the ritual/s. She states that spells were often drawn, or tattooed, on the body of a person and this seems an excellent idea that will readily work within ritual space.
She points to spells that were written into wall reliefs placed above a water bowl. You could gain the power of the spell by pouring a libation over the spell and then drinking the fluid collected in the bowl.
Aunty B? - I remember reading a post of yours about the burning of Runes and drinking the resulting ashes - was this with the intention of learning them or to some other end? Have you used this methodology for the casting of specific spells?
Okay more later. Thank you all for all the great information coming. |