thank you all for your support. i really appreciate it.
tryphena: someone already told me about my school. it has 8,000 students if that says anything. i don't have any clue about student bodies in any school.
photographs: i'll speak to a few people but i have a lot of work to do and with little time i cannot start a campaign. i do appreciate your ideas. i'll bring them up when i see a couple of people who i'm hoping will be a little help. but today i did walk away out of a class feeling completely crushed and felt that i could not do anything without compromising my future. all my hard work over the last year or so will go down the drain. it's upsetting enough to not be able to do to school amidst other obligations without having to put up with this. then risking what you work for because no white person sticks up in any single class for any of this. in any class i've had. when they do stand up it's usually to give me "Advice" on shutting up or to tell me that i ought to fuck off back to "my" country. as much as i insist, i have no country.
allmacto: yes. america it is. massachusetts no less. liberal state mate! they're like so liberal that gay people can marry! and a black man is governer! surely that means they're like not homophobic or racist at all.
i hear how liberal mass is because of that.
megatron: the girl who shut up the professor only shut him up not because it was a logical fallacy (i pointed the same thing out by saying that it's aburd for them to not have an imagination and not see that they're being mistreated so badly even if it's all they have ever known) but because he didn't want to listen to me. he kept talking over me or ignoring me. people of colour lack a voice within the institution i think. a friend of mine (also non-white) and her best mate (african american) in grad school had to go through a lot of problems with professors who refused to take their contentions seriously "slavery was so long ago" and "you're not oppressed or marginalised don't tell me you are." (This was in Southern California).
Shark: Mate, this college has a terrible record with "reporting." Students have no fucking power. I asked a few professors and he's been here ages and very well loved. At college, I have a reputation of that annoying student who always has something to say and is a bit too lefty for most. The same professor while saying something encouraging about how landfills, toxic waste dumps are usually around black neighbourhoods used the word "blacks." (encouraging because he was telling the students about it and made an important point.) I seethed and muttered to myself "black. people. professor. not. blacks." it's not going to go down well if i have to correct people every fucking class about one thing or another when i already am looekd on as some pretentious, snooty, "intellectual." again, i'm going to talk to a bunch of people about options and my concerns who are supposed to be "help" and see if that takes me anywhere. i'm not going to pursue it further if i dont even have their support. i really can't take on the college when i know of people in power within the administration and within the faculty who are going to gang up on me.
I'm just too upset right now by what happened today which I'll relate a little further down.
e to the va to the de: haha. about the slave professor, i'm going to have a talk with him about it in his office. i think the important thing here would be to point out to him what was wrong with the whole thing because none of the students really care or are bothered. if there is some silent soul in there who's behind me in their head, is not going to stand up. that hasn't happened yet and i'm not going to hope for that. what i do want to do is speak to people and see if i have any options. i don't really like the idea of hurting other people, threatening their livelihood in spite of their problematic positions. what i do want is for there to be an environment that i feel safe in and don't feel terribly upset by. the student's ignorance and closet racism is not something i can do much about even if i get a peek and am maddened.
but i am getting a little sick of having to give racism 101 to not only students but to fucking professors who already think i'm arrogant and self-righteous. i do feel i'm on very thin ice as it is and quite worried if this will only end up hurting me more.
most professors i've run into, know, spoken to (and i'm generally a lot more involved with professors than your average student) identify as "liberals." there is an idea in the US that if you listen to NPR, despise republicans, vote democrat, are against the war (but rarely if ever against the military itself), care about universal health care and claim to be bothered by "racism", you are a liberal.
which is just self-congratulatory moderate bullshit.
as far as going to the dean goes, i've spoken to one of my professors and i don't think there's much i can do about it. i am going to go to the dean of multiculturalism or something like that tomorrow after class. i'm not very hopeful about anything right now especially after what happened today.
i've had other classes and another experience recently where i'm just very disheartened to find that i have no voice within the institution and will constantly be shut out.
i think people presume serious racism only happens in "red states." the administrator i mentioned in the thread up there is going to be deciding whether i ought to nominated for a 50% off tuition scholarship when i transfer out. she's a dean or assistant dean and is at the top of handling transfers, honors societies and scholarships.
i may already messed up my chances by not acknowledging the "Greatness of this country and the fact it has community colleges." quite ignorant of the fact that community colleges wouldn't really be needed much if we had a fairer "commnunistic" (as someone told me) school system and if there was enough money spent on schools for there to be cheaper state schools that do not charge you an arm and a leg.
Today something that would have driven me to tears if i didn't keep my cool. in my popular culture and society class the professor has a discussion board where we have to participate. he asked a question whether muslims could be viewed as american.
an anonymous poster said...(a mistake i found out. since anonymous postings should not have been allowed).
"I do not think I could ever view muslims as Americans. Even before 9/11. I've always viewed them as pushy and rude. After 9/11 my outlook on them became even worse. I am an Iraq veteran who served 1 year between Kuwait and Iraq. I have had the opportunities to meet many Arabs whom were muslims and over time I lost respect for them. We as Americans seem to have more tolerences for different religions. I have not yet seen many muslims who have been tolerant of other's beliefs. Maybe I have a one sided opinion. I do not believe I could ever see any muslim as American. It doesn't matter what the race or where they are from. There are too many negative images of muslims on tv and off. From my own experience, I have had more negative interactions than good."
she made another post the post stayed there for a few days and the professor didn't do anything about it.
on another thread where there was mention of negative images of arabs in the american media she said...
"I'm not really sure why Americans view Arabs with such regaurd. In my opinion alot of people from the middle east usually appear untrustworthy. I think it how they are brought up. For instance whey you go into a foriegn owned store. They always seem to be staring you down like you are going to steal something. I know many of the times these store owners are from India. However, i've been around alot of middle eastern people and like many hispanic cultures it is not always clear by the looks where someone is from. I guess there is a certain level of predudice."
i then posted...
Nobody seems to be pointing out how offensive, racist and non-constructive your contributions are and I'm not going to indulge in a debate about them because no matter how seriously you take yourself, no one takes you seriously or gives you any credibility because you are anonymous. If you can't sign your name to your opinions (and these are opinions and biases not valid positions which you can defend or prove), you cannot be taken seriously. This is a forum for dialogue, not your internet community for hate speech and prejudices.
Students from the class who were participating defended her and said it was not hate speech and thanking her for her "service." they said it was not racism at all.
So I said
"The military has long been a voluntary occupation in the US. As far his experiences, being in his shoes goes...
Could you explain to me how that is relevant? When did it become okay for anyone to be a racist just because they had a terrible experience(s) with a non-white person? Do you have to be a murderer or a rapist to condemn murderers and rapists too? Let's say my uncle worked in a factory and he worked with a lot of "lazy black people." He had to work harder in a stressful job because of them. So should I avoid condemning him because I have never worked in a factory with "lazy black people"? And oh, whenever a woman commits a crime (which is not as often as men), should we just let her be? Should all the males not saying or do anything because they've never been women?
And why don't you put yourself in the shoes of a person of colour for a change? Then tell me how you feel how having to live with hostility and bigotry. Tell me how it feels when someone's blatant racism is excused by a whole group of others because "oh c'mon, it's not that bad." Its very common not to stand up for racism just because it is never going to affect white people. They can afford to be complacent and ignore it like it is someone's else problem.
/All they want to do is help get people on there feet, and or have a fair voice or even an opinion that matters./
No, they are invaders and occupiers. They were on their feet fine until their country was broken by the invasion. I don't think foreign military presence is ever about "helping people get on there feet." Try to remember why the US went in and what they've done. And no, they're not helping anyone other than oil companies and corporations."
(it was anonymous poster and i made the mistake of presuming it was a man and not a woman. oh there go my prejudices).
I went to The professor's office (the popular culture one who moderates this discussion board for his class) and spoke to him. He thought i was being "shrill." Calling her a bigot and a racist meant i polarised her. he yelled at me and he asserted his power there by arguing with me where i could not argue as i would like but kept saying "i'm very disappointed. you're condemning me. you're yelling at me. while you're letting people say those kinds of things. your only contribution on the board was directed at me for not flaming. and now you're yelling at me for being offended by racism?" he kept defending her and said "you have a loud voice. i know you're passionate but..."
He told me that I have a right to be offended when it's "you pakistanis, you're all...." And it was not that. He kept saying it was her prejudices, it was not bigotry or racism or hate speech. He also said "Racism is not against the law" a couple of times.
He had started the discussion with, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at a four year school?"
I said, "I'm poor. I intend to finish my two years here and be eligible for scholarhsips and tuitition assistance because of my grades. I have a 4.0 and am only another semester away from finishing up here)."
He said, "good plan."
He said something like not doubting my intelligence but I was still young.
As if I needed his validation and infantalisation at the same time.
He also told me that "this class isn't a sanctuary. we're going to talk about uncomfortable topics and they have to confront them. i have a lot of opinions but i dont tell people get the fuck in line."
i stopped arguing with him when i realised he was yelling and getting louder and i could compete with that. i told him, "you are in a position of power. you are the majority. the majority of class is white. and yet you're telling me that i should not tell people when they're being racist because it polarises them. i understand that my doing so is not going to wake them up and make them a better person but what do you expect me to do when i have to hear all the time? what do you expect me to do when i hear something racist?"
he didn't have answers he said, "you are going to be marginalised. yes i am white and i am the majority. this class is not a sanctuary for you. i can't tell you it is. i do not get involved in the discussion board at all. in class i get more involved and would say something."
I walked out of the office and into his class as i changed subjects and realised that i was threatened especialyl since he mentioned offhand in context to another student and incident that "it's very hard to get rid off me." something about him having tenure and teaching 15 years at the college or something.
And he said after I changed the subject, "I presume you're gay." I said, "Why?" He said, "Oh you were talking about how much homophobia upsets you." I said, "Yes along with misogyny, racism. I don't have to be black to care about black people or gay to care about gay people. Or women for that matter. I can be a feminist without being a woman." And he said, "Oh it's the accent." (I picked up a britishesque english at school in Pakistan from my then-best friend who was british as the rest were trying to pick up American from television. A discussion for another day. Colonial hangover another friend calls it).
you know what the funny thing is? He has a sticker on his office door that says "lgbt safe space."
Basically I sat there holding back rage, holding back tears, knowing that I was powerless and had to "get in line." He created a safe space for the white students but not for me because I presume I was rocking the boat as they say. I am I suppose only allowed to be offended when it's directed straight at me, my ethnicity, my race but I shouldn't be upset when it's black people, women (the wp,em kept calling britney spears a slut in class which of course didn't faze him) or any other oppressed minority for that matter.
I've been going here for a year and it's getting worse. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of breaking down but I did give him teh satisfaction that he was in charge and all I wanted was to do well and use this stepping stone towards an academic future.
If I was suicidal I would call him "master" in class.
sorry if it's a little incoherent. under "normal" circumstances, i would make a little more effort for coherency and articulation. |