
And so begins Sayonara, Zetsubo Sensei a 12 episode anime about a suicidal teacher and his dealings with the faculty and his class.
Itoshiki Nozomu is incapable of experiencing Joy or Hope, even watching Baseball sent him spiraling into a suicidal funk. The team he chose to cheer for had a logo that looks like the Kanji for hair and their coach is bald, you see?
His nemesis takes the form of Fuura Kafuka an invincibly positive student (Ambitions: God, Time Traveler, pororocoian?) who finds him hanging himself in the shows disarmingly gorgeous opening scene.
Having only seen the first episode so far (6 have aired in Japan, the first 5 have been fan-subbed. I was going to watch them all before posting, but couldn't hold back.) it doesn't seem massively ground-breaking, you'll recognise all the students instantly, but it is engaging and laugh out loud funny.
Visually is where this show shines. The opening scene, as I mentioned earlier, had me floored. Almost every shot is worthy of screencapping, and the show is shot full of wonderful stylistic flourishes that keep even the simplest of scenes kinetic and enjoyable, even with the sound off.
Blink and you'll miss 'em text gags will have you poised over the pause button on rewatches the first episode has a very odd 5 frame short story during the opening credits, and the manga author communicates his various musings via the class chalkboard.
My only concern, really, is wether anything interesting arises from the cliche melting pot that is the classroom. At 6 episodes, this wouldn't matter so much, but 12 episodes is too long to drag out the current roster. Here's hoping we'll be gagging for a another 14 episodes when it's done.
As usual, it's all up for streaming at Crunchyroll, and torrents can be offered by PM.
Also, you'll be seeing a lot of this guy: