Might be worth pulling out of some things at twenty-three, so as to jump back with a vengeance five years later, no?
I can remember slowly quitting alcohol temporarily sometime around twenty. And then I did more or less stop going out to nearly as many parties or clubs, just a few years ago. It wasn't going out, really, that was getting to me, though, it was going out to Starshoes or whatever new club happened to have a novelty and that sort of thing. If it were a simple quiet bar, where I could sit with a whisky... but places that are designed to look like Chuck E Cheez's with the tinniest soul-destroying music, I just found myself meeting people and splitting to go dance, party, whatever on a rooftop or apartment, instead. The inanity of some scenes, plus an overload of work, just soured me on all aspects.
Fate and business have conspired to soon toss me right back in the frequent going out mode. And I'm determined to enjoy it, even if I have to get back in the habit of stealing interesting people away from the blacklights of Toucans or wherever, and just bailing. That right there's why I don't want my early twenties back; I wasn't comfortable bailing, then, and now: I'm not driving, so I'm not holding anyone else up. |