Or, to put it another, less t-shirt-friendly, way:
If magic is real, then anyone who adopts a magical practice takes on certain responsibilities. If magic is real, then you have a duty to sit down and think about the way your practice impacts on the world around you, not just on yourself. I'm sick of seeing magic treated like it's some kind of game, an entertainment to dress up a dull day (a dull life), something to make you feel special, a safe little box to put all your most cherished prejudices in, a fucking substitute for being an effective person.
That's why I get pissed off with the endless kicking around of theory that goes on (including here at times; although this is the most experience-focused place I've ever been fortunate enough to encounter, that isn't always saying very much). It's so pointless. Endless debates back and forth about what would happen if you evoked [insert pop culture icon here]. Sprawling magical systems that someone's blatanly made up in their lunch hour and equally blatantly never implemented. Bone-idle tossers shoring up their egos with personality cults, churning out vacuous mass-produced texts full of spells they've never cast and assumptions they've never tested, sucking up time and attention from naive little wannabees so that such get detoured away from even the little progress they are capable of. Wastes of fucking oxygen who've never lifted a single finger to actually help anyone, to mitigate the sorrow of the world or increase its joy by one iota (apart of course for a bi-annual wank over a "World Peace!" sigil, mustn't forget that).
I'm not saying that everybody has to have a mega hardcore practice with ordeals and blood and Big Scary Gods and et cetera and so on; there is nothing wrong with the quiet, gentle aspects of magic. (Increasingly I'm of the opinion that the much-maligned world of hedge-witchery is kind of where it's at, magic-wise, but I digress). What gets me is that so few people seem capable of even appreciating the difference between producing endless pages of pure wank on the internet and actually doing fucking magic. |