Here is the main page of Conservapedia. It tells you about how great Conservapedia is, also how much you can get fined for trying to break it. Under 16 minors read this site.
Here is the entry on Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were created on the 6th day of the Creation Week, between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago.
Here, Conservapedia explains about Women. This is very helpful if you do not understand Women. Women were made out of a rib of Adam, for Adam, by God. However some organisations think that women should not have to obey their husbands. This is probably why Women are so confusing now.
I couldn't find a special entry for men in Conservapedia, probably because of Feminism (although not all women are feminists, eg. Dr. Laura) or maybe because Men are okay and don't need instructions. But I did find an entry on Adam who was the first Man. It is very useful as it explains how there were no mutants before the flood so sexings with your family were okay. That is where Cain's wife came from, stupid.
There are no Gays in Conservapedia. However, I did find some Homosexuals instead. Conservapedia explains how being wrong in the Bible gives Homosexuals Syphillus. I think this might be like syphilis which straight people get from having wrong sex, only more worse because of gayness.
I think this is all very interesting. What can you find in COnservapedia today? |