So, those of you lucky enough to get hold of a Buffy Season Eight comic before it sold out: shall we take a moment to pity the poor fools who must wait until March 28th for the second printing?
Slayer-sized SPOILERS after the pic

Or rather shall we discuss how one comic could open up the plot threads for a dozen more in only twenty-something pages without it ever sounding forced? Or how the n00b Slayers we saw created at the end of the TV series are now cute-teenage-girl-Al-Qaeda, with Buffy as their Bin Laden? How's about we talk about Xander's new role as Colonel (or is it Sergeant?) Nick Fury? Or how Buf' is now using body-doubles to avoid assassination, one of whom is dating somebody called The Immortal on Andrew (of all people's) advice? Or all the little references- like the Slayer with the same hat as Molly from Runaways (which Whedon is writing from issue #25), or that the military is referring to the destruction of Sunnydale as 'The Decimation'. And how about that military huh? Buncha jerks if you ask me. And what about all the characters we haven't seen, like Willow, Faith, Kennedy, Faith, Andrew, Faith, Principle Guy- heck, what about Angel and the whole L.A crew? What about Faith?
Nah, there's no reason to talk about any of that stuff. Let's just pour a little cognac, sit back in our favorite armchairs, and enjoy this awesome comic for the next thirteen days until the unwashed hordes of plebeian scum ruin it for everybody. |