my take on this (apologies for only reading and towards the end sort of skimming the first two pages of this thread):
i'm american. i'm sitting in a photo lab at a good sized northern east coast university that i graduated from and that is giving me lab access in exchange for a few volunteer hours a week, which is a pretty good deal in my book. i have a liberal arts degree and an art minor, and i'm a few years out of school and i can only seem to get shit jobs. the same seems to be true for most people i know. one of the few people who got a decent job (at a newspaper, the #2 paper in a two paper town) is getting downsized to the point where her job is miserable and she wants to quit.
being american is embarrasing. i have a hard time reading a newspaper without getting pissed off, and i have a hard time sitting through five minutes of fox news without wanting to yell at the screen. a few weeks ago i went to montreal with a few friends, and under five minutes after crossing the border, we high fived and shouted "we're not in america anymore! we're not in america anymore!".
a few caveats, though. in the state of MA alone, driving under an hour will take you through noticeable cultural shifts.
eg i was in a coffee shop in cambridge, MA, when news got out that rumsfeld was out. everyone in the coffee shop was ecstatic. and we could hear the people in the next building being excited about it. on the other hand, drive less than an hour to the blue collar suburb that my dad's side of the family came from. they're in some ways poster child boston irish americans - my dad had six siblings, one uncle is a cop, one aunt drives a school bus, etc etc etc. the last time i was at a family event, i got into a fight about global warming. i've gotten into fights about relatives suggesting i become a military embedded reporter. i've heard tons of casual racism and homophobia and they seem to all believe that a woman's role as an incubator is more important than a woman's role as a human being.
and MA isn't the rest of new england, and new england certainly isn't the rest of the country.
in short, not every american is an asshole, but the ones who aren't feel like they're living on some sort of tiny island. and i consider myself anti-american. |