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Hot Fuzz


Page: 12(3)

17:57 / 26.04.07
Not forgetting the ultimately obscure cameos, like Cate Blanchett and Peter Jackson - it's the small details that not many people would notice that make something like this more and more impressive.

I think it's on for a June DVD release, so, woo.
18:28 / 26.04.07
yeah, I only found out about those by reading
21:05 / 26.04.07
I loved this movie so much. Balls to the wall action, really funny, ironic, and British. I really loved the little things, as people have already mentioned. Like how all of Angel's superiors are just nice fellows instead of the angry police captain of every American cop narrative. And of course, the police captain cameos.

One of the many, many, many highlights is the Andys. Hilarious. I'm going to be quoting those two for a long time. "Everybody and their mother has a gun" "Like who?" "Like everybody... and their mum."
21:12 / 26.04.07
Absolutely fucking brilliant. Sean of the Dead wins out purely because, of two comparably good movies, the one with zombies in always wins.
22:53 / 26.04.07
They should do a pirates movie. Or a ninja movie. Or a... never mind. You know where this joke is going.
22:54 / 26.04.07
And of course there is the fact that the nicked the name Nick Angel from one of the crew... who gets a massive credit at the end for having a cool name...
Mug Chum
03:56 / 07.05.07
I love Spaced and Shaun, but since I was a big fan of cop films as a little kid (Lethal Weapons, Die Hards, Bad Boy1, Speed, Robocop, Bervely Hills Cop, etc) I was expecting to have a tiny stroke while watching this, and got out a tiny bit disappointed.

Maybe something went over my head, culturally speaking. Maybe I should watch it again.

Top Moments:
- "power of Greyskull!"
- Lovefool
- Pegg's determined walk in the beginning (nice 'cause I love his walking intro in Shaun as well)
- pretty much everything from Frost

But the little things just kill me, like the arrested kid with the cone looking like Harry Potter, Bill Nighy's entrace, Blanchett, Aaron A. Aaronson, the awesome killing of (the) Messenger, the conspiracy's dumb simplicity from old people's fear contrasted with Angel's theory, the kids, the guns, the editing, the telegraphed "oh no, he killed his buddy", the homoerotic undertones jokes on the buddy love, the final watered fights (the defeated villain's comeback), the, the, the theelight! And the fact that's all done from guys who love these movies and do the tongue-in-cheek totally straight-faced so you can still enjoy the action is just too damn great (no matter how hilariously absurd a kick in granny's face is, it still kicked nazi-robot-dinosaur's ass!).

Why the fuck was I complaining in the beginning of the post?
Mug Chum
04:01 / 07.05.07
Maybe the only thing missing was a torture scene with emulated Mel Gibson's screams (maybe it's in the bullet-proof vest scene -- sort of a torture scene somewhat, and it emulated the Mel&Danny at LW2)

(I was also going to say "a dirty messy-looking hero by the end like John McLane in all of them", but I remembered they did it)
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
07:33 / 21.05.07
Okay, can we spoil the Dark Knight Returns reference now because I must have missed it and driving me cukoo.
13:32 / 21.05.07
The more I think about it the more I think it might not necessarily be a reference... but then again, I think it is intended. It's the image of the cop coming into town on a horse, all bad-ass and iconic, saying to a bunch of kids "Want to do something useful?" In the minds of many, it evokes Bats at the end of DKR saying (while on horseback) to the gang members: "Ladies. Gentlemen. I'm here to appeal to your community spirit." And they all follow him immediately, just as the hoodied kids do in Hot Fuzz.

And sure, Bats at the end of DKR on horseback evokes old Westerns of the lone battered heroic sheriff coming into town to set things right, so in that sense it might not necessarily be a DKR reference. But so many people felt it was a reference that it just might be one, as Pegg & Wright are big comics fans. Or we might be reading too much into it. Who knows. Pegg did say the line about his character 'going to get the big boss' during the fight in the supermarket was an intentional videogame reference thing (going after the 'boss' at the end of each level of a video game).

Whaddaya think?
13:43 / 21.05.07
I don't think it is a nod to DKR, more a generic hero-on-white-charger stereotype, knights, cowboys etc.
There *must* be a Dark Knight ref in there somewhere though, some sidekick moment or a visual gag, I'm gonna watch it again and see. Let's play 'count the batgags'!
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:45 / 21.05.07
I see.

Yeah, I suppose that could be a bit of a nod. I thought maybe it was the Oafen Ear Slap.
Essential Dazzler
18:47 / 12.06.07
s'out on DVD now, everybody.

I know they're evil, but our local Tesco has it for £10 with a free 300g bar of Yorkie.

Our halls of residence are SWIMMING in Hot Fuzz and Yorkie.
20:36 / 12.06.07


It seems to be between £13.77 (thanks, Woolworths Random Pricing) and £15.99 where I am, which is irritating.

The extras look good, though, and I look forward to the chance to see "Dead Right" (Along with the seemingly now obligatory Pegg/Frost Caine/Connery scene).
17:26 / 13.06.07
The Tescos nearest to work, however, has this good deal going on. I'm intrigued as to how they can undercut everywhere else by an average £4 and offer a giant yorkie into the bargain, by claiming it's a "Father's Day Deal".

Anyway. Good DVD, looks like, brimming with Extras, and the Funking section is fairly genius; Having watched it, I will have to make a conscious effort not to say "Peasandrice!" every time I get the urge to blaspheme.
22:08 / 13.06.07
It's £9.75 in Sainsburys, but no chocolate I'm afraid. I treated myself to a copy on the way home today.
19:40 / 24.06.07
The Swan! Has noone mentioned the swan yet?!

I saw it finally today and apart from a lack of funny somewhere in the middle of the film, I liked it a lot, especially the last 30(?) minutes. The swan was really something, who reminded me of Scrat.

And those quips (Fascist! You´re the doctor. Deal with it.) were a treat, though I didn´t get a lot of jokes (like the Baz Luhrman crack or Bill Bailey and his novels that were already mentioned, for example). Enough reason to watch it when the DVD comes around.

I also didn´t know about those cameos and didn´t recognize Dalton. This wasn´t a letdown at all and it made me optimistic for future comedies from these guys.
22:27 / 24.06.07
there's a thing about the swan in there somewhere - will have to watch it another dozen times before it clicks perhaps, and there's an article that i need to read again about the importance of the swan (in folklore/astrological terms) locally that maybe fits right higgledy piggledy with the 777 return of god to god's country stuff, before my stoner reading is fully in place and this becomes the very greatest film of all time. for the moment it's just my favourite film ever, and that will have to do.

seen it about six times in the past week, and it's brought my accent back stronger than even when i was a kid, and the accent has even passed to my wife, replacing the horrid sussex twang, which is great.

best lines currently are paddy considine's: after taking a swig of guinness-
angel: er, you've, got a moustache.
andy: i know!

and the other one is in the supermarket near the end - 'it's alright andy, it's just bolognese.'

so yeah, fucking brilliant in all ways. and it's definitely a nod to dark knight returns.

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