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Cunning Plans for 2007


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14:45 / 08.01.07
Following the 2006 thread, resolve your magical resolutions here. Like that thread, at the end of the year a proper analysis of why you didn't do what you planned will help us all identify and hopefully avoid all those pesky things that prevent us fulfilling our dreams.

I'll start with my modified plans I meant to do last year. This year I'm resolving smart* goals and keeping track, here goes;
1. By the end of the year, to have arranged my mundane work and finances so that I can support myself and have enough free time to practice and continually learn more about magic.
2. By the end of the year, to have a growing client base to teach and read Tarot for, to supplement 1.
3. To write AND FINISH at least one saleable piece of work per month throughout the year IN ADDITION to the writing of neat ideas on post-its that get lost.
4. To memorise at least the futhark and hebraic alphabets by the end of the year, and if possible other useful alphabets (e.g. greek) as an ongoing project into linguistics and etymology.
5. To get a diary by next week and etymological dictionary by March
6. To move house (Saturday! Argh!) without going mad.
7. To take up a daily practice and stick to it so that by the end of the year it is routine.
8. To take up regular physical exercise by June.

*specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound
16:54 / 08.01.07
Dude, I've been geeking out like hell in the Conversation over this, but what I think you need to do is define your next action for each of these goals. What is the next physical thing that you can and will do that will make each one of these happen? You don't have to post it here, but I think it brings them closer to fruition.
16:55 / 08.01.07
And why is it taking you till June to take up exercise?
18:56 / 08.01.07
This thread is for the other end of that chain, the destination rather than the next step. Why June? Because it's halfway, the weather will allow outdoor exercise and it will take me that long to get fit enough to do Capoeira or Parkour... more importantly, I've got a busy spring.
harmonic series
19:26 / 08.01.07
For the Gregorian-calendar year 2007, my goals are as follows:

Start a daily meditation practice- even if it's only 15 mins- ideally at the same time each day.

Remember that "I must practice dharma" and start returning to Buddhist meetings.

Not paying for anything spiritual (unless it's at a used bookstore- b/c bibliophilism is not an addiction I yet want to shake).

Read the relevant books I already have.

Meet the friendly local pagans who have open monthly events, and hope that they're actually friendly.

Post on Barbelith (Temple), more.

Save some money to visit ancient worship site of my choice w/in the next 3 years.

Be mentally less Ragged Robin and more Fanny.
20:11 / 08.01.07
This thread is for the other end of that chain, the destination rather than the next step.

I think that's the disconnect that most people have though, especially when faced with something difficult, hard to comprehend etc. Sticking that in your planning process is helpful. Your 1, 2 & 3 strike me as being like that.
Aha! I am Klarion
21:11 / 08.01.07
This is kinda posting publicly I can guilt myself into actually going forward with what I'm typing


1. Get A Bigger and nicer place to live (I currently living in a dorm room that is about the same size as Jake and Elwood's room in the Blues joke).

2. Read all the fifty or so books under my bed by summer vacation time (staring now-ish)

3. Write a fricking awesome senior thesis (good enough to have somebody call me a wunderkind)

4. Apply and Get into a good Grad-school program.

5. Read all the books listed on the first two sections from Harold Bloom's Cannon book by the end of the year.

5. Meet at least ten people with who I will forge life-long close friendships and relationships

6. Get Laid...a lot...with very attractive and healthy people (What, I'm not the only one thinking it).

7. Keep up my yoga and meditation practice

8. Keep a dream journal and become adept at experiencing lucid dreams.

9. Study Mnenomics and memory techniques

10. Meet at least ten people with who I will forge life-long friendships and relationships
Leigh Monster loses its cool
09:20 / 09.01.07
Be mentally less Ragged Robin and more Fanny.

why, out of curiosity? if i thought i was mentally Robin i'd be pretty self-satisfied. (course, that would preclude my actually being mentally Robin.)
johnny enigma
10:14 / 09.01.07
My plan for this year is mostly to do the "mountain goat" thing and just plod away with regular divinations, meditation and deepening my knowledge about the areas of magic I already know a bit about. I've know now that this magic stuff isn't just something I've got a passing interest in, and it's a risky buisness, the risk being what makes it real, relevant and above all, interesting.

Procrastination's Mercury - if you do manage to form at least ten lifelong friendships by the end of the year, I will be extremely impressed. In fact, I'd definitely call such an acheivement magical in the strongest sense of the word, so post again in a years' time to let us know how you've done. Call me a cynic (Johnny, you're a freaking cynic!) but making friends is easy - lifelong friendships don't come along very often.
Gypsy Lantern
11:04 / 09.01.07
the weather will allow outdoor exercise and it will take me that long to get fit enough to do Capoeira or Parkour

That's the worst pitfall for never doing exercise though! When I've been away from my martial arts class for a few months for whatever reason, and I'm feeling very unfit again, my brain always comes up with the idea that I need to do some other gentler exercise in order to build up to going back to my class because I am notfit enough to do it yet. Total bollocks. The months slide by, I might do a few press ups and sit ups here and there, but there's always a reason to procrastinate further under the pretense of the stars not being right or something. If I just stopped thinking about all the reasons around it and WENT BACK TO THE CLASS - I would suddenly find that I'm back in the loop within a couple of weeks. Posting this as much for my benefit as yours - having not been to Silat for months now.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:58 / 09.01.07
I think I bent my Malkuth a bit so most of my work is going to be of the sort-your-shit out variety and only tangentally magical (at least for the first couple of months).

One thing I seriously need to work on, as of right now, is my relationship with the city where I live and its spirits. I was going great guns with that in the first half of last year but somehow it all dropped off. I'm trying to write a chapter in my book tying working with city spirits into heathen landwight worship and realised that I have a paucity of actual practical work to base it on. I need to be doing at least one drift a week, I think.

Some areas of my devotional work have become a bit perfunctory, especially IRT the Vanir, so I need to work on that. Also, I seriously need to engage more deeply with the Goddesses in general--I was studying Them over the break and the Mysteries They embody seem to be things I'm drastically lacking in my life and psychic makeup. So at some point I'll be doing a big working to Frigga and Her handmaidens. (I'm particularly curious about Fulla, Who can almost be read as Loki's opposite number; in the surviving lore, Fulla seems to play a similar role on Frigga's team as Loki does on Odin's.)

One of the things that came out of last year's aborted electronics project was that I need to get to know the Duergar. They seem to rule that kind of work, or at least aspects of it, so if I'm going to make a go of it I will need them onside.
16:20 / 09.01.07
Also, Quants, doesn't this the weather will allow outdoor exercise and it will take me that long to get fit enough to do Capoeira or Parkour mean that you will be exercising anyway?
17:47 / 09.01.07
Several (most) of my resolutions are the sort-your-shit out variety, shoehorned into the Temple (1,2&3). 5&6 are just easy wins really (I bought a diary today) and the physical exercise is only tenuously magical.
Most of these are to do after I've achieved some mundane resolutions e.g. less booze & smoking, go to the osteopath, sort out the bike, *then* start the ambitious cartwheeling and backflipping projects. I'll be trying to exercise regularly to get into enough shape to actually manage the basic practice by June.
harmonic series
18:00 / 09.01.07
if i thought i was mentally Robin i'd be pretty self-satisfied.

While Robin has many strong qualities such as patience and black vinyl/leather fashion choices, Fanny has a head committed to her magical path. She is in touch with both where she came from and where she is at the present moment. And she has no fear when she makes cross-world contacts. Fanny strikes me as more strong-minded, confident and learned.

Ultimately, I want to be stronger and more grounded.
23:31 / 09.01.07
What's the difference between a To-Do list and resolutions, in this context? I'm sorely tempted to give my To-Do list here, just to have it in one place where folks can comment on it, but I suspect it's not quite in the right spirit of things.

17:40 / 10.01.07
A to-do-this-year list would be in keeping, what are your ambitions for 2007?
22:30 / 10.01.07
*blushes* This is really long and isn't all of them:

* School: Graduate with my AA in Net. Prog. and transfer to some baccaloreate institution for Psychology and Religious Studies. This represents major changes that will affect my entire life. I'm terrified.

* Physical: If my body is a temple, I'm not keeping it terribly sacred. Find a way that works for me get into better shape. Adjust my eating habits. To that end...

* Life skills: Cook. Learn it. Do it. I cannot prepare a feast for my gods if I can't make myself dinner, for goodness sakes.

General Clergy:

* Training: Either step up to the plate and work on my Spiral Clergy Training requirements in earnest, or admit that I'm going to have to put that off in favor of taking care of other more pressing life tasks. It's not the work that scares me, it's the decision.

* Community: I'm supposed to perform my sister's wedding this summer, so I must prepare for that. I'm a little scared, and very excited. My older sister is the organized and responsible one - for her to have asked this of me is a huge validation of my work and calling.

* Healing: Learn Soul Retrieval. Hela confirmed at Oracular Seidh that my cat Rascal is indeed willing and able to help me with the this, but it's rather disruptive to the work if I burst into tears whenever she shows up, so there's a pre-requisite:

* Healing: I need to organize a ritual in honor of beloved dead cats. The indicated community need is for the ritual to honor Bast. I don't normally work with that pantheon, but I have encountered Bast a few times via rituals run by others, and She seems to like me just fine. My own need for some kind of closure is painfully clear, so I mustn't put it off too long.


* Create a report and/or presentation comparing the traditional Vanir Cult of Sweden, modern Vanatru, and Wicca.

* Spend the current Wheel (starting last Samhain) exploring that connection on a personal level with my Lover.


* Be watcher for a friend of mine who is headwashing to Oxun this spring. I hope to gain insight on the nature of Headwashing from it. This is prompting several craft projects for Oxun. One or two for Her headwashee, and a new crown for the house. The last crown I made for the house (for Yemaya) took months, and was a major undertaking, so this should be interesting.

* Figure out how to connect with Damballa and Aida Wedo. The serpents are quite warm, and gave me a gift at New Years that I can hardly put down, but I don't yet know what exactly it is. I can't see anything but positive results from this, so I'm not at all scared, but I'm thorougly baffled - I just don't understand Them at all yet.

* Oya confirmed (by demanding) that I must Dance for Her soon. Oya scares me. No, that's not quite right. I respect and admire Oya. It's the aspects of myself that map to Oya that scare me. As such, Her demand is daunting. I may have to just suck it up and do it to get past that.

* On a similar note, I made a promise to Pomba Gira that I must find a way to keep. It shouldn't be hard to find an appropriate opportunity to Dance for Her, but I mustn't let it slide out of the assumption that another opportunity will come around later.


* Check out Pings from Welsh deities. I need another trad/pantheon like I need extra holes in my head, but I'm aware that They are probably an Ancestral line for me. The current round of the Trance Class (for which I am the primary instructor) would be a perfect opportunity to open that door in a limited context. If there's a serious PING coming from Their end, I'm only putting off the inevitable if I try to ignore it.

Alice Bastable
17:00 / 11.01.07
Oh, dear. I'm finding it hard to make resolutions because this year is one of major, life-changing flux for me: I'm finishing my PhD., interviewing on-campus for academic jobs (first one in a week and half, yikes), and getting married -- all in the first half of the year, too. But here goes.

1. Stop with the endless procrastinating and get ON these projects: revising the dissertation, revising an article that has been accepted if I make revisions, and prepare for my interviews.

2. FINISH all that niggly wedding stuff, like, oh, invitations, which have to go out by the end of next week.

3. Once I am married, graduated, and know what I will be doing with myself for the next few years, take some time to RELAX.

4. Finally get around to taking a hoodoo course.

5. Be more mindful in my religious practice -- I'm a Hellenic polytheist, and really should be honoring Hermes, my main man, more often.

6. Organize my wardrobe. Also, stop buying cheap, trendy crap and save for really good pieces.
15:43 / 12.01.07
My Main Goals this year;

1. Do Tai Chi class regularly (instead of somehow wiggling out of it all year like last time).

2. Learn to drive, and pass test before the summer.

3. Incorporate devotional work into daily practise.

4. Keep daily practise daily over the summer, instead of just the first half of the year, as per previous year.

5. Get article sorted for campus philosophy journal.

6. Write in journal, bought specially for this purpose, each day... already missed yesterday!

7. Finally get around to clearing out all the stuff I don't use and don't need, so I can actually fit it all in whatever transport I have when the acedemic year ends!

8. Practise working with oil paints (so pretty!)

9. Write more stories.

10. Travel somewhere abroad, probably Europe, probably June.

11. Feed myself properly and avoid putting weight on. If possible, lose a little.

12. Drift regularly and continue building relationship with Lampeter.

13. Start doing essays more than 2 days before deadline!!!

Most of these aren't strictly magical, but they all have something to do with discipline, and getting up and actually doing things I've wanted to do.
Perhaps I should look at someway of incorporating discipline magically into my daily practise. Perhaps just doing things will do the trick!
I might head down to creation and find somewhere to put some of my projects for sharing, but I'm quite shy about them.

Ok, Plan of Action; Go do journal writing and daily practise now. Read recommended reading tonight. Phone driving instructer tomorrow. Go to Tai Chi on Monday. Cross fingers and put deadlines on the calendar!
18:46 / 12.01.07
After reading Two-headed Rude Boy's comments to Quants about going and doing the martial art...I'm signing up to take the beginner's Aikido course. (hopefully they still have room...keep your fingers crossed for me!) Or it will be the next 8 week course I imagine....

I realized I've got a big chunk o'excuse I always use for not undertaking a martial art. I tried a few years ago and didn't really click with the dojo or the sensei in a different school. This one has a lot of female instructors which appeals to me for some reason. I'm not sure if I just tell myself I suck at physical skills or if I'm just a really slow learner and it makes me uncomfortable in groups to lag behind. Yoga was probably the only class that didn't make me cringy and I use almost daily. (though not as much as I *should*). Being the worst dancer in the belly dance classes got old fast when it impacted other dancers for group stuff. The dance has morphed into my hoop dance solo work which is nice to see it progressing in some form.

I try and remind myself that muscle memory must be built through repetition and some things just take a long time to get all the neural pathways built up. But damn if it isn't hard to watch other people do so much better when you're struggling. I suspect I'm spoiled in other areas where things come more naturally...

I've already resumed my daily walking/jogging of 1-2 hours a day since November with 3-4 on Sats&Sun. Few things I love as much as walking 8 hours on a spring day. Soon!

I finished my cleansing fast and am making good head way on my dietary changes, er or rather just sticking to the plan. I'm hoping to do more raw foods but I'm looking into Ayurvedic options as well. Funny what my system just doesn't want to have anything to do with.

So exercise and food within a spiritual framework is the basis. I sort of feel that the other work will fill in on its own.

More community work including hoop groups, hopefully aikido classes, doing more Celtic Reiki treatments and more shared ritual. More camping!
21:44 / 12.01.07
xk, I fully sympathise with you re. martial arts.

A lot of time, feats of physicality remind people that they they can change - being able to run faster, lift more weight etc. and these things come relatively quickly. In a sense, they're the classic route to reinventing yourself. With the more internal arts, one can get really frustrated, 'cos the stuff you're trying to do is so subtle, it can take a long time. But the sense of reward when you eventually get it is proportionally greater .... My sense of achievement when I first began to make sense of my forms was huge.

I've still got a long way to go, but the journey is fun.
22:23 / 12.01.07
I keep going on about this, but lists have some kind of strong creational power. They basically make you define what you really want and visualise it so then you manifest it. That's what I think, anyway. They become this really powerful representation of the thing - you read it ovewr and over, and go, "Ah yeah, I must do that." Also, you start to feel antsy because there are still things on your list and you want to cross them off goddammit.

Something like only 10% of people have goals. Of the 10% of those who do have goals, only 10% of them make a list of the goals. Of those who do make lists of their goals, more than 90% succeed in fulfilling those goals. Of those who do have goals but don't make lists more thsn 90% fail in those goals.

I've got a list. It's got things on it like 'sort out spare room'. It's also got build autonomous house on it because that's my long term goal. I've crossed out so much stuff from that list already, and guess what? Loads of it is stuff I would never have done if I hadn't written it down.
13:28 / 13.01.07
Go Lists! I guess printing the list off and sticking it up somewhere visible would probably be a good plan.

On a coincidental note, my driving instructor called me this morning! Lessons start again Tuesday.
18:20 / 13.01.07
Thanks Eggs!

The instructor left me a very nice VM that I may attend tomorrow. She sounds wicked friendly and the local community center it is held in is a reasonable trotting distance from me. So really, no room for excuses.
Unconditional Love
19:03 / 13.01.07
The longer it takes to learn the greater sense of accomplishment you get at the end of the learning process.

The harder you work for the goal the more satisfying it is to achieve that goal.
Aha! I am Klarion
20:58 / 13.01.07
I found this website after hearing it discussed on "What do You know" on NPR while driving home to visit the family. It's germane to this thread:
Unconditional Love
23:05 / 16.01.07
1. Practice music weekly with musician friends.

2. Stay in therapy for as long as it is helpful or find alternative ways of recovery.

3. Keep up spiritual practices.

4. Move flat.

5. Take up daily exercise or practice new martial art, get to work on that belly.

6. Remember to keep a certain distance from so called friends in your town that are really nothing more than users and abusers.

&. Watch yourself for getting yourself in trouble with distorted aspirations, they only make you angry and frustrated.

7. Be happier!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:57 / 01.02.07
Another thing I really have to do, and I should have made a decent start on it within the next couple of months, is to get a couple of the poems from the Edda printed out in the original ON and start going through them with the Zoega dictionary. Lokasenna and Hávamál, maybe one other. Treat them like real sacred texts. Really get under the skin of them. Meditate on the verses. Try and find out what they've got to say to me.
electric monk
12:23 / 01.02.07
Regular invocations of, and daily mindfulness of, my Patron. I've left this work for too long and, while He's got all the time in the world, I don't.

Reinstitute my journaling habit. I've lost a year of experiences that, while not ground-breaking or head-turning, probably hold lessons that I'd benefit from. Documenting them would've left a reliable record.

Maintain a regular schedule of exercise. I've been good about this and have lost most of the bay window I installed over the past 2 years. Just got to keep it up.

Pay more attention to my instincts and intuition. It's proving valuable already.

Less overthinking. Much less.

Quit visiting websites that only piss me off (Byrne, Powerline, etc.). I get nothing from them but frustration and anger, and I let them take bits of my faith in humankind.
brother george
13:33 / 01.02.07
1. Start doing progressively longer walks as a physical exercise.
2. Be less harsh upon myself.
3. Do the Work and ..
4. Kill the monster and save the girl of course :-)
captain piss
15:43 / 01.02.07
I hope to:

1) Continue my progress with the Alexander technique, trying to reconfigure my mind and body so that they work together a bit better, and I am less prone to various muscular problems, and also a bit more flexible and spontaneous in my approach to life
2) Become more accepting of who I really am, less concerned with other people’s opinions, less inclined to try and impress people all the time or convince them I am something else (and various associated unhealthy behaviours)
3) Make some more decisive efforts in the direction of pulling together and understanding what I really believe with respect to all this Crowley, Qabalah, tarot, magick stuff that I’ve been dabbling with and reading about for years. I should be able, by the end of the year, to give some proper experience-based answers to questions like “What’s it really good for? How can it help someone evolve as a person or deal with life more constructively?”
4)Wage war against the forces of entropy
17:01 / 01.02.07
Actually do the herbalism course I have been saying I want to do since last August.

Get a start on the book list which has been growing at a fair pace.

Think and define the aths I'm on, I just seem to going all over the place and whilst it's a great ride I'm missing a rock to hold.
17:47 / 01.02.07
I notice a lot of our resolutions/plans are about maintenence or solving problems, getting stuff sorted out more than starting vast ambitious projects. Mine certainly are, I need to fight my way back to stability to get a good foundation to then build on.

How's everyone's plans going BTW? I've moved, but still lots to do, irons are in the fire but it feels like things are on hold until several important chores are done. Dammit. Maybe after Imbolc things will unlock.
21:23 / 01.02.07
Everything's about to change Quantum, I think you are right about Imbolc. Things seem to be teetering at the top of the hill for a lot of people, Imbolc might just be the little push we need to start rolling.
23:45 / 01.02.07
How's everyone's plans going BTW?

Well, let's see...

School: I've found out that if I pass my classes between now and the end of next quarter I'm set to graduate in June with my AA in Net. Prog. AND an AA in Liberal Arts, just because my taste in GE transfer classes happens to be Liberal Arts-y.

Physical: I've started working on getting out my Bicycle, but haven't quite gotten there yet.

Life Skills: I have cooked dinner twice so far, and am trying to eat at home more in general.

Community: My sister and I have designed most of her wedding ceremony. I checked with the county, and it seems that I will indeed need to be ordained to perform it legally. I'm not sure, though - the clerk mentioned State law, which I already know says I *don't* need to be ordained, so the clerk may be making a "common sense" assumption. Nevermind, though, because I think a Universal Life ordainment actually makes sense for me as a precursor to Spiral Consecration. (That's a long story.)

Healing: I have performed my first Soul Retrieval ritual.

Healing: I almost got Rascal's ashes back, but decided the situation would not have been the best, and put it off.

Umbanda: I have started making Oxun's crown. It's already very different than I'd planned, but I think it's going well.

Umbanda: I have acquired a tree-topper angel that looks an awful frelling lot like Oya at a whopping 90% off the original price, because it practically leaped off the shelf at me when I found it. (It was only supposed to be 75% off, but the guy at the store gave me additional discount because some of the beads were coming off. Heh.)

Miscelany: I have determined that I'm not the only reluctant Heathen being pinged by the Celtic deities. There may be a few of us working together to understand what They want from us - in all cases, we have a hereditary tie, so it's probably an extension of Ancestor reverence, but it's still a little baffling. It's nice to work with folks who are coming from a similar perspective.

Vanatru: A new project has dropped into the laps of everyone in my community: GET GREEN NOW! So I've been looking at what I can do to make my own life more environmentally friendly, and what kinds of projects I can get involved with to bring awareness and solutions to the masses. To that end, I've created a webpage out of a table my friend created about Ways to Live Green, and I'm already collecting suggestions on what to add to it.


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