*blushes* This is really long and isn't all of them:
* School: Graduate with my AA in Net. Prog. and transfer to some baccaloreate institution for Psychology and Religious Studies. This represents major changes that will affect my entire life. I'm terrified.
* Physical: If my body is a temple, I'm not keeping it terribly sacred. Find a way that works for me get into better shape. Adjust my eating habits. To that end...
* Life skills: Cook. Learn it. Do it. I cannot prepare a feast for my gods if I can't make myself dinner, for goodness sakes.
General Clergy:
* Training: Either step up to the plate and work on my Spiral Clergy Training requirements in earnest, or admit that I'm going to have to put that off in favor of taking care of other more pressing life tasks. It's not the work that scares me, it's the decision.
* Community: I'm supposed to perform my sister's wedding this summer, so I must prepare for that. I'm a little scared, and very excited. My older sister is the organized and responsible one - for her to have asked this of me is a huge validation of my work and calling.
* Healing: Learn Soul Retrieval. Hela confirmed at Oracular Seidh that my cat Rascal is indeed willing and able to help me with the this, but it's rather disruptive to the work if I burst into tears whenever she shows up, so there's a pre-requisite:
* Healing: I need to organize a ritual in honor of beloved dead cats. The indicated community need is for the ritual to honor Bast. I don't normally work with that pantheon, but I have encountered Bast a few times via rituals run by others, and She seems to like me just fine. My own need for some kind of closure is painfully clear, so I mustn't put it off too long.
* Create a report and/or presentation comparing the traditional Vanir Cult of Sweden, modern Vanatru, and Wicca.
* Spend the current Wheel (starting last Samhain) exploring that connection on a personal level with my Lover.
* Be watcher for a friend of mine who is headwashing to Oxun this spring. I hope to gain insight on the nature of Headwashing from it. This is prompting several craft projects for Oxun. One or two for Her headwashee, and a new crown for the house. The last crown I made for the house (for Yemaya) took months, and was a major undertaking, so this should be interesting.
* Figure out how to connect with Damballa and Aida Wedo. The serpents are quite warm, and gave me a gift at New Years that I can hardly put down, but I don't yet know what exactly it is. I can't see anything but positive results from this, so I'm not at all scared, but I'm thorougly baffled - I just don't understand Them at all yet.
* Oya confirmed (by demanding) that I must Dance for Her soon. Oya scares me. No, that's not quite right. I respect and admire Oya. It's the aspects of myself that map to Oya that scare me. As such, Her demand is daunting. I may have to just suck it up and do it to get past that.
* On a similar note, I made a promise to Pomba Gira that I must find a way to keep. It shouldn't be hard to find an appropriate opportunity to Dance for Her, but I mustn't let it slide out of the assumption that another opportunity will come around later.
* Check out Pings from Welsh deities. I need another trad/pantheon like I need extra holes in my head, but I'm aware that They are probably an Ancestral line for me. The current round of the Trance Class (for which I am the primary instructor) would be a perfect opportunity to open that door in a limited context. If there's a serious PING coming from Their end, I'm only putting off the inevitable if I try to ignore it.
--Ember-- |