Hope everyone enjoyed the Solar eclipse yesterday, even though it wasn't really visible. It is a powerful tool for magick, from what I have been taught, as eclipses can multiply the effect of one's actions.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 2oth of February is a TOTAL eclipse, and will be quite visible to most areas of the planet. There won't be another Total Lunar Eclipse for another 3 years. So, it may be worth your while to stop and pay attention to this one if you can.
A good way to work magick in relation to the eclipses is to use the time of the New Moon (and consequently this time also an eclipse) to concentrate on what changes one would like to make in one's life. What old patterns need to be broken and what new patterns would you like to develop? Between the New and Full moon,(the Crescent and Gibbous moons), to figure out ways to implement these changes.
If we hold our attention on our intentions, either through ritual or prayer or the like, during the Full Moon and the effect should boost and reinforce our momentum more so than usual. Especially, during a Total Lunar Eclipse there is a compounded potency that is recognized by Eastern cultures, at least, AFAIK.
Here is yet, another link to Cafe Astrology, as I really like their information and layout on that site.
Here are the times for the Lunar Eclipse on the 20th of February.
In North America, the Total Eclipse takes place during:
Newfoundland ~ 11:30 p.m. - 12:21 a.m.
Atlantic ~ 11:00 - 11:51 p.m.
Eastern ~ 10:00 - 10:51 p.m.
Central ~ 9:00 - 9:51 p.m.
Mountain ~ 8:00 - 8:51 p.m.
Pacific ~ 7:00 - 7:51 p.m.
In Europe and Africa ~ 3:00 a.m. - 3:51 a.m. GMT Feb 21
I hope everyone can utilize these astrologically significant events and lunar phases to their benefit and to the benefit of their community and environment.
Bless. |