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The Aspectarian


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19:15 / 28.02.07

Really if I had missed the eclipse I'd get spanked.
19:18 / 28.02.07
Oh. Sorry for the reminder then, xk!
00:59 / 28.08.07
August 28th, there is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 10:37 GMT or 6:37 EDT or 3:37 PDT

Some helpful information regarding this event.
electric monk
11:55 / 28.08.07
Thanks for the warning. ;-)
13:57 / 28.08.07
You are welcome. Sorry it wasn't much sooner. That is why I posted that info as well, because, as has been explained before to me by other sources, the effects of an eclipse still happen a few days before and a few days after. So, all is not lost!
14:06 / 28.08.07
thank ya!
00:50 / 12.09.07
I am so sorry. I forgot to post this, but there was a solar eclipse today - or, September 11th. It was at 8:30am EST.

Please go here for more information. I really like that site.
13:31 / 15.11.07
*sigh* Let's try this again.

Mars, for those who don't already know, has gone retrograde early this morning - and in Cancer of all places! So for those of us who have this planet strong in our charts it could mean a lot of frustrating events, or non-events, as the case may be. Hold tight and go with the flow, do a lot of reflecting and getting rid of that which is not needed for when Mars goes back on course on January 30th, next year.

Being an Aries, this is almost like all systems STOP, for me. It has hit my life like a waterbucket on a campfire.

No smores tonight!
20:30 / 15.11.07
Is this a good time to have a lot of unproductive arguments?
21:34 / 15.11.07
Possibly. Are you having one, Zippy?
00:46 / 16.11.07
Did yesterday, in spades. Today, just unproductive.
01:54 / 16.11.07
Sorry to hear that, Zippid. I am personally noticing a lot of obstacles about my home life and family issues. The advice I have been given to use this retrograde period well is that it is a really good time to work on anger issues. It may be tempting to get frustrated and have outbursts at this time, but it will be more damaging. By January 30th, when Mars goes direct again, it could mean a pressure cooker effect and the the results could be explosive. Really using the retrograde to one's advantage not pushing too much in any area will be beneficial in a couple of months. It will allow for a transformation of how to use the warrior "energy" or influence, if you prefer, of Mars.

If I could go on retreat right now, I would.
Unconditional Love
11:11 / 16.11.07
I am a cancer, i am having a great time with this, its like a clear and concise picture of things, a kind of violent one pointedness, going on until February i believe. Seriously i think if you focus this well it can be very useful for removing unwanted obstacles. Mine started to fall apart yesterday, fantastic.
04:03 / 18.11.07
Eep! Just got back from an amazing house party with many interesting and ehilherating conversations. What tonight brought into focus was how I'm a water sign in every form of astrology I've looked into: Scorpio, born in Water Rat (in water season) and my (Arguelles) Mayan sign is "guided by the power of universal Water".

So... anybody else notice anything similar about their own cross-cultural astrologies.

[apologies for stumbling in i9ntoxicated without reading the whole thread... I'll do that now]
04:36 / 18.11.07
Niiiice. Up to date now. Thanks, dear Crysis. Keep it coming.
11:32 / 18.11.07
You're welcome, and for your sake, Mixmage, and for Emberleo's, I think we must begin that Horoscope thread. Maybe we can do some cross-referencing there of Western, Eastern, Mayan astrologies. Sounds fun!
18:19 / 28.01.08
Just to let people know: Mercury is now retrograde in Aquarius. This can influence much miscommunication and issues associated with travel. Purchasing electronics would be best put off until a later time as well, as you may not get what you think you are getting. This aspect remains until February 15th, I believe. I will double check that later.

However, Mars will be going direct after a nearly two month stay in Cancer - only briefly retrograding into Gemini during that time. So, expect a bit of slingshot effect, those of you whom have Mars aspecting prominently in your chart. Time to forward! w00t!
16:50 / 05.02.08
Heads up, kids...quite literally! Tomorrow there will be an annular partial Solar Eclipse along with the New Moon, in Aquarius. I think it is at 5:30ish PM for those in the UK. Making it about 10:30ish pm EST. It won't be visible to most of us, more than likely, unless you live in South Africa or Antartica.

Check here for more details on position.

Also, on the 20th of this month there is a a Lunar eclipse. More details on that later.

13:03 / 07.02.08
Hope everyone enjoyed the Solar eclipse yesterday, even though it wasn't really visible. It is a powerful tool for magick, from what I have been taught, as eclipses can multiply the effect of one's actions.

The Lunar Eclipse on the 2oth of February is a TOTAL eclipse, and will be quite visible to most areas of the planet. There won't be another Total Lunar Eclipse for another 3 years. So, it may be worth your while to stop and pay attention to this one if you can.

A good way to work magick in relation to the eclipses is to use the time of the New Moon (and consequently this time also an eclipse) to concentrate on what changes one would like to make in one's life. What old patterns need to be broken and what new patterns would you like to develop? Between the New and Full moon,(the Crescent and Gibbous moons), to figure out ways to implement these changes.

If we hold our attention on our intentions, either through ritual or prayer or the like, during the Full Moon and the effect should boost and reinforce our momentum more so than usual. Especially, during a Total Lunar Eclipse there is a compounded potency that is recognized by Eastern cultures, at least, AFAIK.

Here is yet, another link to Cafe Astrology, as I really like their information and layout on that site.

Here are the times for the Lunar Eclipse on the 20th of February.

In North America, the Total Eclipse takes place during:

Newfoundland ~ 11:30 p.m. - 12:21 a.m.
Atlantic ~ 11:00 - 11:51 p.m.
Eastern ~ 10:00 - 10:51 p.m.
Central ~ 9:00 - 9:51 p.m.
Mountain ~ 8:00 - 8:51 p.m.
Pacific ~ 7:00 - 7:51 p.m.

In Europe and Africa ~ 3:00 a.m. - 3:51 a.m. GMT Feb 21

I hope everyone can utilize these astrologically significant events and lunar phases to their benefit and to the benefit of their community and environment.

13:19 / 20.02.08
Just a reminder about the Total Lunar Eclipse.
electric monk
13:37 / 20.02.08
I was thinking the eclipse was tomorrow night for some reason, so Thank You Very Much!

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