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The Aspectarian


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01:35 / 22.12.06
As per request from, xk, a thread for discussion of heavenly bodies. Now that, that joke is out of the way, let's begin...

An ephemeris is an essential tool for my magickal practice. I am no expert on astrology but having a good, general understanding of cosmic influences can help me understand worldly and personal events from another perspective. Seeking the wisdom of other astrologers, preferably those with better comprehension of the cosmos than myself, is always helpful.

Some think astrology is utter toss. Do we want discussion about that in this thread? What about Pluto? Poor Pluto.

Anyway, some current aspects:

Yesterday, (Wednesday the 20th), the sun and the moon were conjunct, or 0° in the same sign Sagitarrius. This conjunct between the sun and the moon, in any sign, is otherwise known as a New Moon.

What does that mean? A New Moon is always a good time for, guess what? - starting new things! Especially with the influence of the true aim of Sagittarius.

Today, (Thursday the 21st) the Sun moved into the sign of Capricorn - or rather, from where we are on Earth, that is what it appears like. Now we all know at least something of sun signs. It is the more obscure aspects of our solar system that sometimes are unknown influences in our daily lives.

Today also, Mars is at 90° or square with Uranus. Now what exactly does that mean? Well, we can look at the three clues we have: the qualites & correspondences of Uranus and Mars, plus the nature of the postion those planets are in, in this case, squared with each other.

So, Mars is rather notorious as a passionate and conflict-seeking influence, now acting at cross purposes with, Uranus - as well, a dynamic planet with a predilication to the abstract, innovative, and progressive. This is neither good, nor bad, of course. It all depends on how one negotiates one's affairs utilizing this information. Alternatively, one could chose to not change one's game plan and simply observe to see if there is anything noticably relevant to the daily aspects in personal matters, or global events, as is applicable.

One thing I've observed about Astrology is - it requires a great deal of observation.

For those who would like more information on Major Aspects, I particularly like the definitions here at Cafe I really like the whole site, actually. It is very informative

So, whether you would like to discuss daily aspects, major or minor, aspects charted on your own natal chart, that discussion can take place here.

Actually, the moon is VOC (void of course) ATM (at the moment), and theoretically, that could mean that this thread will bomb if I post it now.

Let's test that theory.
07:35 / 22.12.06
Some think astrology is utter toss. Do we want discussion about that in this thread?

I would prefer Debate and Lab be kept sepparate, personally - they're very different modes of thinking for me, and the former is disruptive to the latter.

11:30 / 22.12.06
Agreed, EmberLeo. It is good to get that clear and out of the way, first.
12:44 / 22.12.06
I'd still like to be able to pull apart what is posted to thread though...Not just a results only place. Can we just state all discussion in thread begins with the established assumption that astrology is valid and move on from there?
13:20 / 22.12.06
That's pretty much what I meant.

13:27 / 22.12.06
I am good with that. If people want to have a debate about the validity of Astrology, then we can make one. There may even be one kicking around the archives.

Another question: What system of time shall we use? Ephemeris? Universal?

Here is someone trying to explain the difference. Yeah, and that is the simplest explanation I have seen. Unless, someone here can be more concise than that.
13:29 / 22.12.06
...then we can make one.

In another thread.
16:47 / 22.12.06
I'm thrilled to see this thread. I'm no expert, but astrology is an obsession of mine. I go on these googling fugues and end up with hours and hours of Lost Time.

At the moment, I'm making may way through four different books on Pluto, so I'm up for any discussions about our poor, demoted dwarf (who I suspect is fine regarding that little kerfluffle).

And I vote for ephemeral time, but I'm not overly attatched to either one. My opinion is that astrology is sort of a (mathmatical? mythological? psychological?) construct as it is, and I see it as similar to tarot, in that you get out of it what you put in. But it really blows me away sometimes.
Unconditional Love
05:50 / 23.12.06
Calendars and time based on physical bodies are intresting, especially if time is considered as a purely physical function of the movement of the earth around the sun and its relationship to planetary bodies, a very limited perspective thou, as it reduces the idea of character to physicality only, it also reduces the idea of time to being only a physical measurement, rather than time as a phenomena of the percieved movement of consciousness.

If the planets represent aspects of consciousness that are not inherently tied into the physical bodies of the planets or there associated houses, is it not possible to approach astrology as a form of personal and generational spiritual phenomena, rather than say trying to relate to it as an older form of astronomy for example.
Unconditional Love
05:54 / 23.12.06

This is one of my favourite astrological programs, not indepth, but still very informative.
14:07 / 28.12.06
There are quite a few aspects today. I am going to tackle:

Sun 45°: or semisquare to Neptune at 6:42am
The Sun representing the ego, the self, with Neptune representing matters of "spirit" - these two planets coming to terms with each other, yet the terms are still not quite ironed out.

This indicates (to me) communications will be a bit limited and unclear. Most likely, information may be misinterpretated as negative. Relations will be slightly irritated and people are likely to experience a general malaise or moodiness and tendancy to indulge oneself - just not at anyone else's expense! There is certainly nothing too extreme as in the case of being square or in opposition. However...

Moon 180&dedg: or in opposition to Neptune
Clearly, with Moon-emotional and Neptune-spiritual matters in opposition, there is going to be negativity and situations will become unclear.

Over-indulgences are likely, if one is not careful. One is likely to be unrealistic or unable to distinguish the real from the imagined, which just exaggerates the negative effects of the aspect above. This would be a good time for less interaction with people, if possible, and more introspection. A good time to do some personal magickal work, but don't get upset today, as it is more likely to get blown out of proportion, or just be a misunderstanding.

There are many more aspects today, Neptune and the Moon are also going contraparallel, for instance, and the Moon and Venus go square tonight.
11:46 / 29.12.06
My apologies. I did the aspects for the wrong day, yesterday. I hope it wasn't too confusing.

Aspects for today include three trines. One in the morning, one around noon, and one at night (ET).

The Moon is at 120°: or trine with Pluto at 2:55am ET
This has most likely passed for most, but this would have be a great time for self development and introspection especially through deep meditation or through ritual work.

Moon is 120°: or trine with Mercury at 12:34pm ET
Exccellent time for communicating emotions with clarity and even logic. Emotional situations will make more sense. If you are a writer, thoughts will flow freely and will be communicated easily. At this time, one can pour one's heart out with grace and without gushing. A great time for getting together with close friends.

Sun at 120°: or trine with Moon at 9:50pm ET
Very harmonious. The will and the emotions are in alignment. Great time for spellcasting. Remember, the Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Taurus, today. Tonight should be really laid back, just don't get too comfy!
12:43 / 29.12.06
cheers 'Trix!
19:31 / 29.12.06
I feel kind of dumb asking this, but while Astrology has always interested me, I've never gotten to invest much in it, so I'm not quite following you yet. I understand the whole Trine/Square/Opposite bit, and the planets themselves. I have done a bit to understand the specific natures of the signs and houses (though I'm still working on the latter).

But I don't see where the positions are coming from for your interpretations? Are these where planets are right now or are you comparing planets today with planets on a particular chart?

My other point of confusion is: Is there a reason for leaving the Signs out of the interpretation of the Aspects? (I mean, I know this is the Aspectarian thread, but I thought the Sign was part of the Aspect, not just the Planet.)

Sorry if these questions are too basic for this thread.

12:55 / 30.12.06
But I don't see where the positions are coming from for your interpretations? Are these where planets are right now or are you comparing planets today with planets on a particular chart?

Imagine you are a protractor. You (or the Earth) are the point that the lines of the angle projects from, thus creating various degrees of separation betweeen the planets. These are the aspects, the relationship planets have with each other and the how that relates back to you.

My other point of confusion is: Is there a reason for leaving the Signs out of the interpretation of the Aspects? (I mean, I know this is the Aspectarian thread, but I thought the Sign was part of the Aspect, not just the Planet.)

Given the example of how planetary aspects are calculated, you may understand why it is not necessary to include the signs in aspects. As far as the houses are concerned, on a natal chart it may be easier to include that than in daily aspects. Houses are calculated from your ascendant in 30° increments. I suppose that could be calculated but in one aspect, there could be two houses to consider for one aspect or more, and the ascendant will change throughout the day. It gets really complicated.

So, the signs and houses are not necessary to calculate for planetary aspects. If you really want to consider it, finding out what the ascendant is at a particular time, then calculating the 30° houses to the position in the sky where the planet is, you will know not only the planetary aspects, but you will know what houses planets are in at that particular time.

There are so many things to think about in Astrology.

Can someone correct me if I am wrong, maybe there is an easier way to do this. Also, please feel free to add to my interpretations, or disagree with them, I am not made of glass.
Unconditional Love
13:53 / 30.12.06
This might be of use for some people to get a better understanding, if not some of it looks pretty.


15:37 / 30.12.06
Awesome programs!

Pardon the terrible pun, but aren't houses specific to location? The first house is the ascendant that starts on the horizon in the east.

Okay, let me rub my last two braincells together...

Sidereal time (for midnight Greenwich) today is 6h. 33min. 11sec...Let me see, I think today looks something this:

Sun 8° Capricorn
Moon 9° Taurus
Mercury 3° Capricorn
Venus 23° Capricorn
Mars 16° Sagittarius
Jupiter 17° Sagittarius
Saturn 24° Leo
Uranus 11° Gemini
Neptune 18° Aquarius
Pluto 26° Saggitarius

That is for today. Keeping that in mind while considering the aspects is a good idea. Here are a few of today's aspects:

Moon 60° or sextile to Uranus at 3:41am ET
This aspect shows a time for breakthrough, breaking old patterns and addressing taboos, perhaps - Feeling, rather than "thinking" outside the box.

Moon 90° or square to Neptune at 2:55pm ET
Emotionally charged situations take place. Tendancy to emotional extremes causing imbalances.

Venus 150° or quincunx to Saturn at 6:31pm ET
I found this on "Venus Quincunx (Inconjunct) Saturn - You have difficulty seeing what you are actually responsible for in relationships. Consequently, you take on more responsibilities than necessary in order to insure the continuation of your relationships. Do people like you for you or because of what you do for them? You are easily confused on this point. If you are busy doing things for people, they never get a chance to know the real you." Of course, it reads as a natal chart and not a daily forecast.
15:47 / 30.12.06
Wow, Yah Naa Aah Paw, nice links. You're 4 for 4 with me this week. Thanks very much.

We can talk about natal charts here, correct? Nevertheless, I've been holding back because - Aries that I am - discussions about natal chart aspects often just lapse into me nattering on about myself. I'm trying to spare everyone.

But does anyone have any hard aspects and configurations in their natal chart that they've found to be particularly beneficial? Or perhaps, the bane of their existence?

And soft aspects - those sometimes fly under the radar, but I've found that actively working with them can really jump-start matters. I have a Grand Earth Trine I'd ignored for years (all my life, actually), but once I started really exploring what it meant for me, it was a great opportunity for growth.
16:15 / 30.12.06
Nevertheless, I've been holding back because - Aries that I am - discussions about natal chart aspects often just lapse into me nattering on about myself. I'm trying to spare everyone.

Ditto for me. Aries - guilty as charged.

But, enough about me...
08:45 / 31.12.06
Imagine you are a protractor...

I'm sorry, that was poorly phrased on my part. I understand what aspects are and how they are calculated. What I wanted to know is when you are getting them from, not how. But I think I understand now that when you say "daily" you are getting them only from today, rather than comparing, say, your birth chart to some other event date.

Given the example of how planetary aspects are calculated, you may understand why it is not necessary to include the signs in aspects.

Well, no, not entirely. I get it that the signs they are in doesn't matter to how the aspects are calculated on a 360 degree circle, but doesn't it matter if Mars is in Scorpio, and square to Saturn in Leo, as opposed to Mars in Gemini being square to Saturn in Virgo? I mean doesn't the fact that it's a pair of fixed signs they're in rather than mutable matter, for example?

I get it why houses don't matter in dailies. If you don't have a time of day, you don't have a rising to base the houses from.

Pardon the terrible pun, but aren't houses specific to location? The first house is the ascendant that starts on the horizon in the east.

Um, I think they are specific to your longitude, because the degree of Ascendant matters to the minute, not just by the hour, and time zones aren't specific enough for that. If they are specific to your lattitude, I don't know exactly why.

Nevertheless, I've been holding back because - Aries that I am - discussions about natal chart aspects often just lapse into me nattering on about myself. I'm trying to spare everyone.

Ditto for me. Aries - guilty as charged.

Well, I'm a Scorpio, and tend to natter on 'bout myself just as much, but if you've got interesting aspects to discuss from your natal charts in how they relate to you, I'm all for it.

I do have some aspects I've been trying to understand. Iif you count Chiron, I have a Grand Cross in the fixed signs. The confusion is that the point in Scorpio is also a triple conjunction. I've been told that it triples the cross, and I've been told that's ridiculous. Actually, I've been told rather a lot of things, so I find the whole thing very confusing. I'm going to poke at those links now...

15:18 / 31.12.06
Sorry, EmberLeo. I certainly didn't mean to be condescending.

I don't think I can incorporate Houses into this thread, but no reason why the subject couldn't be broached here, especially in cross-referencing aspects. Honestly, I am not up to the work it would take me to calculate the houses for the sake of this thread, but it certainly can't hurt to know more about. Perhaps, people can calculate for their own logistics? I am sure it isn't too hard, as I personally find astrology quite challenging. I struggle to make sense of numbers and symbols that I normally do not comprehend. To say nothing of the...what is it called...trigonometry?, that I have no clue of. I am the last person anyone wants to have teach them Astrology.

For example: when I said "Imagine you are a protractor...", I probably should have said, "Imagine you are 180 protractors...". I think that was a joke.

Anyway, I am rambling...

Today the planets are in the same signs as yesterday, but the moon moves into Gemini. Way to go, Gemini! Nice way to start the year. Should make for nice parties tonight. Lots of talking and, coupling.

I just don't have the time to do the aspects right now. I am so sorry. I have to go to work.

Something that catches my eye is the Moon trine with Venus...oh my. Well, have fun kids!
08:40 / 01.01.07
Sorry, EmberLeo. I certainly didn't mean to be condescending.

Oh, I didn't think you were being condescending. I just realized I didn't phrase the question correctly for getting the answer I sought, that's all.

No worries.

11:38 / 04.01.07
I think I am going to start a "Horoscope Thread", for natal charts, as I just discovered something really interesting about my own chart that is blowing me away.

I will be right back with some of today's aspects.

Hey, EmberLeo...if you want to do the houses for your longitude, that would be great. I do tend to focus on the planets' interactions with one another more than anything else. I suppose I am missing a vital influence by being so narrowly focused.
13:08 / 04.01.07
Venus moves into Aquarius, today at 3:32am.

Moon 150°, or quincunx to Mars at 4:17am:
Emotional confusion and inconsistencies necessitate creative expression and ideals, rather than disjointed bickering and petty arguments. However, it can be utilized as a perfect segue to this next aspect...

Mercury 60°, or sextile to Uranus at 5:20am
An added drama to our self-expression, but not so much flamboyancy as to cause one to be insensitive and self centered. Good time for activist work.

Moon 180°, or in opposition with Venus at 11:09pm
Intimate relationships may be strained and there will be the need for flexibility although, it will not come easily. There could be a need for temporary or permanent withdrawal from an intimate relationship.

I am very interested to incorporate the influence of the houses.
22:28 / 04.01.07
Hey, EmberLeo...if you want to do the houses for your longitude, that would be great. I do tend to focus on the planets' interactions with one another more than anything else. I suppose I am missing a vital influence by being so narrowly focused.

*blinks* If I'm not mistaken, the Rising sign changes every couple minutes, and thus the houses move with it. Regardless of my longitude, I'd have to pick a time of day. I mean, I can give it a shot, if you want, but what time of day do you want me to base the houses on?

02:40 / 05.01.07
Hey, no problem, EL. That is what I thought. It seemed incredibly time consuming due to the constant change. It is possible to know which house(es) each planet is in at any given time, but too much work for a message board.

Anyway, I am going to start that natal chart thread. I just discovered that my son has 9 bloody trines in his chart. NINE!
Is that a whole whacka trines, or what?
00:09 / 06.01.07
It's okay. It wasn't the Houses being left out of dailies that confused me, it was the Signs. They hold still!

13:29 / 16.02.07
Bah, I have tried to start that Horoscope thread 4 times now, and it gets scrapped every time, for one reason or another.

BTW, my son has a Grand Trine, not nine bloody trines! Dear me, I am a slow one.

Some of today's aspects:
Remember, this is GMT. Adjust accordingly for local time, (ie: +5 hrs. for EST).

Moon semisquare Venus, 7:27am
From "Effort to communicate charmingly and persuasively; effort to close the gap between thought and feeling, and to achieve beauty of thought and rational values."

Moon semisextile Mercury, 9:10am
From me: Something is irritating and needs to be expressed and sorted. However, being able to express it comprehensively and reasonably will be a challenge today. It is best to balance expressing oneself with listening to others. Especially, take time to give yourself a moment to think, before speaking. Usually a good idea, but extra care will be helpful, as to not cause further agitation.

Moon semisquare Pluto, 3:16pm
A small shift in one's paradigm, perhaps? It may be helpful to settle down for some meditation or deep contemplation of one's beliefs and perhaps the points of contention from earlier in the day.

Moon semisextile Uranus, 3:42pm
Things become more agreeable and there is less conflict between the emotions and reason.

Moon sextile Jupiter, 8:06pm
Feed your mind! Curiosity and courage! Embracing life's rich pageantry and marveling at the tapestries right now, will be in order.

I must have more coffeee!
13:53 / 16.02.07
Whoops! Missed a biggie: Mercury has gone retograde from the 13th of this month to March 7th.

Basically, this means that usual means of communication and channels of communication are cloudy and confusing during this time. There may be a tendency to not cross you T's and dot your i's, so be aware! Generally misunderstandings can be avoided if one keeps to oneself and works solo as much as possible.

From "While Mercury is retrograde, familiar channels of communications become tangled and confused. Expect delays and changes in plans. Use this time for researching and problem-solving. This is a great time to rewrite and edit, rework an old project or successfully repeat a task. Reevaluate and reconsider, but hold final decisions and approvals until Mercury goes direct.

The tendency is to initialize or finalize projects prematurely. The contents of verbal or written contracts and plans made now may later seem inadequate or unclear. This is not a good time to buy on the spur of the moment without investigation. This is also not a good time to purchase electronic equipment or cars.

Major purchases may be reduced in price after the retrograde period and you can save money by waiting. Major repairs or surgery performed now may be incomplete or plagued by unexpected repercussions. Double-check and reconfirm every detail. Typed or written errors are easily overlooked, paperwork mislaid, appointments forgotten. Let your sense of humor overcome the challenge of unexpected adjustments."

Until March 7th! Apologies for the oversight!
14:13 / 16.02.07
you = teh awesome

electric monk
15:18 / 28.02.07
How do the heavenly bodies look today? The moon's at 90% full, and I'm thinking tonight will be a good night for the casting of circles and the chatting-up of Personages. What say the stars?
18:29 / 28.02.07
Well, monk, Saturn and Neptune are in opposition. This is the second time this will happen in the past year. The first time was last August, and the next time will be on June 25th, this year. So, this is the halfway point, and is a time to take stock of one's situation. Ask yourself the hard questions: Are you doing what you need to be doing to reach your goals? Are you being realistic with yourself and others? Are you settling for something that is not ideal for you?

In a magickal sense, and to quickly summarize: it is a good time to reflect, and it a good time to get real, but without squashing our dreams and aspirations in the process.

That is just off the top of my head.
18:46 / 28.02.07
and what a smart head it is!
this makes many things make a lot more sense, thank you!
electric monk
18:52 / 28.02.07
Yes indeedy! Thanks, Justrix.
19:05 / 28.02.07
Aw shucks, xk. I have my moments...few and far between...

Keep in mind people, that we are also working toward a Total Lunar Eclipse occurring on March 3rd-4th. Eclipses can exaggerate circumstances, so people may have a tendency to overreact. However, because of this effect, doing a working during this time can also exaggerate the effects. SO, be careful, comrades!

There is a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 19th of March, as well .

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