I'm pretty new here (joined in October '06, and have managed 8 topics and 61 posts), and have only recently discovered the tables detailing members' posting histories. They make for pretty interesting reading. To pluck some figures from the 'leader board', Eight-Stoats-A-Rocking has managed 19,395 posts, Haus 15,009 and Ganesh 13,239, while another 160-odd individuals have managed over 1000 posts each. By any standard, this is a serious amount of time and effort to invest (even without moderating responsibilities etc.), and so I'd like to ask any prolific posters who'd care to answer to reflect on what their heavy involvement with Barbelith means to them. I've no value judgement to make one way or the other, but I'm very much intrigued as to how central / peripheral Barbelith is to your creativity, social life, intellectual development etc. I'd also like to ask (again, wihtout prejudice) whether if you could have those hours (days? weeks?) you've spent on Barbelith back, you'd spend 'em again in much the same way. Thanks in advance to anybody willing to share... |