Hello, my name is Tom, and I'm an EverQuest player.
"Hi, Tom!"
Perhaps in some future context, at some future technology level, immersive online environments will be fulfilling.
As it stands now, however, games like EverQuest are like an extraordinarily compelling television show, which is on 24 hours a day. A healthy approach to such a show might be to, when you weren't doing anything else, flip it on and watch for a few hours. An unhealthy approach would be calling in sick and sending out for food because you're afraid of missing some important plot detail.
I think I'm balancing my play time somewhat reasonably these days; I do still cook, play in the sunshine, and have rampant sex , but I have experienced periods where I am clearly wrestling with an addictive behavior.
I really want to see what happens when the Star Wars online game comes out. Given that it's a franchise that lots of people are attracted to, and not just fantasy and gamer geeks, I figure there's a small but non-zero chance that it will end civilization as we know it. |