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Avatar: The Last Airbender


Page: 12(3)

19:49 / 08.01.08
Aye. URL plz.
Razor Wind
18:27 / 09.01.08
You'll be well served by Mininova. The Cartoon World (marked with [C-W]) releases are good quality.

Also try Youtorrent.

Google the urls. I'm not sure of the etiquette here regarding filesharing.
Dead Megatron
20:02 / 09.01.08
Coincidently, mininova was the site I found while looking for possible sources. Seems good enough. Thanx for the help!!!!

Already downloaded Episode 3-1. God, this cartoon is perfect.
Razor Wind
20:23 / 04.02.08
No new Avatar and no-one knows when 314 is being aired. Forlorn.

Does anyone have some hard facts,informed guesses or plain wild speculation about the air date? Last known good guess was Jan. 25th and that's passed.
Razor Wind
23:29 / 10.02.08
I've been trawling DeviantART to tide me over,and I found this excellent fancomic: Zhaoko of the Water Tribe
Great art,and an interesting 'what-if' - Zhao survived the Water Spirit's attack,but lost his memory. Is he still the same man?
Razor Wind
23:26 / 17.02.08
This comic is wonderful — it seems it has been drawn by rufftoon and it feels just like an extended episode of Avatar,set three years after the end of the series.
I've read up to pg. 71 and we've already been reintroduced to Iroh,and it gives us a clue as to the identity of the new Fire Lord. It is who you think .
Razor Wind
19:41 / 26.02.08
313 - I realise this recap is really,really overdue,but I have to keep myself sane somehow. Plus,everyone's watched it by now .

Zuko's teaching Aang to firebend,'cept he's having trouble too for some reason. (Some impressive Shaolin moves here.) It turns out that he's fallen victim to Good is Dumb — because he's joined the Avatar and told his abusive father to go stuff himself,he's not angry any more. Guess what his firebending's fuelled by.
Sokka gets his digs in too;I found it a little too vindictive to be playful,which is sort of understandable,except he includes Aang as well .

So,after some more humiliation around the campfire,and an amazing sequence where we see Toph's first lessons with badger-moles,it's off to the nearest convenient ancient firebender civilization ruin to pick up some tips.

Cool,wuxia-style wallrunning.

Wandering the ruins,Zuko tells Aang why Iroh was the "Dragon of the West",hinting at a troubled past for his uncle. Then they come across something mysterious — a locked door with a sun stone. After some obvious-in-hindsight trickery to get in,they find statues in weird poses. It's a firebending form called "The Fusion Dance Dancing Dragon! Doing the dance reveals,in order,a stone,a glue trap that was set off by Zuko picking up the stone and the not-dead-after-all firebending civilization that digs them out.

Once Aang plays the Avatar card (and apologises) they agree to show them the ancient ways by bringing an offering of "the original fire" up the mountain using their firebending.
At the top,the dynamic duo ascend a flight of steps to present their offering to the two "masters". They're dragons! But there's no fire,because Aang let his go out and blew Zuko's out trying to cheat off of him. Just when it looks like Avatar barbeque,Aang gets a brainwave — that dance in the temple.

This leads to a beautiful and awesome sequence where they perform the dance whilst silhouetted against the setting sun,with the dragons whooshing around and matching their every move.

They're rewarded with a pretty light show and the realisation that it's the drive that you have that really powers firebending. And Iroh knew this anyway,'cause he got there before them.

End with the two demonstrating back at the camp and Zuko receiving even more stick for the name of the form.

A very,very good episode. I'm seeing the beginnings of a little/big brother relationship between the two here,with Zuko playing the 'older and more experienced' role to Aang's 'pestering little kid'. He compliments him & even attempts a little sarky humour; I like this Zuko. The only trouble is the fuel it gives to the Zukaang shippers (they're out there somewhere,slashficcing away,I know it O_O).

Subtle things: Aang saying,"I don't care what everyone else says about you — you're pretty smart." and Zuko smiling. Then his face falling into a 'wait,what?' just as the camera pans away .

Best line:"Zuko,get over here! I want you to dance with me!"
Razor Wind
20:26 / 27.03.08
Semi-official air date for 314 (scroll down)

I really hope this is correct. But...April 18th?! Are they trying to kill interest in the show?
Dead Megatron
02:14 / 28.03.08
They can try all they want. It ain't gonna work.
Razor Wind
17:34 / 18.04.08
April 18th. Day no. sixty-something
Still no sign of the Avatar. Our previous source of information has been invalidated. I'm beginning to lose hope...
Jack Fear
21:12 / 18.04.08
There are nt one, but two Avatar-related panels at this weekend's New York Comics Con; I expect we'll have some official news soon.

On another front: official release dates and title for the first live-action movie are announced: also, an interview with M. Night Shazamshazamshazam about the project. If this thing hits big, then Greenland = the next New Zealand, mark my words.
Razor Wind
22:30 / 27.04.08
314 is OUT. FINALLY!

Run,don't walk. Summary up soonish.
Dead Megatron
19:10 / 28.04.08
"My first girlfriend turned into the Moon."

"That's rough, buddy."

This show has the best dialogues.
Razor Wind
21:22 / 28.04.08
Quickly followed by 315. It is a two-parter.
Fsck me. Part one wasn't the best,but this was at least up there with "The Crossroads of Destiny" in terms of chop-sockey. I'll leave the detailed analysis for both for when I have time,but Suki's head-hopping answer to "How do we get to the warden?" was awesome .
Razor Wind
23:13 / 01.06.08
We've been thrown a scrap — a brief clip of 317 was shown at the New York Comic Con: YouTube link
It's side-on,but has the best sound (i.e. you can hear them over the squee). Suki is looking damn sexy,I can tell you <3.
Razor Wind
01:26 / 10.06.08
It's like the beginning of Season 3 all over again. AMAZING:
Trailer for Season 3 Finale
They fit all that into two minutes and still found time for two or three Ship Teases.
Jack Fear
14:42 / 28.06.08
Official word, via Nickelodeon's magazine: series will finish up in the US the week of July 14. New episode each night Monday-Friday, 2-hour series finale on Saturday.

Which is either... I dunno. On the one hand, they're throwing the fans not just a bone, but a big ol' bloody steak. On the other hand, burning off the remaining episodes in a one-week blitz serves to bury the show as quickly as possible.

There's got to be something going on behind the scenes with this; it'll be a fascinating story when it all comes out.
Dead Megatron
17:07 / 28.06.08
It's the series' finale, no just the season's, so they seem to want to go with a bang.
Jack Fear
17:41 / 28.06.08
They seem to want to go, full stop, is my point.
Razor Wind
23:46 / 28.06.08
This sounds depressingly plausible.
Lagrange's Nightmare
11:22 / 29.06.08
Indeed, of the 10 episodes still to be aired on American TV four are already available on torrents. Two because they aired in the UK and two beacuse they already released them on DVD!

Nickelodeon doesn't seem to care about this show, I don't know what the ratings were like. Maybe some ploy to get people to purchase the DVDs.

Still I hope it's good!
Razor Wind
13:17 / 16.07.08
Brand-new,never-seen-before episodes tomorrow! YES.
It looks like the three seasons are all we're getting,though. Source: Link to interview with composers of the series.
It's got samples of the soundtracks too — Azula's theme is suitably menacing.
Razor Wind
02:34 / 20.07.08
Last episode ever aired today. The 'nets are buzzing,but I have to go to sleep. Bugger.
Razor Wind
02:42 / 21.07.08
Oh my god,that was incredible. That's how you do a finale.
Jack Fear
11:17 / 22.01.09

Casting announcements have come through for the four leads on the upcoming live-action AVATAR movie... and they're all white. As in Caucasian. Of European descent.


Does this piss you off? You're not alone. And of course there's an Internet action already in progress against the decision. Which probably won't make a blind bit of difference, but still.

Why this is happening when the film's director is himself Asian (albeit South Asian) is just fucking beyond me. And as Heidi MacDonald points out here, the world's biggest movie stars—and its biggest movie markets—are Asian; an AVATAR movie starring Asian-American kids and with cameos from the likes of Jet Li and Chow Yun-Fat would be box-office gold—not just here, but in the all-important overseas market.

Seriously, Hollywood? America is ready. Why aren't you?
Dead Megatron
16:09 / 22.01.09
I bet the villains will be played by Asian actors...

Anyway, M. Nigh Shaymalan doing the Avatar movie? I gave up on that project as soon as I knew it existed. It's quite possible that, in the the end of the movie, we'll discover that all benders are actually dead people in monster costume who are afraid of water, and the plans want to kill everybody.
Razor Wind
21:10 / 23.01.09
Then everyone will be saved... Thetan removal.

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