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NaNoWriMo 2006


Page: 12(3)45

13:29 / 03.11.06
the spouse seems all set now. I found a giant writer's nest of paper and used mugs down in the living room this AM.
09:53 / 04.11.06
Word counts are confusing me. I've got each day's writing saved as a separate file, and each clocks in at over 2000. But when I put them together I only got 7700.
Just to be on the safe side I've written an extra 300 words, but they don't really fit the chapter.
10:50 / 04.11.06
How many days did you write 2.000+ words each day, Stoat?
14:23 / 04.11.06
Four (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and today)- each day was between 2000 and 2100.
19:53 / 04.11.06
How's everyone else structuring their writing time? I'm trying to do 2,000 words each morning, and making each chapter about 2,000 words long. Then, when I'm sat in the pub later (I'm on holiday at the moment! Yay me!) I'll make any notes I've thought of and tick off any goals I'd been aiming for. So far I've managed to get the novel's structure quite well-planned, though the question of what actually happens in those chapters only gets fleshed out when I'm actually writing them.

I figure on 2,000 words a day, it leaves me five days to be lazy/busy/editing or rewriting.
19:57 / 04.11.06
Then the counting device is wrong. I use the word count feature of word 2000 and it gets the exact same number as the word count of the NaNoWriMo site.

As long as you can´t figure out, how this magical disappearance happens, maybe you should better write in one big file? At first, I also thought about one file for each chapter, but I plan on having 25 chapters (every day I want to write at least 2000 words and one chapter), so having the novel in one big file seemed more practical to me.

I have been reading the forums on the NaNoWriMo site, and it´s strange how many people console each other on their procrastination and are discussing what is cheating and what is not. For some participants the writing seems to play second violin to the social noise and cuddling. For example, for every fifty words of their novel some people have one post in some thread or other.
20:00 / 04.11.06
Wow, that´s some cross-posting!

So far I've managed to get the novel's structure quite well-planned, though the question of what actually happens in those chapters only gets fleshed out when I'm actually writing them.

Yes, me too! I had a subplot appear out of the blue: two people were to meet a friend at his home, but then the concierge pranked them and wouldn´t let them through.
20:59 / 04.11.06
I'm actually worried I may have lost some words somewhere- I write each chapter in a separate file, then when I've written it I add it to a file which has everything so far.

I've discovered that having a minor character whose (so far) only trait, really, is that he's obsessed with conspiracy theories, is quite handy, as if I'm stuck in the strand of the story he's involved with I can just have him go off on one then get shouted down.

Interestingly, this has really helped me flesh out one of the main characters, as her reactions to this have come to define her in quite a major way.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
20:43 / 05.11.06
I'm going a bit slower at the moment. Going to pump out about two thousand words in the next couple hours, and then I'm going out to write with a friend of mine at a cafe, with possibly a couple hundred more. I'm pleased with what I'm doing so far....

Structurally, though, it's plugging along without consideration for chapters, which probably means it'll be an extremely long novella by the end.

Biggest hurdle has been skipping over the impulse to edit; I have some major plans to do that come December, I think, so who knows what the final-final-final result will be.

xk, how's things with your husband's project? How does it feel to be the outsider looking on? I'm always curious about those around the writer, dealing with the inevitable psychoses that crop up at times...
21:28 / 05.11.06
I had a second day change of novel, which seems to be a disaster. I'm still under one thousand words. I might get a sudden burst over the next few days and surge back into place, but I'm willing to bet I have already failed this year's NaNoWriMo. However, no matter how bleak it seems, I will not admit defeat until December has broke upon the world.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
21:34 / 05.11.06
Don't feel bad, I completely restarted between days one and two.
Liger Null
22:24 / 05.11.06
My novel changed direction as well.

According to Chris Baty, if you think you might have to cut out passages, it's perfecttly kosher to just italicize the offending passages instead of cutting them out for real. This way they can still contribute to your word count. That's what I ended up having to do.

Fortunately, my protagonist is an aspiring writer herself so I might have use for those bits yet.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
23:31 / 05.11.06
Sigh. Tense issues. Are people favouring the simple past or present or what?
Alex's Grandma
02:10 / 06.11.06
Mr Papers;

As a Canadian, you're essentially from the USA, so I'd be inclined to go for the past tense, were I you. There are far too many young American writers ... etc who're too wedded to this essentially unrealistic style - you can top and tail your work with a present tense intro/outro, 'I am in the Hanoi Hilton/space station on Mars/ring of power stones in the middle of a Wallmart, but the act of writing the thing down is, in the strictest sense, about remembering events, whether or not they ever actually happened. It's a bit of a cliche, but I'd begin, roughly;

'Here I am, how did I get here; flashback; conclusion.'

Unless it's a third person narrative of course, in which case it'd be difficult to say.

Good luck, whatever.

I really should start getting on with this tomorrow.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:15 / 06.11.06
I'm writing in the present tense, as it gives one a sense of kinetic energy and general movement. I ended up slipping into past tense for a paragraph and then had to fiddle around to bring it all into the present properly; oddly, if I'm writing in the past tense I tend to accidentally slip into the present, so neither/nor is a better or more efficient manner in which to write.

At 6003 words as of five seconds ago. The energy comes and goes; there was a terrible flashback a few pages ago which will probably be cut come the end of the month and December's focus on editing and rewriting, because it doesn't really add anything but does remind me that I have to develop certain family members in absentia, only there hasn't been a lot of mental wandering in the narrative so far.

And it's third person. Think I'd go nuts in first person for a month. I'm curious, though - is anyone doing second person? Particularly the imperative?
11:58 / 06.11.06
I'm lagging. I'm only at 4,990 words as of last night.

This happened last year, too. It's because every time I sit down to write, I compulsively read everything I've written previously, which perforce becomes longer each time and therefore takes up more of my writing time to review. Even worse, I compulsively edit it as I read. Must. Stop. Editing.

Anyone else have this problem?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:40 / 06.11.06
I've reread once or twice - mostly, I'm suppressing the impulse unless I have to go back specifically to check a character name or some small detail that becomes important later.


Instead of rereading, maybe do some rough plotting when you sit down to write, some point form notes with what you're going to say next? Or you could do that at the end of each session, so you have a specific goal for next bout?
18:06 / 06.11.06
I'm also resisting the urge to reread. That'll be the point when the whole thing crumbles and I go right back to the start. What I've been doing is going into each chapter with a pretty definite idea of where I want it to end, but not too much on how to get there. Any plot points or ideas that happen to pop up on the way get written down, and gradually an outline for the whole thing is starting to take shape. Theoretically by the time I'm about half-way through this should mean I have the whole thing plotted out. I doubt it'll work like that, but it's what I'm aiming for.

My main problem is that, if I stick to my 2,000 words a day plan, the character I've been using as an excuse for all sorts of off-topic meanderings and padding is going to get brutally murdered on Wednesday. I can see this causing problems later on, especially as he doesn't appear in any of the flashback narrative.
18:06 / 06.11.06
And I was starting to quite like him, as well.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:37 / 06.11.06
DO NOT REREAD. This is key. You'll either get "this rocks!" syndrome or "this sucks!" syndrome.

Either one will bring you down like a midget Swearengen with a Bowie knife and a powerful hankerin' for your Achilles tendon.
19:49 / 06.11.06
Do you know what I wish?

I wish they'd get rid of that fucking countdown on the NaNoWriMo home page.

That's what I wish.

It's giving me The Fear.
20:05 / 06.11.06
It killed me last year. I ended up with four chapters that had been edited and rewritten and fine-tuned till they positively hummed, and nothing more.

And it was the beginning of a B-grade fantasy novel, so it really wasn't worth the effort to begin with.

I think I'm going to keep my chapters in separate files, so that at least when I open one to work on it there will be less there to read.
20:09 / 06.11.06
I'm finding that really handy actually- I'm trying to do a chapter a day, so I don't have to go back an re-read to catch up to where I am in the story. And keeping them in separate files, which I'm then stringing together into one (hopefully one day) enormous one.
21:57 / 06.11.06
I wish they'd get rid of that fucking countdown on the NaNoWriMo home page

Oh interesting, I didn´t know about that countdown. It doesn´t show up for me (using Opera), and I had to start IE to see it.
22:21 / 06.11.06

Firefox 2.0 shows it too. And just when I was thinking it was the perfect browser...
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
00:53 / 07.11.06
It's rather disturbing when spontaneous character movement occurs, motivations creep up, and motifs make themselves known. I do not know whether this will make it harder or easier.

6597 words as it stands. I'm going to try and crank four hundred more out so I can make dinner and, you know, fuel brain. How's everyone else doing?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
09:24 / 07.11.06
I keep running into this mental wall where I've made the main character's life difficult enough and I don't want to make it more difficult, but by any reasonable standard the way things are going it SHOULD be more difficult thanks to the circumstances I keep putting him in, so I keep upping the damn stakes. I don't know what's going to happen to the poor bastard. He's not a bad man, just... not very thoughtful.
10:11 / 07.11.06
I reached 10,000 yesterday, so am on target, although have no idea where my story is going to go next.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:08 / 08.11.06
10,000? I'm jealous! I'm at 7827 now and about to make a push past 8000 so I can go to bed feeling productive. Only I keep finding things on Barbelith to post about.
12:38 / 08.11.06
Week 2

It´s week two already, and so I read the week two chapter in the Nanowrimo book. And I actually took the author´s advice to heart and made a backup of my novel and my notes on my external harddrive. He suggests sending the novel to yourself as an email, so it´s safe on the provider´s server, if your computer crashes and burns.

So far, I could write my ca. 2.000 words every day, although each day I had to fight my inner Schweinehund ("one's weaker self" my translator suggests). but tonight, I don´t have the time, and I usually write in the evening. I already wrote ca. 1.000 words today, but the story took such an unexpected turn, that I´m perplexed, and don´t want to touch it anymore today, otherwise it might cause more mischief on the plot!
14:24 / 08.11.06
I'm up to 16,000 now. And my "handy-for-padding" character is now dead. I felt a bit sorry for him over this, so I had him killed much quicker and cleaner than I'd originally planned, and did a lot more words on the disposal of his body instead.
07:15 / 09.11.06
I ended up writing quite a lengthy section on music being played backwards. I never realised I was that keen on the idea, but now have an urge to listen to some.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:09 / 09.11.06
I think Audacity can help you in your quest quite efficiently.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:55 / 09.11.06
I got absolutely nothing done yesterday - tied up with Birthday stuff - so that means I need to make a major push when I get home from work tonight. Whoo. The time away from the project has been good, I feel energized and more inclined to do some solid writing again.
09:05 / 10.11.06
Audacity? Cool, thanks, I shall try that and then write a lengthy description of how it was installed and paste in screenshots to up the word count.

I am about 150 words behind at the moment, which is fine. Last year, I stopped about halfway, so really don't want that to happen again. Must keep writing.

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