Mr Papers;
As a Canadian, you're essentially from the USA, so I'd be inclined to go for the past tense, were I you. There are far too many young American writers ... etc who're too wedded to this essentially unrealistic style - you can top and tail your work with a present tense intro/outro, 'I am in the Hanoi Hilton/space station on Mars/ring of power stones in the middle of a Wallmart, but the act of writing the thing down is, in the strictest sense, about remembering events, whether or not they ever actually happened. It's a bit of a cliche, but I'd begin, roughly;
'Here I am, how did I get here; flashback; conclusion.'
Unless it's a third person narrative of course, in which case it'd be difficult to say.
Good luck, whatever.
I really should start getting on with this tomorrow. |