Thanks, Grant - that makes more sense. Hooever:
I'm not sure about "innocent," necessarily, but an idealist -- in the sense of one who privileges ideals over mundane experience.
I don't think that one can really distinguish the two, and I doubt the Benedict would - his doctrine of the faith work, I think, was pretty tied up with seeing how the Church was applying its teachings, as well as the teachings itself.
In terms of Islam, the ideal is that Islamic countries allow Roman Catholics to worship freely, and the Catholic Church to proselytise freely - reciprocity. The ideal is also to prevent Islam making inroads in your key audience - in particular, in North and South America, I would ween. So, creating a rift between Islam and Catholicism, if a little short-sighted, doesn't seem entirely unworldly, especially if you've kind of given up on the reciprocity idea actually coming to anything. |