Inspired by PW's post in the Tony Blair Kiddie thread;
For though I'm not a legal expert, I can't help feeling that every day in the UK we are getting ever closer to a social and political climate which is becoming easier and easier to describe as a Police State. Indeed, although in the UK we enjoy certain freedoms compared to more brutal totalitarian states, I'd argue our that our civil liberties are being eroded and exploited, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes easy to implement a regime such as those which many of us are more personally acquainted with through fiction.
Now, I'm dual nationality - English/American. Citizen of both I guess, but not really as I've only ever lived in England. I love this country - sure it's shit at times, and there's the class system that ended fifty years ago that we all still worry about, and we're all repressed (well, not all of us), but it's one of the better (if not best - apart from canada) western powers.
Now the idea that this little place could become a police state - I'm not buying it. I don't think it could happen. This could be because of our nature, our identity. It could be because of the racial/social/religious melting pot that stews around us. The main reason, IMHO, is because of our media.
Our national news, specifically the BBC - Noam Chomsky views it as the news of the intellectual elite, but for us it's the standard. Our newspapers - with thier bias' and preocupation with shit, don't let anyone get away with anything. Last election we had three days of news because some women couldn't get an opperation for gods sake. I spend about a month a year visiting my father in America, and when I watch thier news I ask myself how long it would take for them to allow a police state to come into effect, but over here, I don't see it being allowed to happen. People are to well informed about what a shit job the government are doing. We've had our 9/11, July 7th, and yet while we've allowed a small amount of cival liberties to fall away, we've not done so in quite the same way america have. For a really harsh comparison Watch this spot from the daily show and what John Stewart thinks.
Again, I'm not so erudite as others, so people, make this thread good please! |