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15:30 / 06.09.06
Susan, could you consider not doing what you just did with Mister Disco's post? It's a bit painful to read.

Not doing what? Referring to it? Suggesting there was some overstatement? Asking for examples? Using it to differentiate between different objections?

There’s an element of bridling at the injustice here, isn’t there?

I doubt it; I doubt that any male-identifying poster of significant prominence has not had some flirtatious approach from Kali at some point. I would be surprised if it hasn't happened to Flyboy. In the main, I think members have recognised that this is not a paradigm that would necessarily benefit either one of them, and maintained distance.

Not what I was getting at. More that Flyboy didn’t think DM deserved to be flirted with, that he wouldn’t have complained about Kali flirting with boys other than DM. I didn’t realise there were so many other instances, so I assume we can check this out.

My point not really being about whether Flyboy was right or good or lovely or not for saying what he did, more that different people had different motivations for objecting to the Kali/DM fauxmancing. Some of it, I’m suggesting (yes, Olulabelle) to do with one’s attitudes to pornography (where, it seems, Nina’s spleen first got squeezed), amongst other things.
Disco is My Class War
15:47 / 06.09.06
Hmm. If that’s how Mister Disco said it made him feel, then I have to take his word for it. Although I’d quite like to see an example of a post that is equivalent to having sexual juices smeared over one’s face. Or one of the posts that is ‘explicitly sexual’ rather than suggestive, for that matter. I genuinely might have missed something.

Of course this is all subjective. Which is why I phrased my original post in terms of, "I feel". At the same time, other people have concurred with my interpretation -- so I think it's important to take into account.

And I'm not anti-flirting, or anti-sex, or anti-porn, or anti public sex, or determined that sexuality should be private. At first, I just read the exchange, and realised that if I didn't want to make a lemon-sucking face, then I'd better not read that thread. In the meantime, I exchanged private messages with other people who felt similarly.

I've thought about not posting what follows, and I'm still not sure if it's right to post it, but what the hell. If I do so at all, it's because previously, I didn't quite put my finger on what I thought was happening, or my own response to it. And I'd like that to be clear. At least. Heterosexual mating rituals in which women must objectify themselves to be considered fuckable are shoved in my face all day, every day. They are not only normalised as 'the only way people can flirt/fuck/relate sexually' but also tawdry and demeaning to women. That's my 'squick'. I react to it because I was a woman once, and that behaviour has been expected of me on many occasions. I know what it feels like to think that you have to get all breathy and sexualised and porno to be considered worthy of sexual attention. The flirting dynamic reminded me of myself, aged about 18, getting into some pretty humiliating and fucked up situations with men (and women, now I think of it) who weren't worth my time. (That's a pretty strong judgment, but this is, once again, subjective.)

I know that when you're in that situation, turning yourself into an object worthy of male desire feels like the only way to gain power, and being criticised for it can feel injurious and hurtful. I don't mean this post to be so. I'm also wary of turning Flirtingate (which involves the feelings of real people, reading this, here, now) into an object of intellectual critique, or even a way of riffing on my own political feelings about the matter. So I'm not sure I should post this. And I wish the whole thing would die. Sorry, Kali. But I don't like being told I'm a wowser; it simply isn't true. I wish this whole thing merely bored me, instead of producing a stronger affective response. But there it is.
15:54 / 06.09.06
SW: Suggesting that he is for some reason not telling the truth about his reaction was a bit painful. The "I genuinely might have missed something" was perhaps more sincere than I first though from my experience of these arguments, so I apologise for that. Also, arguably, the parenthesised (avert your eyes!) stuff was not aimed purely at mocking Mister Disco but also Nina and various others. However, I did not find it considerate of other's feelings or worthy of what is clearly an awkward subject, which possibly out of consideration for those involved we should allow to die.

(Although I'd like to add my penn'orth - it's perfectly possible to flirt in private, or without witnesses. I do it often.).
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:03 / 06.09.06
All right, if this keeps up, then I am definitely out of here.

I've grown puking sick of seeing this topic dragged out in every conceivable way. I'm sick of being accused that I use my online persona as a method of attention. I'm sick that this has gotten this much unnecessary attention.

For the record--with the exception of a few of you--none of you know me. Despite what is glaringly seen as a "sluttish" attitude isn't how I actually conduct my life. Actually, I'm a rather nice young woman who tends to make unfortunate relationship mistakes. But I do love to flirt. I've done on here and I do it in real life (though to watch it is much more amusing).

I'm tired of apologizing for all who were offended but I'll say it again, anyway: I AM SORRY.

Now lock these fucking threads.
16:07 / 06.09.06
Uh, Kali - that's not what anyone's saying. I mean, I can understand why this is upsetting, and I think that, since there is no Policy objectives here, there's not a lot of point in the thread carryiing on, and I think that the behaviour of some people in the Barbecrush thread was rude and inconsiderate, but I just don't see what you're saying you see in this thread or, for that matter, elsewhere.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:16 / 06.09.06
Sorry, everybody, sorry.

I'm a bit overly emotional today and I'm not thinking very clearly.

I apologize and am taking deep breaths now.
16:22 / 06.09.06
Look, I know it's a bit unconventional, buut should we maybe delete this thread? It doesn't look like it's going to affect Policy, and it seems to be causing ill-will for no immediately apparent reason. Maybe we could come back to it in a more abstract capacity when there hasn't just been a fight?
Disco is My Class War
16:26 / 06.09.06
Happy for it to be deleted or locked or whatever, and sorry if what I posted up there caused offence.
16:51 / 06.09.06
I'm okay with ghosting it. It was originally an attempt to split the 'flirting' responses off somewhere other than the Barbecrush thread. I don't have a huge amount invested here, just so long as related discussion doesn't simply continue there again or elsewhere.
16:53 / 06.09.06
Ug. And so long as deleting it doesn't draw me into a fresh 'moderating to taste' discussion (at the current time, I think that would cause me to push butter knives into my eyes and wiggle them around). Maybe best lock it instead?
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
16:56 / 06.09.06
Actually could we please delete it?
16:59 / 06.09.06
Whichever, but I'm skipping the moderator decision, this time.
miss wonderstarr
17:04 / 06.09.06
I found a lot of this thread really interesting, and I felt that useful general suggestions and observations about online flirting and gender roles were made along the way. I'm sorry that people have been upset (particularly Kali) but I thought Mister Disco's contribution above, for instance, was really thought-provoking and valuable. It wasn't specific to this individual case, and I think it would be a shame if posts like that were lost.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
17:07 / 06.09.06
Is any of it worth really badly upsetting another poster? Also I have to admit to being very uncomfortable with this thread. Not the reason it was started, I see why ganesh did it but some of the content.

Is there anyway you could copy what you felt was important in this thread?
miss wonderstarr
17:24 / 06.09.06
Well, yeah, but I didn't mean it just for my benefit Reid ~ I thought there were posts here that were generally thoughtful, challenging and worth reading, without being (deliberately, at least) critical of any individual. Were you suggesting I start a new thread and paste in useful and valuable comments that weren't related to the specific Kali/DM situation? That might be difficult.

I suppose what I feel overall is that the people who are apparently agreeing quite swiftly to delete this thread seem to be those who have been quite directly involved in it ~ who might be close to it, emotionally wrapped up in it to some extent, perhaps tired of it and drained by it, and ready to see it gone.

As someone who has mostly just read and followed this thread, and so have less direct involvement ~ as a reader, more than a participant ~ I would be reluctant to see a discussion that I thought featured some good, thoughtful and interesting posts just wiped off the board, without people stepping back and considering it at slightly greater length.

Is it worth keeping a thread if its presence might upset one individual? That is a bigger question. I'm just a bit wary of this setting a precedent, because I don't remember seeing threads deleted so quickly without very much discussion.
17:32 / 06.09.06
Is it worth keeping a thread if its presence might upset one individual?

Well, as I've alluded to above, the fact that this is being suggested so quickly after the lengthy discussion arising from the controversial proposed deletion of half a dozen posts in another Conversation thread because their presence might upset a single individual is causing my irony circuits to emit wisps of smoke, and my don'ttouchit override to bleep loudly.

Locking I can just about see (although I'm afraid I'm going to avoid the decision altogether), but not deletion of the whole thread.
miss wonderstarr
17:36 / 06.09.06
I'm not a mod, but I would suggest ~ I would have thought ~ that the main if not the only reason to delete threads was that they contained offensive content in Policy terms (racism, homophobia, sexism) that we as a community wouldn't want someone to come across (especially through Google) and mistakenly think was typical of and/or approved by Barbelith.

A discussion that upsets an individual is not quite the same in my opinion ~ which isn't to belittle anyone's feelings. I would suggest that a lock for a thread that's run its course and seems to be going nowhere useful or positive would be the more obviously appropriate option.
paranoidwriter waves hello
17:43 / 06.09.06
As usual, I'm against what could be called "third party enforced deletion" (there's probably a better way of saying that though. Sorry, but I can't think of one.)

If this discussion can now reference Kali and others from now on without painting their imaginary online characters any further, I see no reason why it shouldn't continue or at least be readable for (erm?) posterity. For example, there are already links to it in other threads, I believe.
17:53 / 06.09.06
I think it would be unfair to delete the thread without the permission of everyone who's posted on it. Which is impractical so don't.
If I posted something I considered worthwhile in a thread which got deleted subsequently, because a handful of contributors wanted it to go away, I'd feel disenfranchised and extremely pissed off. I'd probably understand if it were full of ism, but to delete because people have been mean to each other? Please.
I had no problem with the flirting (put me in the bored camp) and I get along fine with most people involved in the debacle (I hope). I hope you don't leave kali and it's horrible you're upset, I certainly don't want more people's feelings hurt but that's no reason to delete a thread. Lock it if you must.

Please preface all that with 'I feel' or 'IMHO' or 'subjectively' or whatever of course.
17:54 / 06.09.06
Well, I was thinking of ghosting rather than destroying, but fair points all, which was why I asked.
18:16 / 06.09.06
We've just had an extraordinary and lengthy discussion regarding a recently proposed post deletion because the post in question was potentially upsetting for an individual. Questions about that proposed deletion were instigated in the main by you, Haus.

I can see you're probably trying to be kind, but to even contemplate deleting a whole thread because of the exact same thing is, for me, just hilarious.
paranoidwriter waves hello
18:19 / 06.09.06
I think that may have been half been his point, Olulabelle. Am I right, Haus?
19:50 / 06.09.06
I can't see anything wrong with locking. Deletion may indeed be an irony too far.
20:36 / 06.09.06
Now, paranoidwriter, would I ever do a thing like that?

I was wondering how Barbelith would feel about this particualr circumstance, is all; I had a vague proposal to have it ghosted for a week or so and then unghosted when things calmed down, but it was a germ, merely a germ. Although, Olulabelle, it's worth remembering that deleted posts can no longer be accessed by anyone except Tom, whereas deleted threads can be viewed and contributed to by anyone who knows the URL, and can be undeleted at a later date. So, by deleting a thread all we are doing is removing it, potentially temporarily, from the front page of the forum. Different processes with different results...

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