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Barbe-Luv & Barbe-AntiLuv music mixes


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19:21 / 18.09.06
I really, really want to do this next time.

Triplets, that's a wicked choice for a bonus track.
19:58 / 18.09.06
Hey, I know I'm new meat and all, but I'd also love to be in on another, if it happens. I won't be hurt if I can't, though; I've still got my shrink wrap on, here. I think this is a wonderful idea, and you, xk, are pretty fucking cool for putting it together.

Will you be posting the track listing when all of the voting is through?
paranoidwriter waves hello
22:11 / 18.09.06
The more the merrier, I reckon.

So... who's yet to vote this time?

*drums impatient, grubby and stubby little fingers on desk, again*

Stoat (earlier): Given that we're holding out on the voting for these, and we should talk about SOMETHING, how's about suggesting ideas for future mixes, if we all think this was a neat idea?

Hmm... I reckon this is a great thing to keep doing. I've really enjoyed being part of this double-CD compilation, and would definitely do so again in the future. However, unfortunately, I am currently unable to burn CD's, but I might put up a link on my website for future downloads. (have to check my parameters)

I really like the other pro & anti ideas we've already had.

Me? I'd like to oversee a WAR & PEACE collaboration; if anyone's up for it, of course.

Again, nice one, xk; and everyone else, for a great experience and some top new tunes, feelings, and avenues to explore.
paranoidwriter waves hello
22:31 / 18.09.06
I just thought, as well (although I don't know if this has been done/suggested around these parts previous, like):

I reckon it might be cool if some members would also like to contribute their own music for future CD's. Kind of like forming a loose collective, non-profit, Barbelith record label? Not sure how others might feel, in terms of copyright, but thought I'd suggest this, just in case anybody was up for it...
14:09 / 19.09.06
one vote remaining just hasslehoffed said person again.

I'm going to put the cover art up in a minute.
14:20 / 19.09.06
we're fancy:

Luv [NSFW]

AntiLuv [NSFW]
uncle retrospective
14:27 / 19.09.06

OK, sorry I'm late.
Luv- Addicted To You
Anti Misery Therapy?

And I'm well up for the next one of these.
15:15 / 19.09.06
WINNER of AntiLuv: New England -> picked by Joy Division

well now it looks like my picks were favorites for Luv so I am removing them from the list and looking at it again (moment of puffed up happiness). Which leaves a tie, so as mix tyrant I'll break it with my vote after listening to both songs again. (I abstained from the first round of votes.)

WINNER of LUV: I Was Made For Loving You -> picked by Cat Room


I will be sending out a prize parcel to each of our winners early next week!

15:36 / 19.09.06
oh and my suggestion for the next mix would be SCIENCE.

It might work to do one cd mix and not always pairs. You have to sweat more picking only 1 song.
19:30 / 19.09.06
If you're volunteering, I already know which song I'd pick for that.

By the way, although I wasn't a participant in the last one, I'm totally voting for the Prince song. Always. My favorite song by Prince.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
21:37 / 19.09.06
Who contributed what? Can all be revealed? Was Stevie Wonder your stroke of genius? Wha'hoppen?
22:41 / 19.09.06
I'm in, if allowed, that is.

Science, eh?

I have a definite good idea for the War part of 'War and Peace', should that one ever get chosen...
11:53 / 20.09.06
I won, I won! *dances around excitedly*

Joy Division Oven Gloves
16:09 / 20.09.06
More exciting stuff through the post, how wonderful!

Thanks xk and everyone else. And thank-you Kirsty MacColl for leaving such an rich legacy to enjoy.
17:10 / 20.09.06
I would be greatly happy to do the Barbelith Science compilation, if that's agreeable. I even have an idea for how to open it up.

If this is ok, please initially post here and if some interest is around I will start up a separate thread for it!

Post, post, post! Roll up! Roll up!
18:00 / 20.09.06
ooh! ooh! hand up!
me me me!
18:12 / 20.09.06

Giant Robots!



Bubbling flasks of chemicals!

Lightning Strikes!


Roll up! Roll up!
18:13 / 20.09.06
Count me in!

(using a scientific calculator, of course)
paranoidwriter waves hello
18:20 / 20.09.06
(Oh shit it; screw my Barbe-post-diet. I can't wait an extra five days and maybe miss out on this fun. I'll call this post "a treat".)

I'm in!

BTW, has anyone any serious objections to xk posting or PM'ing a list of who contributed what for the last CD's? I'm very curious as to who I have to thank for some great tips. No worries, if not. I understand the need for privacy (etc).

Feverfew, I'll PM you the necessaries tomorrow at some point. Cool?
18:37 / 20.09.06
Screw calculators.

I owned one of those once, but never figured out all the functions.

Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:40 / 20.09.06
I'm in. But you might want to do a separate thread so we can keep things clean and tidy.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:38 / 20.09.06
I am in and second the separate thread request.
20:34 / 20.09.06
Kiltartan Cross
08:14 / 21.09.06
If there's a SCIENCE mix, shall we have a MAGIC one?
08:50 / 21.09.06
Sure, that could be the next mix!

And I propose, we do one mix after the other, and not parallel ones. Otherwise, it would be too much like stress and fun and novelty could wear off to quickly.

So magic, after the winner of the science mix is announced?
13:34 / 21.09.06
I agree with the one-after-the-other sentiment, for the same reasons mist gives. And i like the idea of a magic comp.

But i really want a War and Peace comp!

My 'war' track is really, really good!
13:50 / 21.09.06
we could a war'n'peace were you had to send in EITHER a war or peace song not both.
Would be interesting to see how it came out.
paranoidwriter waves hello
13:54 / 21.09.06
I was thinking, "WAR is PEACE"... like Orwell.

I might even be able to blag a mate to burn the Cd's for me, as I have ten spare blanks.

I'm up for doing the next one. If y'all like.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:40 / 21.09.06
Let's get through the science one and then we'll be golden.
17:12 / 21.09.06

(Although I was going to suggest Circus as a theme, just in time for Halloween / Samhain. Anyway. Onward!)
18:44 / 21.09.06
oooh a straight up Halloween one would be lovely...perhaps we could compromise and call for a Dark Carnival one?
paranoidwriter waves hello
18:44 / 21.09.06
Good point, Kali.

And feverfew, I don't mind dropping back a few places on the overseers list. Especially for a Halloween / Samhain special edition. And also, Mist, please, you're more than welcome to go before me.

To be honest, it'll give me more time to find the eveil green stuff to cover all the postage and dig out some prizes.

(My diet's going shit, innit? Too many treats. Tut-tut!)
19:07 / 21.09.06
And also, Mist, please, you're more than welcome to go before me.

Thanks, pw, but magic is Kay´s idea.
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:15 / 21.09.06

Sorry, Kay.

(See what happens when I break my diet? I get all eager and sloppy.)
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:17 / 21.09.06
Oooh, I do want a Halloween CD. I gots tons of stuff for that. It would be cake.

Here's what we should do: create another thread solely devoted to CD mix suggestions.

Let's be tidy, people.

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