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Offbeat Film Recommendations ?


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13:42 / 10.08.06
Here's my list just so as folk here know where I'm coming from..and what I consider to be quirky or just different from the more popular for whatever reason

Trauman Show
Eternal Sunshine of spotless mind
flash gordon
donnie darkko
dr strangelove
deep red
14:36 / 10.08.06
Off the top of my head:

Metropolis (1920's version)
The Squid and the Whale
Everything is Illuminated
Ghost World / Art School Confidential
Lost in Translation
Royal Tenenbaums (or anything by Wes Anderson ... except Bottle Rocket)
American Splendor

I'm leaving a lot off, most likely.
14:40 / 10.08.06
Can we have some reasons for these choices please?

Lists are-

frowned-on on Barbelith
15:14 / 10.08.06
33, as Stoatie has said, it's difficult to gauge exactly what you are after, but a few films came to mind after seeing your list. Primer is a low budget sci-fi film which some critic claimed to be 'Donnie Darko fo adults', therea a thread about it here.

You also might like Elephant, a low budget film about high school shootings. The IMDB entry can be found here. You also might want to read up on PI, Requiem for a Dream and OldBoy.
Spatula Clarke
16:04 / 10.08.06
Old thread that asked a similar thing here. And another shitty list one here. Probably a few more dotted around if you look.
16:30 / 10.08.06
I like the sound of Trauma Show.

If you're going to make a thread like this, 33, you might want to indicate what you consider to be offbeat and what kind of choices you're looking for. Are you looking at direction? Plot? Story? Characters? Cinematography? Soundtrack? Marketing?
miss wonderstarr
16:47 / 10.08.06
A lot of the films mentioned here seem very well-known, popular, accessible, acclaimed, even mainstream in many cases.
17:06 / 10.08.06
Agreed to avoid argument I will say offbeat as films that have totality ( plot , acting otherwise ) of altering your perception / taking you out of your comforart zone a bit and possily challanging it.

Something that keeps you guessing I suppose about what is happening.

Flash Gordon I admit is not this type of film although i do think the sets etc have a unique style of sorts ..
17:14 / 10.08.06
by the way i dont mean a headfuck film thats specifically designed to confuse just one that sorta catches you with you pants down bit like that bit in Flash Gordon where Prince Baron calls mings minions " Freeze , the bloody bastards !! "

I am aware of films like PI , rEQUIEM,memento but they seem more like intellectual brain tweasers.. and i am not so big on that or unless like darkko its done in passive way..
17:14 / 10.08.06
by the way i dont mean a headfuck film thats specifically designed to confuse just one that sorta catches you with you pants down bit like that bit in Flash Gordon where Prince Baron calls mings minions " Freeze , the bloody bastards !! "

I am aware of films like PI , rEQUIEM,memento but they seem more like intellectual brain tweasers.. and i am not so big on that or unless like darkko its done in passive way..
Dead Megatron
18:44 / 10.08.06
Well, fitting that descriptions, I'd go with:

Dark City...
18:47 / 10.08.06
I recommend Teh Matrix!!111!23!! IT IS TEH SUPERBEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!!!1111!11!!11 IF YOU DON'T GET TEH MATRIX, THEN U R A SHEEPLE!!!111!!1
Spatula Clarke
18:49 / 10.08.06
Okay. There's one way that this thread is going to stay alive and not end up getting put up for locking or moving to Conversation.

33, you need to decide what this thread is supposed to be about, because right now you're making no sense whatsoever. Alternatively, somebody else can have a crack at providing it with an actual topic and we can see how it goes from there. People posting film recommendations need to start providing reasons for those recommendations.
Alex's Grandma
22:34 / 10.08.06
Perhaps one of things this thread could be about is off-beat, quirky, etc, films made before, say, 1995, and/or not in English, thus movies that virtually everyone interested in 'off-beat' cinema may not already know about, or if they do, have seen.

My suggestions (these are fairly well-known I realise, but still ...):

Harold And Maude: The tale of a troubled, death-obsessed young man from a wealthy American family who's prone to faking his own suicide, driving around in a hearse and so on, who finds redemption in his love for a free-spirited pensioner he meets at a funeral. Touching, uplifting and sad in equal measure, but also very funny, it wears its early Seventies release date a lot less heavily than other films from the period. The scene where Harold and Maude are pursued by the motorcycle cop is simply the best chase in movies evah.

Replusion: Early Polanski, starring Catherine Deneuve as a very attractive, but troubled, young woman in Swinging Sixties London who can't leave the house without being approached by men on the street. So she stops bothering, after a while. The flat becomes a cage. The dark side of the sexual revolution, then, but once she's shut up on her own in her apartment for a long weekend it gets worse, and worse. The ending's a bit rushed, but it's still the least appropriate 'date' movie in the history of cinema evah, I think, and I do kind of know that from personal, if inadvertent experience (I hadn't seen it before.) Still well worth a look though - as with 'Eraserhead*,' it's a film that's always going to retain its capacity to disturb.

* Though it's a bit gauche to even mention that, I know.
22:50 / 10.08.06
off-beat, quirky, etc, films made before, say, 1995, and/or not in English, thus movies that virtually everyone interested in 'off-beat' cinema may not already know about, or if they do, have seen

Ooh I have a great one! It's called Kurotokage which translates as "The Black Lizard". It's a Japanese film from the sixties, about a devious and beautiful woman, called Kurotokage, who is a jewel thief. She is played by one of the most famous female impersonators in Japan, Akihiro Maruyama, and she is wonderful! My favourite scene is where she disguises herself as a gorgeously effeminate man to escape from her pursuers. I have no idea where this is available from - I saw it on video in Japan.
Alex's Grandma
23:08 / 10.08.06

That's the spirit, yes.
23:40 / 10.08.06
Just doing my bit for the board...
00:22 / 11.08.06
I'd recommend... wait for it... Flash Gordon!!1!
00:24 / 11.08.06

Alternatively, somebody else can have a crack at providing it with

Why should anyone else be doing 33's shitwork?
04:47 / 11.08.06
While not "foreign" (ie, not in English), and made after 1995, one of my favourite "indie" films of all time is The Way of the Gun. I'm not really sure if anybody is familiar with it. You might be bored to tears of hearing about it.

Ryan Phillipe and Benicio Del Toro play Parker and Longbaugh (sound familiar?), two hoodlums who have left the beaten path for a new way of life, the way of the gun. They hear of a surrogate for a rich couple and decide to kidnap the surrogate, as played by Juliette Lewis. The bodyguards for Lewis are played perfectly by Taye Diggs and Nicky Katt, two of my fav actors ever.

There's quite a bit going on in the film, in terms of plot. What you see is not always what is actually happening. The flick was written and directed by Christoper McQuarrie, the writer of The Usual Suspects, so his script is rather layered. Glances and half-finished sentences are the clues to deciphering what is actually happening. (There's no silly twist ending, just merely a mire of mix-ups)

The Way of the Gun comes after film history has been affected by Tarantino, when everybody put out an indie film about hoodlums with snappy dialogue and references to Peckinpah flicks. What makes this movie different is how McQuarrie handles the action scenes. There are paced extremely differently than most films.

The chase between Del Toro/Phillipe and Katt/Diggs is one of the slowest chases I've ever seen, and thus the tension is ratcheted up with every step.

The shoot-out at the end is crisp and clear and realistic. No jerky movements and mysterious cuts, but neither is it operatic or melodramatic. It simply is: a statement that could be applied to the whole film. The characters simply are. That's what makes it off-beat in my mind.

Also, the beginning of the film features a fucking fantastic cameo from Sarah Silverman, in which she plays - you guessed it - a foulmouthed angry bitch. Fucking fabulous cameo and beginning to one of my favourite movies ever.
Jack Fear
13:53 / 11.08.06

Dude, that doesn't even make sense.
05:05 / 15.08.06
I dont see what was wrong with my original question , maybe it was not specific but the I wanted general answers as opposed to restricting ones that would only apply to those of certain fan base..

But if you insist

How about non Japanses dark animation that have elements of horror , suspense / real life situations i.e. suicide in them ?

None come to mind but then I am no expert
miss wonderstarr
06:10 / 15.08.06
How about, off the top of my head, dark Chilean films about alcoholism/cancer/other bad stuff? I'll start!

someone else

My original question was good though?!
06:16 / 15.08.06
Miss wonderbra ... err I mean Starr

I have not even heard of a chilean film let alone a 2disque animation of the darkness i allluded to.

please continue
miss wonderstarr
07:20 / 15.08.06
You're on fire with those clever... "puns" on people's names! That one's almost as good as Glower Girl.
21:53 / 16.08.06
You're on fire with those clever... "puns" on people's names! That one's almost as good as Glower Girl.

nawww I 'm just an ass dont pay attention to it I love playing with words but its all in the best of taste..

so what size are you ?


miss wonderstarr
22:20 / 16.08.06
I can see this going into "offbeat" territory.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:23 / 16.08.06
33, you are being unpleasant and insulting and mysogynistic.

Please stop it. Also, saying 'hahah I'm an ass' is not a Get Out of Jail Free card.
22:35 / 16.08.06
33, why you'd even pick gender as a point of attack is frankly fucking baffling.
The Falcon
22:45 / 16.08.06
Or indeed why you'd choose this particular mb to subject to your 'leftfield' idiocy. Here's a little exercise, 33 - have a look at posts before and after yours that aren't lists.

Now have a look at your own.

How do they compare? What would you say were the main differences?
22:46 / 16.08.06
33- do you actually like this thread? Because you're really not doing the best of jobs in convincing the mods not to just flush it.

Second question- if you don't care about that, then WHY DID YOU START IT IN THE FIRST PLACE???

(Apologies for shouting, everyone).
Spatula Clarke
23:06 / 16.08.06
Okay, I'm going to put this up for a lock. Alex, sorenson, Matt> valiant attempts, but it looks like they really were doomed to failure. I'm sure that there are other, suitable threads around here that you could copy and paste your three posts into and have them be a decent fit, if you want.
Spatula Clarke
23:22 / 16.08.06
Lock denied. Another moderator's decided that you get 24 hours to explain yourself, apologise and set about altering your behaviour on the board, 33. I'd suggest you do so.
05:48 / 17.08.06
here we go again...

okay it was fuckin joke not meant as a dig or attempt to do anything , again i think you flatter yourselves and place to much emphasis into unseen agendas ..

It was tongue in cheek remark nothing because I enjoy a bit jokin here and there ..

Your conspiracies theoroes of laughing as excuse or coverup is just patheic really would you like me to record myself tpying or get an EEG or something to vondicate myself ?

You can read what you like into remark but i didnt think miss wonderstarr was offended and if she was im sorry I just dont consider it a big deal to make a comment like that when there are people fucking living like shit who no cares for OK ?

it not like i know her or even give a shit about her tits or whether she likes me etc etc

Its just a damm forum folks its not life or reality and thats the beauty and dammnation of it ..

i have nothing against miss sonderstarr if she doesnt like me or whatever so be it , i dont why but its her damm choice and it certainly wont be the last person to think Im an asshole.

05:53 / 17.08.06
by the way thats no insult to miss w , I'm sure shes a knock out when it comes knockers , she may even have them insured their that damm good I dont know..

Like many things i say on here for relief sometimes its not something that enters my head most of the time

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