Oh, some lovely choices here, many of which I'll happily second.
Okay, this one may break several rules, but I'm going to argue for her inclusion. She has done some TV stuff, but isn't known for it particularly, and my adoration has very little to do with this.
My Lust for Margaret Cho Knows No Bounds: A Photoessay
Why? Because she has beautiful mad eyes, a slightly wonky set of features (something I have a bit of a weakness for, I think) and a mouth which looks tiny and dainty when shut, but is a huge powerhouse when open.
She's shouty and sexy, confident, intelligent, political, a fierce woman and (look, I'm fantasising here) an undoubtedly wonderful lover. (I do know that she's a perv, which doesn't do my fantasising any harm at all.)
I love her outspokenness, her wit, and the way she seems to inhabit and perform some very different versions of herself, switching and melding these with great facility.
This is something else I have a real weakness for, probably partly because it allows me to construct a variety of fantasy 'interactions' with the object of my lust.
Thus we get:

Shouting angry beautiful performing Cho. (I love women who are beautiful when angry/animated/opinionated.)
Cosy, jumpered-up-in-the-park-with-huge-dog Cho. I want to meet her in the park and go for long walks on crisp winter days, driking hot chocolate out of a flask.
Bling Cho. Sexy in a totally 'look at me, look how fucking sexxxxxy I am' way.
'Asian Babes' Cho - beautiful in a cold and nasty way, it's the sarcastic bite to the presentation that gets me weak at the knees.
The photo marked 'Austin Young 6' on this page - NOT WORK SAFE - Witty, sexy image of a woman famous for being a culturally non-normative loudmouth. Gagged(?) and flicking a victory sign. Beautiful.
The way she can age and reverse-age herself through presentation. Just look at the photos on that site.
There's also a certain amount of 'I wish I was her' in my lust, definitely. At times, I feel like she represents a version of me without the shit bits, and that's an incredibly narcissistic but powerful factor for my attraction.
Look at the (Worksafe) photos on this page too: the range of facial/bodily expression. I adore physical demonstrativeness/skill in performing emotional states. Mmmmmmm
Also, godammit, just look at her: FIT.
Haus/moderators, I realise she bends some of the rules, but may I humbly petition for her inclusion? (and if not, can someone pm me so I can save this elsewhere to pore over at my leisure)
The woman even looks sexy dancing with Big Bird, for chrisssakes:

I'll leave you with that the Margaret Cho quote that got me thinking and lusting:
"I saw The Passion of the Christ. I couldn't handle that movie. All I could think was 'Jesus, please! Use your safeword! Oh my God, he is such a bottom!'" (from the Sensous Woman tour.)
and a final image: