Triumvir, someone else pointed out that the website I cited is totally dodgy, and I have to agree. I did check to see if it was anti-semitic, and in my less than thorough checkings, didn't find anything that stood out. However, the site is evidently not the work of a sane person. Sorry about that. I think, though, that despite the crank element, the factual information about Irgun and the Stern Gang is quite reliable. So, maybe I can provide some other sources of information:
Wikipedia article on Irgun, one of the militarised Zionist groups operating in the 30's and 40's. (The Wikipedia article acknowledges its neutrality is disputed, but I doubt you'd find any information about Zionist terrorist groups that isn't.)
Wikipedia article on the Lehi Group, otherwise known as the Stern Gang.
Wikipedia article on the Haganah, the military group that protected Jewish settlements in the British Mandate of Palestine until 1948. Haganah split and its more right-wing elements formed Irgun, as the article will tell you.
Post WWII the British established a Jewish state in the British palestine mandate. Which was their legal possesion.
Please tell me how the British had sovereignty over Palestine to establish the state of Israel in the first place? It couldn't have been colonial imperialism, could it? Why yes, Virginia, it was! Given that history, the whole concept of legal possession wears thin. Unless you're of the 'possession is nine tenths of the law' school, like pretty much every imperial power of the last 500 years -- including the US and almost every nation in the UN with any political power.
Also, I think you'll find that Irgun and the Stern Gang were active long before 1948, when the British established Israel as a state. So it doesn't wash that they were simply trying to protect the formation of a state that was already in existence. |