Ultimately, magick is about moving toward a state of existence that enriches life, otherwise, why would anyone do it? It's true that enrichment can mean the material, and often, it does, but there's a greater form of enrichment as well. If magick were a changing toward suffering and misery, only an enormously self abusive person would practice it. Each technique has it's own rewards, arising from it's practice.
Let's say for instance, that I practice a technique aimed at the stilling of my mind. Perhaps that stillness that I have gained makes my sense of separation with my surroundings "weaken", makes my bundaries more permeable. Perhaps this increased permeability makes me more able to communicate with certain aspects of my surroundings. I may call this talking to the spirits, or I may call it experiencing the consciousness of the universe, or any number of things, based upon my particular slant on cosmology. Such a communication is bound to trigger changes in my life. Perhaps I learn things, or if nothing else, I come to realize that I am not an isolated island. This lessens my feelings of loneliness. Perhaps through this, I may discover that I can influence things to happen, because, after all, I am not a helpless island. Of course realizing that I can do such things may cause me to examine my motives, and examine which actions may be the correct ones, in my own personal view. This brings me to an awareness that my life effects others. Perhaps this viewpoint causes me to behave in a way that makes my life a smoother experience, because I've learned that when I get along more with others, life goes more smoothly. All of this brings an even greater sense of connection. Eventually, I start to think about where we are going as a species, what can I do to make both my life and others more pleasant, and what type of social structure may enhance that. All of a sudden, something hits. I become aware of this process, and in doing so realize that others are going through the same processes. This causes me to realize that everyone has different points of view, based upon their process. Now what? Do I choose to accept their point of view or not? Whether I do or not isn't as important as the fact that I'm thinking about those points of view, and just what they mean, and if their points of view are impacting the world, then mine must as well. So what kind of world did I want again? |