yogurt only helps lesson symptoms of severe candida whereas these new developed strains of pro-biotic, along with other stuff, pretty much keep it under control. i have a severe intolerance to yogurt these days anyway. it's not just thrush we're talking about here, just so you know, symptoms of severe candida include:
'an incapacitating fatigue and problems with concentration and short-term memory, flu-like symptoms such as pain in the joints and muscle, extreme tightness in the shoulders and neck, hyper-acidity/acid reflux, brown colored mucus in the back of the throat, blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat, either white or "blood blisters," unrefreshing sleep, sore throat, white coated tongue, dark circles under the eyes, an aversion to being touched or jumping, "crawling" skin, chronic sinus problems and headaches including migraines, chronic dental problems.
Visual disturbances may include blurring, sensitivity to light and eye pain.
Psychological problems may include depression, irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, recurring obsessive thoughts, personality changes, and mood swings (irrational rage or crying for no reason - fear of talking to people, any kind of confrontation, isolation) or paranoia.
More of the physical symptoms may include chills and night sweats, shortness of breath, dizziness and balance problems, sensitivity to heat and/or cold, alcohol intolerance, gluten and/or casein intolerance, irregular heartbeat, irritable bowel, constipation and/or diarrhea, painful gas and abdominal bloating, low-grade fever or low body temperature, numbness, tingling and/or burning sensations in the face or extremities, dryness of the mouth and eyes, difficulty swallowing and projectile vomiting.
Also menstrual problems including PMS and endometriosis, recurrent yeast infections, recurrent ear infections, rashes and dry, flaking skin, eczema, dermatitis, acne, skin discoloration and/or blotchiness, dandruff, jock and rectal itching, chronic athlete's foot, chronic toenail and fingernail fungus, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), allergies and sensitivities to noise/sound, foods, odors, chemicals, anemia, weight changes without changes in diet, light-headedness, feeling in a fog, fainting, muscle twitching and muscle weakness, restless leg syndrome and low sex drive and/or numbness in the genital area.
These are only the symptoms most commonly reported and documented.'
quoted from a random candida web-site, google if you really want to know where from. i'd say i've personally had about 70% of the above symptoms throughout the nine years I've had this disease. the chronic pain and intolerance to pretty much everything apart from a few vegetables and meat (i used to be a vegetarian) are the probably the worst aspects. that doesn't mean the rest doesn't suck too. no offence but slapping some clotrimazole or yogurt between my legs will do absolutely nothing.
I do actually have it under control right now and I'm having fun in my life again at last but only because i saw a really good nutritionist who put me on a regime of several different supplements including strong pro-biotics. that's it, i'm not going to mention symptoms or woes again.
I looked at the site you linked to Evil Scientist and couldn't find anything obvious. could you link me to the actual papers?
thalidomide was aimed at pregnant women. the fact that the pharmaceutical company is still trying to sell it decades later is staggering. they're either still trying to recover from the pr disaster by going 'look- useful after all' or it's an unavoidable by-product of some industrial process and they've decided to feed it to poor lepers in third world countries at a minor profit and as a means of disposal.
You have no idea how many are duds and how many are actually effective. Because you have no evidence to prove it one way or another. A treatment that does nothing is as harmful as a drug that causes birth defects if the upshot is the patient is not getting any treatment.
i've yet to see proof that any are duds. links and evidence please. i'm sure you can provide them. i'm curious.
you have me wrong if you think i'm not for double-blind experimentation. i am. i think it can be a fantastic tool for progressing humankind. one of the best we have. are you implying though, that only mainstream pharmaceutical companies use this method and all alternative researchers are using faulty scientific principles, and drawing conclusions where there are none.? if you are then that's sweeping and incorrect. again i ask you to prove it.
with the i-ching, try stretching yourself a bit. ask it how lots of mundane situations will turn out such as parties you're going to, meetings, job interviews etc and then see if its answers fit. when you have crossroad choices in your life try asking how each of the two possible paths will turn out and then choose the most favourable or as an experiment the least favourable. see how they work out.
the i-ching is perhaps too flexibly interpretable for a scientist. maybe tarot would have been more useful for you. with the tarot, for example, there's no doubt at all the ten of swords means you’re screwed. |