reposting [and slightly tweaked] from what I sent Matt at his Image board:
finally got to read it. pacing was great, made me laugh at a couple of moments. those guys did it for me, didn't they? it's a comic made for my brain and heart, gotta be. like the afternoon cartoon that never was, or one you saw once or twice but left you with enough damage to scar your mind forever, living in the back of your most vivid memories.
I was rereading Grant Morrison's interview at Ellis' COME IN ALONE collecting and he mentions [ok, in 2000] missing comics with what he calls "the sex". CASANOVA would be porn, then... hopefully he'll read it sometime.
oh, those greens. I mentioned purple [was better] but where was I then? they're great as they are, bless Bá - he outdid himself here. this is the kind of story I think he was always going to shine in. oh, did he have any input in Cass' internal monologue? sometimes it sounded like something almost straight out of DE:TALES. you're probably more in the same page than any can imagine.
a lot has been said about the "Wall of Sound" effect and it worked almost perfectly for me. keeping things in that analogy, I kinda missed a stronger chorus, you know? like there was so much Sound layers in the Wall that there was no room for a single moment to shine on its own.
I caught a lot of verse looping, building to the chorus that I only mildly saw at the very last page - which is great in itself, but a lot of other moments could be that thing [like the funeral].
the last take was a great payoff, like those scenes that leave you breathless just before the title credits of your favourite TV show running up. but falling from the cassinOVNI while shooting and phasing through dimensions WAS just it. that first teaser image as your quasi-credits page, summing up what CASS is as a character and book.
anyway, sorry if I anal-ysed it to the point of oblivion. it's awfull to "judge" something by what it's not, it's just how my stupid mind breaks thinks apart sometimes. it was a deep read and I dove right in. back to what it is or may be, not what it isn't:
more characters like the robot girl, Fabula, Night Nurse and Xeno, please. my stupid gut feeling tells me he one day those loose bandages will fall to reveal another Cass [older? disfigured? future son]; that'd be a good reason for collecting interdimensional doubles. fanboy speculation here. edit to add: that's it, Xeno is my favourite character, hands down. me wants the secret origin.
I love how Cass is so at ease with his new reality, no matter the first impressions left him completely lost. hey, funny that reviewer [from the Comics Should Be Good blog, if I recall] who complained about the boobs is OK with the suggestion of the - not to spoil anything - unorthodox nature of Cass possible relation with one of the female characters.
hey, #02 is too far ahead. |