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Indiana Jones


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17:54 / 10.04.06
Indiana Jones is a terrible archaeologist viewed with today's standards, stomping all over the indigenous peoples' rights to their own cultural artifacts.
However by the standards of the time he's fairly ethical, trying to ensure that artifacts are held by a body that will conserve them and enable the general public to see them and learn about them. Or as he says "That belongs in a museum!"
19:19 / 10.04.06
The Nazi fighting comments are all on the money, but Indy's also always at his best rescuing Judeo-Christian artifacts. Can we have the Lance of Longinus in this one?
21:36 / 10.04.06
You could easy get Nazis into it. You could have time traveling nazis who still think WWII is going on sent forward in time by some crazed scientist (they always work well in films, especialy Nazi ones) or work the bemuda traigle into it or the philidelphea experiment, I dont even know what the philidelphea experiment is, it just popped in there, but if someone said it to explain why nazis are in it I'd beleive them.
21:39 / 10.04.06
Which one is it where Indy gets into a two-seater plane only to find something he hates in there with him? Snakes on a two-seater plane!
21:45 / 10.04.06
Can we have the Lance of Longinus in this one?

Given the Anschluss and Hitler's historical record with the Spear of Destiny, this should've been done a long time ago. Over the Grail even.
21:55 / 10.04.06
RE the spear of destiny; it was, sort of. There are a bunch of Indy comics put out by Dark Horse, one of which features the spear.
22:46 / 10.04.06
Nazis in the fifties? Cryonazis!
The Return Of Rothkoid
05:48 / 12.04.06
i'd feel a bit ripped off and worried too- as aren't pretty much all movies based of games shit?

Ordinarily, yes. But the scriptwriting of Lucasfilm's games is slightly better than average...
All Acting Regiment
08:19 / 12.04.06
Better than their films, usually.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:23 / 12.04.06
Like I say: ditch Indy. Give us Guybrush Threepwood.
00:31 / 13.04.06
Or Ben.
00:32 / 13.04.06
00:32 / 13.04.06
miss wonderstarr
06:40 / 13.04.06
Wasn't the Spear of Destiny in Hellblazer already?
miss wonderstarr
06:41 / 13.04.06
I'm sorry, Constantine. Genuine error.
08:12 / 13.04.06
I recon they'll have an alien artifact in it.
16:45 / 28.04.08
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I am so stoked that Indiana Jones 4 is being released soon. I am going to do a countdown of watching movies in the order of 1-3 again before the release of the film to get psyched up. I'll probably do the same for STAR WARS the CLONE WARS when it is going to be released in August. After seeing the trailer don't you have warm feelings on seeing Indiana Jones again?

It looks like he is back to the beginning with this one what do you think? The Ark of the Covenant where it was stored in a crate and put in the big warehouse of crates looks like is being revisited again! I wonder what is going to happen! Can't wait.....May 22nd. Hopefully I can get a ticket in Korea and watch it when it comes.....

Indiana Jones Website
14:06 / 19.05.08
Now that it opened at Cannes yesterday, many reviews are coming in. The general average seems to be 'pretty good - VERY good'. I've got my tickets for Thursday night at the Ziegfeld theater in NYC! Very excited for this.
14:06 / 19.05.08
Now that it opened at Cannes yesterday, many reviews are coming in. The general average seems to be 'pretty good - VERY good'. I've got my tickets for Thursday night at the Ziegfeld theater in NYC! Very excited for this.
17:17 / 19.05.08
Not that excited but perhaps that's a good thing - want to avoid overhyping it in the speshul brane.

Surprised by Directo's comments above about Indy being at his best when chasing down judeo-christian artifacts. Watched Last Crusade the other week for the first time in years and thought it far less entertaining that ToD.
22:57 / 19.05.08
Indy's at his best when socking bad guys RIGHT IN THE FACE!
22:57 / 19.05.08
...And then getting socked in the gut right back and going all wibbly.
23:06 / 19.05.08
One of my sisters saw it in Cannes yesterday. She said it was "fun" and she was "surprised at how un-old Harrison is", punching people and swinging around. But, take it with a grain, she's had a crush on him since the first Star Wars.
23:09 / 19.05.08
Well that's the big thing I've been worried about, truth be told, moreso than Spielberg and Lucas. Watch the old Indy films and look at how much funnier and more expressive Ford is compared to almost anything he's made in the last ten or so years. It's almost like he's forgotten how to move his face.
23:17 / 19.05.08
It's like when you see him in an interview. He's surprisingly wooden and bland, and that does show through in some of his performances. Of course, he's apparently high as a kite, most of the time. It's true. The man loves his weed.
00:59 / 20.05.08
I'm going to try not to go anywhere near this thread until next weekend when I go to see the film. If any of you see me in it, please give me a good ol' fashioned sock in the jaw.

I haven't been so excited since... well, for a long time.
H3ct0r L1m4
02:31 / 20.05.08
i know a lot of the appeal from this new movie comes from nostalgia [talk about the many quadrants this will be able to take to theaters], but it's ok. that's what this is about.

I can't wait to listen to that theme tune in the theaters again. i remember closing my eyes in TEMPLE OF DOOM in the dinner and ritual scenes.

Indy's movies were a big BIG part of the 80s iconic imagery [and part of the late 40s\ early 50s revival that came with it] and i consumed a lot of related products: illustrated book, choose your adventure book, the Atari game that I could never get to finish etc.

watched RAIDERS on a bootleg VHS copy at my Mom's friends; I was raving for THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK and adults for Indy, which got me by the guts - took me a short while to proper contextualize this as a retro-pulp-styled adventure but it has fascinated me ever since.

look at that skull; are there aliens involved? it seems only fitting if it does. i'm so in for this, with a big bucket of popcorn.
15:29 / 20.05.08
Did anyone ever watch that early '90s "Young Indiana Jones" series? I missed out on it. I was in Maastricht for a semester of college in Fall '93, and saw one episode there, the only one I've seen to this day. I think Elizabeth Hurley was in it, but I might be wrong. From what I understand, some stories were about a toddler Indy, and others were about a young adult Indy. I also seem to recall the show was denigrated as bland, boring, psueudo History Channel stuff. I also (finally) read somewhere that Harrison Ford showed up in one of them, playing Indy in the 1950s...speaking of which, does this latest flick take place in the '50s?
18:31 / 20.05.08
Watched a bit of YIJ. Thought it was awfully dull
21:42 / 20.05.08
I had an episode that came with the VHS remastered Indy box set.

Was a bit shit.
Alex's Grandma
00:49 / 21.05.08
After seeing the trailer don't you have warm feelings on seeing Indiana Jones again?

No. Throughout his films, hasn't Indiana been on the wrong side?
Bastard Tweed
18:08 / 21.05.08
Beating up . . . Nazis?
18:50 / 21.05.08
He is a bit of a buster, that Indy, certainly.
19:06 / 21.05.08
Maybe Alex's G means the theory propounded by screenwriter Terry Rossio (who co-wrote the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy), that Indy is always losing in his films. No matter how hard his struggles, he's always getting the short end of the stick -- something the viewer misses due to the little triumphs Indy achieves along the way.

Hell, here's the whole article:

Indiana Jones' Impressive Failures
19:12 / 22.05.08
oh, totally - he's the everyman who's always getting the crap beat out of him (a la Will Eisner's The Spirit in the comics, not talking about the upcoming Miller version) and totally in over his head, 'making it up as he goes along' as he admits in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I assume we can declare this a ** SPOILER ZONE ** from here on, since it's opening day? I'm seeing it tonight.

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