Thanks for your reply Mister Disco and don’t worry I won’t be put of by sarcasm.
I am sorry if I did not make this thread clear enough, I did assume that most barbaloids understood the definitions of a conservative or a liberal I have hyperlinked these two definitions to the wilkipedia for those of you who wonder what definition I am referring to. For those of you who do not want to visit the wilkipeida here is a quote taken from the first paragraph of each definition.
Conservatism [derivative of conserve; from Latin conservare, to keep, guard, observe] is a philosophy defined by Edmund Burke as "a disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve".[1] Classical conservatism does not readily avail itself to the ideology of objectives. It is a philosophy primarily concerned with means over ends. To a classical conservative, the goal of change is less important than the insistence that change be effected with a respect for the rule of law and traditions of society. The traditional enemy of conservatism, therefore, is radicalism (not, as is often asserted, liberalism).
Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, political tradition, and current of political thought, which holds liberty as the primary political value.[1] Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on the power of government and religion (and sometimes corporations), the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports private enterprise, and a system of government that is transparent. This form of government favors liberal democracy with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law, and an equal opportunity to succeed.
You can also find more information on the above by using a search engine.
I also included three links at the start of this thread, I will add them here again to give you chance to read them.
what makes a political conservative
Liberalism is a Psychology
Where Are All The Funny Conservative Bloggers?
I am sorry but I cannot vouch for the credibility of the above three links, yet I added them for us to have some reference to the point of this thread, so you can all understand what I was thinking when I created it.
You know, there's a problem with this thread already. A really big problem. Thing is, some people are neither 'conservative' nor 'liberal'.
You are quite right Mister Disco, Some people are neither conservative or liberal. However some are and these are the people I am referring to in this thread. I have not mentioned the floating voters; I made this thread to discus the difference in psychology of conservatives and liberals Please visit the above links for a definition.
'Conservative' and 'liberal', indeed, mean very different things according to where you are
You are spot on once again; they do have different meanings in other countries. Again I must apologize for my ignorance in not taking into account all the different countries that exist in the world. I am referring to western English speaking democracies, but I expect the values shared by conservatives and liberals are also common throughout the world, even though they may have different names.
I thought that I had used the definition that I expect most of the rest of the English speaking world understand. Again feel free to use the wilkipedia and the links above.
ie in my country, to vote Liberal means you're on the far right.
I would be most interested if you could provide me some links that show ‘far right liberal party’. I do not doubt they exist, just not in the mainstream or English speaking western democracies. Please provide me some links as I cannot find them.
Also would be interested to know what country you live in. Your profile describes your location as the good ship lollipop
So you might want to think about beginning to define those who might answer to 'conservative' and those who might answer to 'liberal'
Again please feel free to use the above links that were present at the start of this thread, or even a search engine or the wilkipedia.
And precisely what small corner of the world your definitions (and this whole thread) are going to apply to. My guess is Massachusetts or somewhere thereabouts. Am I right?
I am sorry but you are wrong. I live in the UK that’s the United Kingdom. You could also have found that our by clicking my name and reading my profile. These hyperlink thingamabobs are really very useful.
Also, I would argue that 'right' and 'left' have largely lost their meaning, since apart from a handful of parties, those who participate in parliamentary politics calling themselves 'left' are no longer socialist or communist in any way at all. Right/left are dead concepts. Arguably this is a proposal that might require a new thread to discuss. Since pundits of all political persuasions have been saying this for years, it doesn't seem necessary to start one now.
This is an interesting point that you have made, and I agree that it would make an excellent thread. I hope you will make it, and I will look forward to giving my constructive opinions on this subject.
I do not think this point is something that should be explored in this thread, as the useful debate it would generate would be lost due to the title and subject of this thread being about something else.
Thirdly, please tell me how 'psychology' can explain everything about politics.
I cannot tell you how ‘psychology’ can explain everything about politics because this is not an opinion that I have ever held. I am unsure where you got this idea, which kind of makes you summing up insult irrelevant.
On second thoughts, please don't. Just stay there in your liberal, psychologising, allegedly classless bubble, delivering the bastard lovechildren of Freud and Skinner.
Yay, so you do know what a liberal is after all. Kind of makes the previous 75 percent of your post irrelevant.
Clearly you have wit and intelligence, it’s just a shame you have not chosen to use it in a more constructive way in this thread. |