I would like to know if many people have reached the "Oh, Bugger it" point in games recently.
For example; in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas everything was going very smoothly up until the 'Flying Lessons' set of missions, at which point I found myself frustrated beyond comparision by the simple fact that the plane would never achieve enough lift to reach a hoop on a particular challenge. Never. Trust me, I tried it enough times. I was forced to assume that at some point in the game prior to this I was supposed to have spent some quality time in light aircraft to build up the flying skill. However, it became so frustrating that I stopped playing, and have not been back since, which is a shame as the rest was fun enough.
This put me off gaming for a while, it has to be said. The OBI point isn't always something like this, either; it can also be the point at which the imagination behind a game obviously gave up, as I almost reached this point on Burnout: Revenge over the weekend, as the stages, although sparkly and beatiful, become repetitive after some play. Oh, all right, three and a half hours of play.
However, the mark of a good game can be when the OBI point seems to peak early, but because of the overall quality you're encouraged to keep trying; I bought God of War this afternoon, and the Hydra proved very frustrating, until you notice the crates and cranes, just to the side... (And yes, I know this is disgustingly early in the game.)
So, the question is dual, really; have you ever reached the OBI point in a game and walked away frustrated, but also have you noticed excellence in games that transcends the OBI point and, if so, care to point them out?
* For those curious about the summary, "OST" Refers to "Oh, Sod this" and "TA/IOOH" refers to "That's it, I'm out of here". Although that was probably guessable. |