other than that, typical convention stuff. waited in a huge, horrible line for about 45 minutes to get in; 30 minutes later there was no line and anyone could walk straight through. bought my ticket online and found that the line to buy tickets at the con was much shorter.
saw a few back issues I actually wanted, but after running to the atm couldn't find the booth where the issues were again. spent a lot of time smashed up against my fellow nerds shouting about whether son goku could beat up silver age superman or just yelling "FOR THE HORDE!!!". tried to pretend I wasn't staring at the cute nerd girls in rubber anime outfits. bought a hot dog for five fucking dollars. went to see Code Geass for free, but it was (horribly) dubbed. and everyone around me was complaining loudly about the dubbing. had a couple dozen yahoos try to push brochures for shit I didn't want into my hands.
I hate and love my inner nerd and was embarrassed for myself and everyone else there.
did anyone go see Garth Ennis talk about why Americans need to read about Dan Dare, or were we all at the Grant Morrison spotlight? did anyone see stick around to see Gail Simone at 6? did anyone watch the Girl Who Leapt Through Time? did anyone go to any of the artist after parties around town (or the pre-party punk show at the knitting factory)? |