So Lothar:
<hands Lothar a f*#kin' coffee>
Cream? Sugar? Mordant sure makes a great brew, eh?
Anyway, I think I answered your questions. You found the answer to one and if you went on the tour, then you read my answer to your first question. But in case you didn’t catch that answer or would like an answer that is less than the answer I’ve already given you, then I’d have to say that by ‘mundane’ I mean all those things that aren’t “…about spells, sigils, servitors, godforms, etc. etc.” I feel that Nick and I are on the same page—but perhaps reading in different languages, and that maybe Mordant’s latest thread, "Raising..." could also be seen as a reflection of my answer to your question: you decide.
tm: I think that any Z can speak for me—and perhaps this is limburger (or a sharp cheddar)—as long as s/he speaks from the heart…and, to me, this you seem to do. So yes, you are quite near the mark. Perhaps a Robin Hood with Persephone (for those of you who know little to nothing about archery, a “Robin Hood” is when one arrow that is already in the target is struck by a second arrow shot at the target in such a way that the second arrow splits the first arrow in two down the length of the shaft). Especially your last full paragraph. Stay iced illin’ yo’! Which is to say, thank you for coming out of your lurking hole to {play}. 

Persephone, you simply full out rock (especially in light of your adventure re: the Kiss-Kiss Bears)! I bet yer bathroom is more spic and span then it’s ever been! 
Love you guys (and gals),
{0, 1, 2} |