quote:Originally posted by bear:
Wasn't there a thread about cool stuff with magick I though[t] Mod was mocking that one?
Not mocking, bear, but spoofing. I see a subtle but important difference between the two! 
That's one sweet cuppa' java, Mordant! Everyone else get a cup? I think I'll go for a second...
<lights smoke>
And my hasn't Nick been a feisty fellow today? Several of yer posts in different threads have made me LOL, including the one above! 
For some reason I see the boomers as a creamy dark blue with orange and pink spots...
If I clue you in, then I won't have to post to this thread anymore! Oh all right. 
Mordant, when you say
quote:...magick is all around us every day
that is not too far off the mark. Pretty damn close to bull's eye really. This is likely where many of the old hands will <yawn> and wonder off.
See the thing is that if I've one gripe about the Magick forum (and I’ve been reading it since a little before this time last year), then it is the lack of appreciation for "novices" or "neophytes." Now what I mean by that is not that we do our best to be rude to them or look down on them or other such lame crap. Quite the contrary, many of us do what we can to address questions from those who are beginning to get their toes wet.
But what I do mean is that if I were reading all these threads from the perspective of a lurking "neophyte," then I think it would be quite easy to get a skewed version of magick and magickal practice. We often talk about spells, sigils, servitors, godforms, etc. etc.—and I think that such talk is fine and dandy—but we rarely address more so-called "mundane" issues.
I am simply concerned with providing those "not-yet-in-the-know" with a better perspective on what magick might be about. I sometimes worry that this forum could lead some people to make a rigid sacred/profane distinction (where 'sacred' is filling in as a synecdoche for {magick, sorcery, mysticism, etc.}) and I feel, as you might know, that such a distinction is no better (or worse) than the high/low distinction.
So, my threads are not some form of concealed insults to those old hands who post frequently to the Magick (you’ll know if I’m actually pissed about something); rather, they are often like subtle lessons for those who post very little ('cause they are only now finding their magick wings--so to speak) or those who do not post at all but only read.
Now the reason that I might sometimes seem to obscure things or make them appear unclear is because that is my way. Personally, I feel that unless you struggle with something to tease out the meaning for yourself, then you haven't really learned anything. If someone tells you something in a way that you totally understand without the need for some thinking, then I don't think you've gained very much.
In short, I’m generating obscurity dependent on grappling with the point; in other words, now and then I’m merely trying to show a larger set of dots for people to connect. So I hope that’s OK with all you fine folks. I realize that such a style doesn’t agree with everyone, but then again, spicy food doesn’t agree with everyone either.
So today, like every other day, I changed the world, even if only slightly and, from my current perspective, imperceptibly. I only hope that I’m changing it for the better.
23 + 31 + 12 = 0 (mod 3) |