Ah yes, so here it is (or at least part of it anyway). We've gotten it out. Now what are we going to do about letting it go?
I actually had you in mind, Ierne, when I posted the link, but not for the reasons that you probably think. I was inspired to write the line "as an s divided, we fall," but then I realized that it might not be clear (i.e. it might be "obsfucating") what I meant by that, so I decided to link to where I explain what I mean. It is only by happenstance that diZzy also contains some (all?) of the elements of hostility to which Mordant was maybe (?) referring.
And geez, who manifested those elements? Why you did Ierne! For some reason or other you decided that everyone who got anything out of diZzy must be beneath you and against you, and that I am most certainly a troll.
Don't judge me simply because I live under a bridge! 
I don't know what you are basing these conclusions of yours on? And I have trouble understanding how an open minded person such as yourself became so quick to condemn and disapprove of others who were involved in a spontaneous magickal act. Is it because it didn't fit in to "Ierne's conceptions of how a thread should be"? 
Again, I have no grievances with anyone here on the 'Lith, but Ierne, you are beginning to try my patience.
And I'm afraid you only got it half right, my dear: I'm not only about division in obscurity but I'm also about unity in clarity, but I see that perhaps you didn't read diZzy at all, but only used it as a place to stomp around in while attempting to shout down the people who were there because they were interested.
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