Well, at present we are addressing your contention that coming out in the west is something contraindicated primarily by its quality of being over, which is a useful, IMHO, tool for relating back to attitudes to homosexuality in the west and in Africa, how the cultures differ and how that cultural divide (or more precisely those cultural divides) can be addressed or exploited by different elements.
So, is it directly a discussion of the publication of the names of 50 men in Cameroon? No, but it is, in my opinion, useful backup to that, as it helps both to illuminate and to evidence the sort of attitudes to homosexuality that exist in a continuum with the attitudes in Cameroon, and who espouses them.
In this case, for example, you, a Westerner, have assumed that there is no stigma attached to homosexuality in the West whatsoever, and specifically that it is advantageous for actors and musicians to come out as gay. This has been challenged as a cultural misunderstanding, and evidence provided. So, what Ganesh said, really, but it does, I think, have a use as a parallel topic. |