What I want to know is what's with this fancy la-de-dah fennec business? When I were a lad we called them desert foxes and that was good enough for us.
Wait a tick, what if fennecs were only genetically modified badgers sent to start the mind controlling process before the badgers make their move for global dominance?
The point has been missed by a lot of sad deluded lemon eaters.
Look at the picture in the crush thread again.
Fennecs stack, very well.
I challenge all fennec haters to a fennec stacking championship. I bet I could totally stack at least nine of them. No one ever stacked nine badgers, that's for sure.
If that doesn't wipe the lemmony tang from your lips then I'm bringing out the fennec jenga.
Why were you looking for a fennec to fight, grant? I was looking for some fennec love instead and this just popped up. NOT WORK SAFE at all, at all. In fact, a bit upsetting altogether.
At least that looks somewhat like some perverted form of genetically-modified human-fennec cross there rather than a bestially-pwnd desert fox per se. Or maybe it's a furry fennec?
Anyway, there is something still unaddressed as yet by the question raised at the beginning of this thread. Fennecs are "not all that" what, exactly?