OK, soul retrieval...
I've done them, and had them done.
My worldview has changed from the "classic" shamanic model that is described by the followers of Michael Harner - Ingerman was taught by Harner if my memory is correct. Ingerman's book is pretty good and covers the basics.
How I would describe "soul fragmentation" is somewhat different.
I must admit now that I'm going to use the term "energy" here, and while I have a dislike of fuzzy terminology there is no better way for me to describe it.
When you are born you are an intact human being with an intact energetic system. You are whole.
Over the course of your life you can encounter various traumatic events that shatter that wholeness. Some people are lucky and have a great upbringing, and a good home, and have relatively few bad things happen to them.
Sometimes, when a terrible event happens part of us splits off from the whole in order to protect, as much as possible, what's left. It's a sacrifice for the greater good. Often, memories are taken away with the energetic fragment. It's a protective mechanism. People often assume that it has to be very serious problems, but it varies from person to person. What shatters one person, is shrugged off by another. Everyone has different tolerances.
Often, these pieces return on their own, once the person has recovered. Sometimes they don't.
Ingerman, et. al describe different ways to "journey" to this soul fragment and entreat it to return to the whole. There can be resistance, but if it is time for the part to come back then it can be persuaded to do so. The Ingerman model tends to treat the fragment a bit like its own person, but ultimately it's about integration. You are attempting to become whole again (or, as whole as possible).
Energetic integrity is a great protection against illness, and should be every person's goal. The more whole you are the more you can withstand life and be healthy.
Sometimes people feel numb after a trauma, and that is the emotional defensive mechanism working, but it can also be because your energetic body has taken a hammering. That's why people often talk about something being missing, or feeling empty, etc. Literally, they are missing part of their energetic body.
Like a magnet, the whole yearns for the part that's missing, and they exert a pull on each other.
What an experienced shamanic practitioner does is follow the link to where the part exists, brings it back, and reunites it with the whole. There are lots of models you can use to do this, and Ingerman's book is one approach.
There are loads of different permutations on this, and a shamanic worker never quite knows what s/he is getting into when s/he begins. Usually, you have a heads up from your spiritual ally, but sometimes there can be a fight.
You see, there's also soul theft. This is where the part is stolen. It can be stolen by a person (often unconsciously). A somewhat common situation is after a bad break-up of a relationship. One person literally wants to hold onto a part of a person, and thus takes a chunk with them when s/he goes. This usually means that the shamanic worker has to persuade the thief to give up the part, or else to force him/her to do so. This can become nasty.
This happens because when you are in an intimate relationship with another person your boundaries are fluid. It's very possible for theft to occur. Especially if there is grief, rage, guilt, etc. at play.
Other entities can also take a piece from a person, and that's a kettle of rats that requires a different tack.
Shamanic work can be hard, scary, and dangerous. I cannot emphasise this point enough.
If someone is interested in knowing if this is an area they should investigate then they could try some kind of divination to check. Perhaps from someone they trust, as it's hard to be objective about yourself.
There are loads of good shamanic workers out there now if anyone wants to contact one.
I should point out that anyone who wants another route should seriously investigate body work. By that I mean T'ai Chi, Yoga, Dancing, etc. Anything that stretches and moves the body.
Personally, I believe that energy fragmentation can be tied into the concept of "body armour" (a la Wilhelm Reich). It's not unusual to burst out crying if you manipulate your body in a certain way. We store a lot of memory in our bodies. By becoming more active and supple we can release these blockages.
There you go. I hope that's not snoring I hear from the Peanut Gallery! |